News The Fly-By

MEMernet: Windows XP at Shelby Farms, Hip-Hop Samples Memphis Soul Playlist

A Reddit Grab Bag

The Memphis subreddit brimmed with internet gold last week. For example, u/bballin1204 captured the iconic Windows XP screen at Shelby Farms.

Cold Humor

Y’all heard the news about MEMpops?

Their assets are frozen!

Posted to Reddit by u/disgracedland

Sample the Mix

If you’re looking for some true Memphiana, look up reddit user u/goldchainnightmare’s “big list of Memphis soul songs and the hip-hop songs that sampled from them on Spotify.”

An example from the list includes “As Long As I Have You” by The Charmels, which Wu-Tang Clan sampled for “C.R.E.A.M.” Jay-Z and Kanye West sampled Otis Redding’s classic “Try a Little Tenderness” for their song “Otis.”

Virus Lane

Unfortunately, u/chris922001 had to take his wife for COVID-19 testing at Tiger Lane last week. Fortunately, it was a smooth process.

“She went through the questionnaire online yesterday and was called within 30 minutes, an appointment was made for this morning. We arrived a little early and we [were] out of there in 20 minutes. Everything and everyone we had contact with was extremely polite and professional. Now we wait!”

News The Fly-By

MEMernet: A Very Memphis Easter, a New Bar

Lil Christ

Happy Easter from Raleigh Lagrange. from r/memphis

MEMernet: A Very Memphis Easter, a New Bar

Down at the Quarantina
Jeffrey Seidman/Nextdoor


Flyer editor Bruce VanWyngarden showed off his morning mane to Instagram followers over the weekend. It was, yes, hair-raising.
Bruce VanWyngarden/Instagram

News The Fly-By

MEMernet: Standing Brooms, Kind Strangers, and an MLGW Valentine

Swept up

The entire internet was swept away (don’t judge me) by a viral tweet that had folks all over standing their brooms upright. The tweet said that NASA claimed a day last week was the only day of the year brooms would stand on their own because of gravitational pull.

Our very own editor, Bruce VanWyngarden, got in on the miracle, uh, I mean action.

Posted to Instagram by
Bruce VanWyngarden

Kind Strangers

Reddit user u/trillsuave posted that one of his elderly co-workers rides his bike to work every day. But he had a wreck last week, messed up his bike, and needed a replacement.

Within a day, the co-worker was able to secure his friend a new ride, thanks to the folks on the Memphis subreddit. Thanks for the kindness, kind strangers.

CA on Valentine’s

The Commercial Appeal got downright funny (well, punny funny) on Valentine’s Day last week. They posted a series of shareable e-cards, made especially for the Bluff City.

“Let’s grit and grind,” reads one. “Like Peabody Ave., the road to true love was never smooth,” reads another. But here’s my fave.

Posted to

News The Fly-By

MEMernet: ‘I Hit People with Coffee Pots,’ Fox13’s Darrell Greene’s in Time-Out

“I hit people with coffee pots”

Nextdoor user Larry Sides unleashed this amazing, blazing chaos in a post last week titled, “Joe woods response to my post.”

“I never threatened you but if you did call the police he will you all be out here Tuesday I threatened you want time I said I was scared for my life for you from you because you have stab people in sent people out of here and ambulances out that every last text did you ever wrote and at 1 time of anything about threatening you I said I’m scared to you because you have stab people I hit people with coffee pots and put him in the hospital.”

Posted to Nextdoor by Larry Sides

Lady and the …

“The unbiased ‘quality’ of our local CBS News affiliate,” wrote Reddit user u/lkjhiujyrres5 last week during the State of the Union address.

Posted to Reddit by u/lkjhiujyrres5

Calling It

Fox13 anchor Darrell Greene ended up in hot water after a cold-weather tweet last week. As snow fell Friday morning, Greene posted:

Later, he wrote, “They made me take [the tweet] down and stripped me of my ‘calling’ powers for 6 months.”

News The Fly-By

MEMernet: Memphis from Space, Elvis Looks Different, and Better than Chicken

Feeling Seen?

If you felt like someone was watching you last month, maybe they were. On September 6th, an astronaut took this image of Downtown Memphis from the International Space Station as it orbited 261 miles above the U.S.

Posted to Flickr by NASA.

It’s a sign

Posted to Reddit by u/VengefulGH.

King of Sloth?

Reddit users felt all kinds of ways about a new Elvis mural last week. But many saw someone else in it entirely.

hgd1995: Happy to see Sloth from The Goonies got a wig. Good for him.


Posted to Reddit by B1gR1g.

News The Fly-By

MEMernet: Aerial Porta-Potty and Reddit Meta

A round-up of Memphis on the World Wide Web.

Half-Mile High Club

Roof work on the FedExForum continued hilariously last week as a crane hoisted the porta-potty from the top.

Posted to Instagram by tobysells.

Red-handed meta

We’ve been caught!

A keen-eyed Reddit user noted that someone here at Flyer HQ has been mining the Memphis subreddit for tasty MEMernet morsels.

Memphis Flyer definitely has a Redditor on staff,” read a post last week from u/productiveslacker73. “Kudos for giving the OPs credit.”

Keep up the good work, r/Memphis!

More meta

Last week’s Flyer cover story (“By Air and by Land!”) was the 50th written by our very own sports writer, Frank Murtaugh. 50!

Here’s to 50 more, Frank!

Posted to Facebook by Anna Traverse

News The Fly-By

MEMernet: Nuggs for a Ho, Skeletor, and NextDoor

A round-up of Memphis on the World Wide Web.

Nuggs For a Ho

This East Memphis Wendy’s did some “targeted advertising, next level,” according to Reddit user u/cats_dinosaur.

NextDoor Classic

Midtown social media is the place for wild speculation and opining.

Last week, a NextDoor user wondered what new business was going into the former Henry Smith building on Cooper. She’d heard it was a biker bar and wanted to confirm.

The answer was/is CycleBar, a new gym and cycling studio. This answer was given in the second comment on the post.

That didn’t stop NextDoor users on the thread from speculating that it was going to be an “upscale gentlemen’s club,” wondering if a cycling studio was really necessary, complaining about “unused” bike lanes, complaining about people complaining about the “unused” bike lanes, and opining that “Midtown is getting so yuppie-fied.”

Random of the Week

Someone thought last week that drivers on Sam Cooper needed to know that “Skeletor Lives.”

Posted to Reddit by u/R_Hugh_High

News The Fly-By


Why they lyin’?

Leodan Rodriguez, “the first Latino Sigma in the history of the University of Memphis,” tweeted this beautiful scene:

It got some comments: “Why they lyin?” “This is hilarious and so wrong.” “It doesn’t snow in Memphis…this is fake.”

Yes, it was.


Need some eye bleach from all the terrible stuff you’ve read on the internet?

Head on over to the Memphis subreddit for Tell Me Something Good Tuesday. Here’s an example from last week:

bonsaibo – The golden hour pre-sunset light tonight was gorgeous.

MemphisMoon – Only 5 more months ’til I get to visit Memphis again.

CodySpring – Got our offer accepted for the house we are looking into in Memphis. Now to just hope the paperwork and appraisal go through alright.

P.S. Please don’t crucify me but I tried it on my second visit to Memphis and didn’t find Central BBQ to be all it is hyped up to be. Any other recommendations?

BBQspaghetti – We stopped crucifying people 4 or 5 years ago.