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Rhodes President Condemns ‘Hate-Filled Essay’ Written by a Student

Two days after a Rhodes College student put up a spirited, discriminatory post on an Alt-Right blog site, the school’s president speaks out against it, calling it a “hate-filled essay.”

In the post published Wednesday on, Nick Pietrangelo, who identified himself as a Rhodes student, ridicules his peers who signed a letter in support of those affected by the end of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.

Pietrangelo writes, “giving a bunch of lawbreakers special treatment or even amnesty is the exact opposite of American values. America is for AMERICANS.”

“It would be nice if institutions like Rhodes, rather than expressing compassion and concern for the struggles of criminals, fags & transgenders, girls who get knocked up and then regret it, and Black Lives Matter thugs, instead expressed outrage at such heinous acts like abortion, Islamic terrorism, sodomy, or White Genocide,” he continues.

Pietrangelo wraps up his post yearning for a society free of minorities.  [pullquote-1]
“Like the media, the Millennials and social justice warriors will always posture and cry crocodile tears over issues like the DACA announcement,” he writes. “… millions of normal and hardworking White folks don’t give a damn about these ‘Dreamers’ and instead harbor their own dreams of a society with free Whites, free of the troublesome burden of minorities. And one way or another, we will get what we want. Never forget that.”

Rhodes’ president Marjorie Hass sent a disapproving statement to the Rhodes campus Friday, encouraging students to read the school’s statement of vision and diversity, which in part says Rhodes is committed to being a “community that values and welcomes diversity” and that the school will “not tolerate harassment or discrimination.”

Hass said the school’s commitment to diversity and inclusion remains “untouched and unbent.”