News News Blog

New Plan for Tom Lee Park to be Unveiled Next Week

Studio Gang

A view of Tom Lee Park from Studio Gang’s 2017 Riverfront Concept Plan.

Riverfront leaders will unveil the vision of the future for Tom Lee Park next Saturday and, with ideas from the community and guidance from two design firms, they say, ”We’ve finally nailed it.”

Last year, the Mississippi River Parks Partnership (MRPP) picked Studio Gang, a Chicago-based design firm, and SCAPE, a New York landscape and urban design firm, to lead the redevelopment of the massive park, perhaps best known as the festival grounds for Memphis in May. The Riverfront Development Corp. (RDC), the precursor of the MRPP, hired Studio Gang to deliver a new concept plan for the riverfront, which it did in 2017.

Studio Gang

Studio Gang’s concept plan shows a reactivated Wolf River Harbor.

Early reports of the Tom Lee Park redesign have included adding rolling hills and trees to the park, and sectioning the now-wide-open space into a series of outdoor rooms. Such features were shown in Studio Gang’s concept. But no new concept renderings have been published.

That will change at noon Saturday, February 2nd. The public is invited to see new pictures, a scale model, animations, and “an immersive virtual reality experience,” according to a news release from MRPP. The event will be held at a new “engagement center” located at the north end of Tom Lee Park.  [pullquote-1] MRPP


“Memphians have been imagining what this riverfront can be for almost 100 years,” said MRPP president and CEO Carol Coletta. “After two-and-a-half years of studying every riverfront plan and hearing from more than 4,000 Memphians, I think we’ve finally nailed it.

“Memphians are going to be so excited by what’s coming to Tom Lee Park. This project is already making national news and will be an unequaled civic statement we can all be proud of as we begin our third century.”

MRPP is halfway to its goal of raising $70 million to support riverfront projects. Some of the money has already been spent on the design and build of the new River Garden park, the River Line bike and pedestrian pathway, and the restoration of the historic cobblestone landing. The remaining funds will be spent to redesign Tom Lee Park.

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An aerial view of the new River Garden park.

Construction on the park is slated to begin in June and wrap up by the end of 2020.

The new Tom Lee Park Engagement Center will be open from 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, for anyone interested in learning about the future of the park. MRPP staff will be at the center from 4 p.m.-7 p.m. every Wednesday and from noon-3 p.m. every Saturday through May.

For more information on the unveiling event, check it out on Facebook.

News News Blog

RDC Rebooted as ‘Memphis River Parks Partnership’

RDC Rebooted as ‘Memphis River Parks Partnership’

The Riverfront Development Corp. (RDC) is now Memphis River Parks Partnership in a move announced Monday morning focused on realizing the Memphis Riverfront Concept Plan.

The group, soon to be led by Kresge Foundation fellow Carol Coletta, ”supports five connected park districts along six miles of the Mississippi River for the people of Memphis.” The Memphis riverfront is “ready for transformation.”
Memphis River Parks Partnership

”We chose the word ‘partnership’ intentionally as part of our name because this is and must be a partnership with the people of Memphis and the city of Memphis,” Coletta said in a statement. “The partnership is committed to delivering a fun, connected and catalytic riverfront.

“The new name and visual identity demonstrate the connection among the five park districts but, more importantly, our commitment to work alongside the community to unlock the transformative power of the riverfront.”

The new group’s brand represents five “distinct yet connected” park districts: Greenbelt, Mud Island, Fourth Bluff, Big River, and Martin Luther King. The black line in the logo represents the route of the coming RiverLine trail that will connect the river parks for cyclists and pedestrians.


The partnership has also launched a new website and social media accounts.

Coletta, a native Memphian and a senior fellow at the Kresge Foundation will replace RDC president Benny Lendermon, who retires from the post this month.

Cover Feature News

Down by the Riverside

The Downtown Memphis riverfront does not suffer from a lack of planning.  Over the last quarter-century, a good dozen documents that could rightly be called plans have been completed for the area between the A.W. Willis Bridge and French Fort. But very few built improvements have arisen from these efforts.
— executive summary, Memphis Riverfront Analysis and Recommendations, Jeff Speck 2013

Two words easily sum up the Memphis riverfront: “It’s complicated.”

