We’ve all seen the big red dots on maps that indicate our current locations. Artist Kurt Perschke’s globetrotting RedBall Project brings that enormous dot into the 3-D world — to show us where we are and make us experience our current locations differently. The 15-foot ball has visited Paris, gone rogue in the streets of Toledo, and made various awkward and awe-inspiring appearances in places like Taipei, Barcelona, Abu Dhabi, and various other cities around the world. It will spend 10 days in Memphis as part of the Brooks Museum of Art’s centennial celebration.
Brit Worgan ©RedBall Project
Be here now. Kurt Perschke’s RedBall
Perschke’s ball makes its first and last stops at the Brooks where, on Saturday, May 7th, the museum hosts a free Party for the Century from noon to 7 p.m. Joyce Cobb will sing happy birthday, and the Bo-Keys perform at 5 p.m.