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MEMernet: RiverBeat, Drama, and a Beer Prediction

Memphis on the internet.


The inaugural RiverBeat Music Festival drew throngs to the Mississippi last weekend. Most on the MEMernet agreed Tom Lee Park was amazing and the production value was second-to-none.

But being Memphis and that park in particular, detractors complained the crowd was smaller than Memphis in May’s Beale Street Music Festival and that hurt Downtown businesses. Others griped that ticket prices didn’t match the lineup.


If you are looking for a local drama rabbit hole to fall into, head over to the Memphis subreddit and look for “Fox and Cat Vintage drama.” The basic story is there to get you started. Then, follow the links to fall as far as you’d like. Yowza.

Beer Prediction

Posted to Reddit by u/etherian1

“Only a matter of time before someone turns Germantown Lumber into a brewery/tap room,” u/etherian1 predicted on Reddit.

It’s a fitting prophecy for our beer-soaked issue, focused on the winners of our 2024 Beer Bracket Challenge.

“First round on me for whoever can will this into existence,” wrote u/HeyYouGuuys.

Agreed. Second round on us.

News News Blog News Feature

RiverBeat Crowd Photo Was Altered

A viral photo of the RiverBeat Musical Festival’s crowd has been confirmed to have been edited, event organizers say.

In a statement from Forward Momentum, which organized the event, a spokeswoman said it was brought to their attention that the photographer had altered the image of the crowd at the weekend’s festival.

The photo, now deleted, was posted to the event’s social media page featuring elements users speculated to be “altered with AI.”

“The entire crowd along the inside of the fence appears to be altered with AI (weird body shapes, missing arms, blurs, etc.,” Jerred Price said on a Facebook post sharing the image with the festival’s watermark.

The spokeswoman, Michele Anderson, went on to say they had been “transparent about their numbers,” and the event had 30,000 people in attendance.

“We had no knowledge that this photographer altered the image until it was brought to our attention,” she said in a statement. “We will not be working with him going forward, and the image has been removed from all our social media channels.”

Despite this, the festival organizers said they are still “excited about the potential and early success of RiverBeat.”