“If the solution were obvious, it would’ve been done a long time ago.” That’s Alan Crone, chairman of the newly formed Riverfront Task Force (RTF), quoting Mayor Jim Strickland. And that quote refers only to Mud Island River Park. 

Crone called it all a Gordian knot. That knot is comprised of smaller knots including centuries-old land claims, historic places, parks, our iconic festival, pedestrians, cars, mayors, council members, developers, anti-developers, money, money, and money. Nevermind that the Mississippi River rises and falls each year by about 57 feet, enough to swallow Hotel Napoleon. All of this has made “doing something” on the river a knot that generations of Memphians just haven’t been able to unravel. 

But nearly everyone interviewed for this story talked about the “amazing opportunity” or the “fabulous opportunity” or the “incredible opportunity” the river presents. It was that promise of opportunity that pushed former Memphis Mayor Willie Herenton to form the Riverfront Development Corporation (RDC) back in 2000, according to RDC president Benny Lendermon. 

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Benny Lendermon

Since then, squadrons of architects, engineers, and planners have been called to our shore of the Big River. They’ve produced piles of plans easier described by weight (or, perhaps, in spent dollars) than the outcomes they’ve produced. Ideas have come, and then they’ve gone, brought to us and carried away on the surging-then-waning current of political and community energy for action.

“Now, for the first time in many decades, the city finds itself in the opposite position,” reads the 2013 Speck plan for the riverfront. “As other American cities have successfully acted upon bold plans to enliven their waterfronts, the citizens and leaders of Memphis have come to recognize that their river’s edge is not all that it could be. There exists a strong sense that change is welcome, but no single past plan offers a clear path for this change … and the last thing the city needs is another plan.”

Yet, here we are. Once again, out-of-town consultants canvass our riverfront formulating what is called a brand new Riverfront Concept Plan. They’re offering more ideas (but new ideas) that will knit the nearly five-mile expanse into some cohesive destination for tourists and locals alike to generate excitement, pride, and, yes, money for the city. To make that happen, there is indeed a new surge of political and community energy for action, riverfront leaders said. 

Sound like déjà vu? Well, John Farris, chairman of the RDC, said this time is different. Two private foundations — the Kresge Foundation and the Hyde Foundation — have signed on to help. Also, Mayor Strickland has assembled a task force, which will serve as an arbiter of differing interests on the river and review and choose portions of that new plan, ensuring that “something” will happen.  

“It’s not going to happen instantly, but I think it’s going to happen soon,” Farris said. “In the next few years, you’re going to be seeing a lot of change down on the Memphis riverfront, and it’s all going to be good.”

But some barriers exist between ideas and real change. Here are a few of them:

East doesn’t meet West
To many Memphians, downtown and the riverfront are two different things. “That separation is key,” Crone said. “I started saying that in most Memphians’ minds, Riverside Drive is as far away from Main Street as it is from White Station.”

Call it the Bluff Effect; it’s physical and mental. Climbing the bluff from Riverside to Front and points beyond is a real physical challenge to many. It’s an anomaly Lendermon said he has had to explain to out-of-town consultants. “They look at it and go, ‘What elevation change?'” Lendermon said.

But it’s not just about a heart-pulsing walk. Lendermon said there’s also little that invites people to make that trip. “People like having things to do and walking in places that don’t look like they’re abandoned,” he said. 

But the Bluff Effect also relies on a deep, more intrinsic need in Memphis: a car. 

“Most of the surveys we do [about riverfront issues] say the same thing: parking, parking, parking,” Crone said.  

That was certainly on the mind of Tonya Gollat in January. She and two friends were walking the riverfront. When asked what advice she’d give leaders on the riverfront, she said “parking.” 

“You want people to come down here, but where am I going to park?” Gollat asked. “They do have all this [gesturing at the Beale Street Landing lot], but it’s pay parking and it’s blocked off. People are not going to do it. That’s a waste.”

The Promenade and the “Overton heirs”
Besides any ethereal barriers to connecting downtown to the riverfront, there is another that is, indeed, invisible but very real. 

To see it, let’s dial the wayback machine to the city’s beginning. The founders, including John Overton, decreed a wide, vacant space atop the bluff from Union to some point north (Crone said the deed is a little unclear) would remain dedicated to public use.

