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Music Video Monday Special Thursday Edition: Dead Soldiers

Music Video Monday is on a Thursday and its time to PANIC!

On Friday, March 31 at the New Daisy Theatre, Dead Soliders is throwing a record release party for their third release The Great Emptiness. The band’s electrifying live shows and careful song craft have made them one of Memphis’ favorites, landing them on the Memphis Flyer’s Best of Memphis Best Band list. For the new record, guitarist and vocalist Michael Jasud says, third time’s the charm. ““If you make furniture, is the first table you make going to be the best? No! The last table you make is going to be the best one…If you want longevity, then lightening in a bottle is not the way to go about it. If it happens by accident, that might make a great record, but it doesn’t necessarily speak to the artistry behind it.”

“Prophets of Doom” is is the galloping first single from The Great Emptiness. The band indulges in a little media criticism, calling out the Fox News fearmongers and self-serving propagandists with lines like “We’ve got to keep you scared to keep our jobs.” In the video, directed by Jasud and shot and edited by Joey Miller and Sam Shansky, the band hits the streets to get the wrd out about the dangers of Candy Crush invites.

Music Video Monday Special Thursday Edition: Dead Soldiers

 For more about Dead Soldiers new record, check out the music feature in next week’s Flyer. Meanwhile, I’ll leave with a little more media criticism from Jasud: “I think the modern comic book movie is one of the worst things that’s ever happened to cinema. They’ve made enough of them, they’re using all the money, Hollywood won’t take chances any more, because they can just spend $300 million on an X-Men movie that has the exact same plot as every other superhero movie. I don’t care about aliens destroying the earth any more. I don’t care about ANYTHING destroying the Earth. In fact, I want something to destroy the Earth for real. I don’t want to go to work tomorrow. So I guess that’s why people go to see superhero movies, but I don’t like them, either.”

Preach it, brother!