So, doing any development on the “promenade” has been a thorny legal bush that has entangled and, ultimately, bested development and developers stretching back to Reconstruction.

“The Chickasaw Bluff, once essential in protecting the city from the Mississippi’s rising waters, now makes it difficult for pedestrians to see or even get near the river,” reads a 2004 study on the promenade area by Cooper, Robertson, and Partners.  

Public comments in that document called for “unique restaurants like ESPN Zone,” “quaint shops,” “restaurants with river views,” coffee houses, sidewalk cafes, museums, a pier, and more. So, the Cooper, Robertson plan called for some private development. 

But the Supreme Court ruled against any private development on the promenade back in the 1960s. The notion was stymied here again around 2004 by public outcry against it. 

“So, you’ve got the Overton legacy,” said Crone. “Then you have the Army Corps of Engineers, who has sway on what goes on on the river. Then, you have the Coast Guard, which has sway on what goes on on the river. So, people say, well, I just don’t see why they just can’t XYZ? Well, it’s probably not because they (being the city) doesn’t want to. It’s because you’ve got a lot of hurdles to overcome, assuming price is no object. It’s just very complicated.”  

Lendermon said that public opposition to private development on the promenade and the formation of Friends for Our Riverfront was “where the RDC starting going South.

“That’s where we started losing [Memphis City Council] support,” Lendermon said. “At first, everyone was behind [the RDC], then it became like guerrilla warfare to get projects done.”

Virginia McLean, who founded Friends for Our Riverfront (FFOR), said she formed the group to give Memphians a voice on the public lands of the Memphis riverfront. She said leaders began to see the riverfront as a money maker instead of a public amenity. 

“Our position has always been that we have incredibly great bones for our riverfront,” McLean said. “It doesn’t have to cost a lot of money. It doesn’t have to have big, silver-bullet projects.”

After the FFOR-led public outcry about the riverfront project, former Mayor Herenton, who appointed Lendermon to lead the RDC, fell out with the council, Lendermon said. “So, if you wanted projects to go through, you didn’t want Herenton to be there helping to support it.” The RDC was left walking a tightrope, Lendermon said, and all of a sudden his group and his work became controversial and, thus, an issue blocking the riverfront’s development.

That controversy certainly followed the RDC through the construction of Beale Street Landing, by far the biggest project the group has managed. The boat dock and public space started with a price tag of $10.4 million but ballooned to a final cost of $43.5 million. Lendermon said the cost changed because the project changed and was not over budget. 

Defending the Landing, Lendermon said dockings there this year will generate $42 million of economic impact. Also, he said, about $2.75 million will go to city tax coffers, which is about $500,000 more than the city is paying on the project’s debt every year. But Lendermon said that’s not the point. 

“It wasn’t built to be a break-even project,” Lendermon said. “It was built to be a park project. It was built to be an amenity.”

That project and many years of consecutive operating budget overruns have put the RDC in the crosshairs for some Memphis politicians. Former council members Wanda Halbert and Harold Collins both floated the idea of bringing RDC-controlled operations back under the city’s umbrella. In 2014, Memphis Mayor A C Wharton called for the organization to become more financially sustainable. By October 2014, the RDC began its “River Vision 2020” plan, which aimed to cut costs and find new revenue streams. 

Farris said the RDC is managing the riverfront for about the same price now that the city was paying 15 years ago. If the city were to do it, “They would’ve been paying a lot more money. From a pure contracting standpoint, we’re able to act a little bit quicker and more easily than the city as far as contracting and responding to issues that arise down on the riverfront,” Farris said. “We don’t have to go through a long procurement process to do work down on the riverfront.”

But the RDC has shrunk over the last few years. Revenue and expenses to the RDC basically halved from 2011 to 2015, according to tax documents. In 2011, the group brought in about $12.4 million and spent $13.2 million. In 2015, the RDC brought in about $6.6 million and spent $6.7 million.

During that time, Lendermon’s salary (another point on which the RDC has been criticized) has remained steady. In 2011, Lendermon made a base salary of $230,589. In 2014, the RDC paid Lendermon a total compesation package of $223,191.

City taxpayers have subsidized the RDC since its inception in 2000, and last year that contract cost $3.1 million. Though the IRS identifies the RDC as an economic development agency, Lendermon said the group hasn’t really done any development projects other than Beale Street Landing. He said the RDC mainly maintains the parks — making repairs, cutting grass, and providing security.

All of this was — before the RDC — the job of the now-defunct Memphis Parks Commission. If Lendermon’s job was to maintain the riverfront parks as a member of city staff, he’d be the highest paid person at Memphis City Hall. In 2016, Memphis Police Department (MPD) director Michael Rallings was paid $219,000. Mayor Jim Strickland was paid just more than $170,000. 

But RDC chairman Farris said comparing Lendermon’s salary to the mayor isn’t fair. “The mayor is not running the riverfront; he’s a public official,” Farris said. “He’s elected by the public. Benny works for a nonprofit.”

Farris said the RDC board chose Lendermon’s salary based on a 2014 report from the Memphis-based Centre Group. That report based his salary, in part, on RDC’s revenues of around $12 to $13 million, which are now around half of that. It also based it upon Lendermon’s length of time in the role. 

In 2014, the group said Lendermon should make between $203,000 and $230,000 wth a performance bonus of 25 percent. The firm compared Lendermon’s salary to other nonprofit executives at the time, including Memphis Convention and Visitors Bureau president Kevin Kane ($326,844), Memphis Tomorrow president Blair Taylor ($237,120), Memphis Chamber president John Moore ($352,539), Reid Dulberger, president of the Memphis and Shelby County Economic Development Growth Engine ($180,000), Downtown Memphis Commission (DMC) president Paul Morris ($175,000), and Laura Morris, executive director of the Shelby Farms Conservancy ($126,716).

Terence Patterson, the new president of the DMC, made $190,000 in 2015, his first year. For the last three years, his group has managed Beale Street for the city, maintaining facilities and coordinating security plans, finances, and events. Last year, the Memphis Zoological Society got $2.9 million to manage the city’s zoo animals and exhibits. In 2015, zoo CEO Chuck Brady made $404,023.

Farris said what the RDC pays Lendermon is “a pretty good value for what he brings to the riverfront. The key reason why I think Benny is so perfectly situated to lead that effort down there is because he has so much institutional knowledge about the riverfront,” Farris said. “He fishes out on the Mississippi River. He is a river guy. He knows all that stuff backwards and forwards. We’re very fortunate to have him right now.”

With a talented, connected, and independent board, well-paid staffers, and years of experience dealing with riverfront issues, some have asked: If we have the RDC, why do we need a task force for riverfront development?

“A task force appointed by the mayor is in a much superior position to say to everybody, to the RDC, to Memphis in May, to Friends for Our Riverfront, and the DMC: I don’t care who it is — everything is on the table,” Crone said. “It’s maybe trite to say, but we really need to throw away all the paradigms and throw away all the preconceived notions about what we think about when we think about the riverfront. We’ve got to be open to change, because I think we’ve maxed out our current use and vision of the riverfront.” 

Tom Lee Park
Tom Lee Park is the “worst,” said Lendermon. “Everyone knows I call [Tom Lee Park] the worst waterfront park in America, and it still is. And I built it.”

Lendermon was the city’s director of public works when the Army Corps of Engineers built a dyke at the base of bluff to protect South Bluffs homes. For about $4 million, Lendermon directed the building of the grassy, 21-acre section of the park atop that dyke. 

The construction allowed for the major expansion of the Memphis in May festival, which, up until the rest of the park was built, had been bursting at the seams at the original, four-acre Tom Lee Park where Beale Street Landing is today. 

Lendermon said Tom Lee Park is a “great festival park,” but there’s no shade, no restrooms, and no place to gather. He said, “It’s like pasture land on the edge of the river,” and it has “so much more potential.” 

But changes, like adding trees or buildings, would hinder the stages, crews, trucks, grills, and more that pile into the park in the weeks before, during, and after Memphis in May. That leaves the park in a state of halted development. 

Memphis in May president Jim Holt said his organization brings 160,000 people to the riverfront each year, and he looks forward to new plans for the area.

“We look forward to opportunities to expand our program activities in Tom Lee Park, our festival home for over 40 years, and other improved public space which may become available with an enhanced and developed riverfront,” Holt said.

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looking South from Bass Pro Shops at the Pyramid

The Opportunities
Changes and additions, including Riverline, Civic Commons, and a new direction for the Beale Street Landing restaurant are all under discussion. Despite all the issues facing the riverfront, there is, indeed, opportunity there. Two projects are underway now that will bring real change to the Memphis riverfront — and probably this year. 

Work is ongoing to make walkable the river-facing stretch of trail on the west side of Bass Pro Shops at the Pyramid. That project is only one part of an overall plan that will stitch the entire riverfront into a connected, walkable stretch. 

Signs will soon be posted for the Riverline project, which will direct pedestrians along the walkway stretching from the north end of Greenbelt Park to Big River Crossing. The RDC hired Copenhagen-based Gehl, an urban planning firm, to thread together what they call “an unbraided cord” of a riverfront from north to south. “[The riverfront] ties together here and there, but the idea is to gather it together,” Lendermon said. “[Gehl has] come up with a neat symbolic marking system to do that.”

Also, that east-west/promenade situation is getting a little love. Last year the city got a $5 million Reimagine the Civic Commons grant from national foundations to tie together some of those assets on the public promenade. That project hopes to thread together the area that includes the Cossitt Library, Memphis Park, and Mississippi River Park in to the Fourth Bluff. 

One of those projects, unveiled at a RDC meeting last week, will create a new recreation area for Mississippi River Park. The new section would incorporate tree houses, climbing structures, and a large meadow for play. 

That plan, which is set for an area just south of the Memphis Visitor Center, could also bring a pop-up park to Riverside Drive which would include basketball courts, a skating rink, and a space for food trucks. That part of the plan, which has not yet received final approval, would be placed on Riverside Drive, shutting down one block of the street from May through August. Work is expected to start on the project this fall. 

The Riverfront Bar & Grill, the restaurant inside Beale Street Landing, could be reimagined soon with some fresh ideas by a Memphis-famous restaurateur. 

Lendermon told RDC members last week that the restaurant will likely open for the season in April, as it does each year. But this summer, things could change. Lendermon said he is working on a new concept for the spot with a restaurateur “that everyone in this room would know.” However, he said no major change would come until the consultants have finished their work.  

Studio Gang and the New Plan
In January, the RDC hired Studio Gang, a renowned “architecture and urbanism practice” based in Chicago, to form the new Riverfront Concept Plan. The firm will present its findings to the Mayor’s Riverfront Task Force at the end of that 12-week process. 

From there, the task force will review options from the plan in a series of public meetings. Crone said the group will prioritize the best (and, perhaps, easiest) recommendations and then set them forth to the Memphis City Council, which will have the final word on funding any riverfront projects. 

Crone said the riverfront needs Overton-Park-level passion. “We need someone … to create for us that kind of amenity that — 100 years from now — people will be so passionate about that they’re willing to lay down in front of a car to protect it,” Crone said.  “We have a world-class amenity in Overton Park, and that’s what we need down [on the riverfront]. Right now we don’t have that.”

Politics Politics Feature

A Victory Lap for the Riverfront Development Corporation


| JUNE 21, 2007

When you’re selling the glories of Mud Island River Park to people old enough to remember its grand opening 25 years ago, you’re scraping the bottom of the barrel.

That’s what the Riverfront Development Corporation’s support tag-team did at the Memphis City Council. The purpose of the presentation wasn’t clear. The council voted to keep $29 million Beale Street Landing in the budget last week. The RDC won. So move on, and make the best of it. The RDC may, after all, be right.

But RDC President Benny Lendermon and his board members sound more like they are trying to talk themselves into believing their own Power Point propaganda.

One slide displayed Tuesday called the intersection of Beale Street and Riverside Drive the most important historic tourist destination in America. Take that, New York City, Boston, Philadelphia, Washington Monument, Golden Gate Bridge, and Grand Canyon!

Beale Street Landing’s biggest fan is city councilman Joe Brown, who thinks it will put the Memphis riverfront on par with the Chicago lakefront and the St. Louis Arch. He praised the tranquility of the Mississippi River and its benefits on community mental health.

Miraculously, other council members in the meeting managed to keep from bursting out laughing. A couple of weeks ago Brown publicly called a colleague “retarded,” prompting a memo to all council members urging decorum.

Board members said they had rounded up $10 million in state and federal funds for Beale Street Landing that would go unused if the project is stopped. In other words, we are spending $19 million in local money to save $10 million in “free” money.

The presentation on Mud Island, which is part of the RDC domain, was condescending. Whatever you think of their arguments, Friends For Our Riverfront is comprised of conscientious long-time Memphians who don’t need to be lectured and — unlike the RDC’s staff and consultants — work for nothing.

As anyone who goes there knows, Mud Island River Park is nicely maintained and the river model is impressive — to visitors seeing it for the first time. The concerts have been a welcome addition. But attempts to jazz up the park with boats and overnight camping suffer from one obvious problem: It is too damn hot in Memphis in the summer, especially before 5 p.m. when the park closes. The place downtown where you can actually see people on the riverfront at all hours of the day is the Mud Island Greenbelt, which offers nothing more than a sidewalk, parking, acres of well-cut grass, pretty views, and some shade.

A few years ago, Memphis architect Frank Ricks proposed putting a ferris wheel at the tip of Mud Island. Throw in a sprinkler park for kids along with some shade and a portable concession stand at Tom Lee Park and clean up the cobblestones, and that’s still the best and most economical idea I have heard for improving the riverfront.

But it looks like the battle is over. Bring on the boat dock, and let’s hope it works.

News The Fly-By

Water World

“Everything I’ve heard from users is that they want a way for the riverfront parks to connect with each other and with the city. We need to extend the walkways,” says one representative of a riverfront group.

“That little walkway that goes behind the [River Tower] wasn’t a huge project, but those connections are important to tie everything together,” says another.

Both representatives talk about ways to get more people to Memphis’ riverfront and bring it to life, with places to sit, places to eat, places to shop, and places to ride a bike or paddle a canoe.

But that is perhaps where the similarities end. One representative is Benny Lendermon, president of the Riverfront Development Corporation (RDC), a quasi-governmental agency in charge of maintaining and improving the riverfront. The other is Virginia McLean, president of Friends for Our Riverfront (FfOR), a grassroots organization started in response to the RDC’s master plan.

Two weeks ago, a City Council committee removed funding for the RDC’s Beale Street Landing project from the city’s upcoming capital improvement budget. Days later, the $29 million project, which includes a floating boat dock designed to look like the neck of a guitar, was back in the budget. Though it hasn’t been officially approved at the time of this writing, I foresee the project going forward.

“It’s a stand-alone project, but it ties Tom Lee Park, Beale Street, and the cobblestones together,” says Lendermon. “The Beale Street Landing is hugely important. We’re about to lose our connection to the water. … You can’t get to the water’s edge.”

The RDC expects that commercial boat traffic will increase dramatically with the new dock, both from local daily excursions and Mississippi River tour boats. Depending on availability of space, private boaters would also be able to tie watercraft at the landing.

Currently, the daily excursion and tour boats dock on the cobblestones. Lendermon says the Beale Street Landing project will allow the RDC to restore the historic cobblestones because the “existing boat operations hamper that ability” now.

FfOR’s McLean is also interested in maintaining the cobblestones but without the landing.

“Is this going to be a place that people are going to love and use?” she asks. “Instead of building a new facility, why don’t we improve what we already have?

“I really believe we could make the cobblestones a great public landing for less money.”

Like Lendermon and McLean, I would love to see the riverfront teem with people. Does it have to be as complicated as the RDC makes it out to be? The river fluctuates an average of 57 feet a year; maybe a floating dock is the best way to get people close to the water.

For the Beale Street Landing to avoid becoming a boondoggle, as Councilwoman Carol Chumney described it, it needs to do two things: get people down to the water’s edge and give them something to do once they are there.

Call it the Jeff Buckley syndrome, but people are drawn to the water. They might think it’s gross, they might think it’s unsafe, but they still want to touch it. I’ve canoed it before and, for about 17 seconds last February, I waded in it. But it’s not something people can do easily.

Right now, the main uses of the riverfront are walking and gazing. The view is amazing. But, after a while, it’s also kind of … boring. Looking at the Mississippi is not like watching the ocean or a harbor full of sailboats. The Beale Street Landing needs to do more than give people a $29 million dock to look at the river.

It’s been said that the riverfront needs a place to get a drink, but it also needs, for lack of a better word, stuff. It needs something kids will love, like sculptures they can climb or a place they can play. (I know Mud Island has that, but it’s an island.) It needs things to see.

Two simple ideas that McLean mentioned were a water garden off the cobblestones and vending machines of fish food. I don’t know the mechanics of a water garden, but I don’t think a garden is ever a bad idea. (Just an aside, if we’re talking water gardens, can someone look into doing one in Overton Park? I’ve seen less disgusting water in open sewers.)

The fish food idea is even more interesting to me. Feeding the fish would be something inexpensive that families could enjoy. Only, for it to be really effective, people have to be able to get close enough to the water to see the fish they’re feeding.

Like I said, I don’t know the answer. But in the end, $29 million or not, we’re all in the same boat.


Advantage Downtown

It’s amazing how quickly Tom Lee Park is cleaned up each year after Memphis In May is over.

On Tuesday, the day after Memorial Day and near the end of a month in which the park was trampled and littered by thousands of people at the music festival, barbecue contest, and Sunset Symphony, most of the trash was gone. The tents, fences, and temporary structures had been taken down, and workmen were mowing and edging the bluff along Riverside Drive. The grass will be watered, the sidewalks hosed down, the flower beds spruced up, and with a little rain Tom Lee Park will be good as new in a few weeks — that is, if you don’t mind ground that’s as hard as concrete.

Now that’s service. Unfortunately, it’s not standard service for Memphis parks.

In 1993, a small group of Memphians, including Midtown residents, recreation directors at Midtown churches, and the principal of East High School, decided that the underused property west of the school would be a good place for playing fields, a track, and a playground. The impetus was a soccer game between Idlewild and Evergreen church teams that had to be played in Cordova because of a scarcity of fields in Midtown. With the help of Lora Jobe, who was then on the school board, and John Vergos, who was then on the Memphis City Council, the Memphis Park Commission hosted a couple of meetings, drew up some plans, and came up with the East High Sportplex.

There was a four-lane rubberized track, two baseball diamonds with backstops, drinking fountains, a football practice field, an asphalt walking path, an undersized soccer field with two goals, and a playground. Mayor Willie Herenton, who was then in his first term, presided at a modest opening ceremony, and that was that.

The total cost of the improvements was around $1 million. There were no consultants. The design certainly didn’t win any awards. There was no economic impact study. If the sportplex attracted any tourists, it was strictly accidental. The only beneficiaries were the students at East High, the little kids who play on the playground, the regulars who use the walking path, and the people who use the fields for pickup games of soccer, baseball, and touch football. The vision of a sports complex for Midtown churches and rec teams proved to be unrealistic, as bigger and better facilities were built in Germantown, Cordova, and DeSoto County. But it was a partial success.

Thirteen years after the East High Sportplex opened, it is no Tom Lee Park. The walking path is covered in spots by broken glass. One of the baseball diamonds doesn’t have any bases. Neither has any grass in the infield, and there are no outfield fences. The goals on the soccer field are falling down, and the nets are gone. If someone kicks a ball through the south goal, it is likely to roll all the way to Poplar Avenue. The football field has more sand and bare dirt than grass. Four guys working out on it Monday said they can’t ever remember it being watered. There is quite a bit of litter on all the fields.

Maybe it shows what happens when you build a public facility next to a poor neighborhood. People drink beer in the park and throw their trash on the ground and become apathetic. Except we don’t say that about Tom Lee Park, where people come to the music festival and drink beer and throw their trash on the ground. We don’t expect the patrons to come back the next day and clean the place up. The workers hired by Memphis In May and the Riverfront Development Corporation (RDC) do it for them. So the park and Mud Island and Riverside Drive look nice, which is as it should be.

But public parks and public facilities in other parts of Memphis are getting screwed. They’re either tended by volunteers and the Memphis Park Commission or they’re not tended at all. There’s no fully staffed and separately budgeted RDC to watch over them. There’s no $29 million project like Beale Street Landing to draw attention and public funds to them. There’s no board of directors to write letters to the newspaper at the first sign of criticism. There’s no catchy program with a shoestring budget and a name like Empty Nets or Stolen Bases or Green Fields to see that regular maintenance is done.

And that’s a shame.