Opinion Viewpoint

Slouching Toward Refuge

A looming battle is building between United States cities, some states, and the federal government. The issue involves sanctuary status for communities reluctant to cooperate with officials of ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement), given the Trump administration’s stated goal of detaining and deporting all undocumented persons.

The modern sanctuary movement began in the 1980s when perhaps a million people from Central America fled their war-torn homelands (the wars, in all cases, partially financed by the United States). Reagan-era (1980-88) policy referred to these folks as economic migrants. (According to this logic, the migrants were fleeing poverty, not the wars we promoted.)

President Ronald Reagan refused to acknowledge the political dimension of the conflict, and thus, migrants were ineligible for protection under the 1980 Refugee Act. Against this backdrop, some cities with significant Hispanic populations organized a “sanctuary” movement to provide shelter (mostly in religious houses of worship), protection, and aid for people who, literally, were running for their lives.

So we go, historically, from bad to worse.

Back in the 1980s, our nation actively pursued Cold War proxy wars in Central America, the arms industry profited from those wars, we helped destroy infrastructure in three Central American nations displacing multitudes, and then we shut our doors to fleeing refugees. All of this seems, when looked at holistically, especially cruel, written not in conformity with reality but for a modern, tragic Italian opera.

Now we have Mr. Trump, a Reagan redux but without the charm, affability, or charisma of the great communicator. The two presidents share one important characteristic: cluelessness. Given Trump’s recent executive orders, we see a rapid descent back to the ’80s, but this time, thanks to technology, the world can watch the tragedy in real time.

Trump’s executive order regarding refugees seeks to ban people from some majority Muslim nations and is especially unkind, given that one of the nations on the original list, Iraq, was completely destroyed by the U.S. in the illegal (but profitable) war of 2003 that never really ended. Syria is on the list, a country we’ve begun bombing with cruel consequences for a civilian population stuck in a sectarian civil war. Trump’s order, rewritten to pass constitutional muster in the eyes of skeptical judges, has been enjoined once more by skeptical judges.

The President’s executive order on immigration seeks to fulfill an unfulfillable campaign promise: to deport all “illegals.” Given that the administration is determined to win somewhere, sanctuary status for cities — and a few states — has reappeared in the media, with Trump threatening to pull federal grant money in retaliation for these cities’ noncompliance with federal mandates.

The current sanctuary movement is about city leaders protecting the people within their jurisdictions from federal overreach; the central concern involves trust and public safety.

For example, police departments need support from people living in cities and communities who witness crimes; their job is not to enforce federal (and, in this case, politically motivated) immigration executive orders, but to protect people from petty and more serious crimes. When the police are seen as potential agents of deportation, police work and public safety collapse. U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions doesn’t seem to understand any of this and has reacted by bullying local officials, reminiscent of the mid-19th-century Alabama leadership style that defines him.

Trump has already made it clear that raids and deportations will occur as America cracks down on the undocumented. Unlike his predecessor, Mr. Obama, who deported a lot of people, Trump wants to round up everyone who is not in the country with proper documentation — including women and children. People who cross a border without permission, or overstay a tourist visa, have committed a civil code violation, not a crime. Only a cruel cynic could accuse a child who crosses a border with parents or relatives of having committed any type of legal violation. But this administration, unfortunately, is bringing new meaning to cruel and unusual.

We need collaboration between federal and local officials. We don’t need a mass roundup of innocents to appease the political positions of a few fanatics. A showdown between some states/many cities and the federal government is approaching, but given the path this administration is charting, we might be heading back not to the 1980s, but way back to the 1860s.

Bryce Ashby is a Memphis-based attorney and board chair at Latino Memphis. Michael J. LaRosa is an associate professor of history at Rhodes College.

Letter From The Editor Opinion

Nashville’s Silly Season

If it’s February, it must be silly season in Nashville, as the Tennessee General Assembly starts cranking out bills that serve no earthly purpose other than to pander to the worst instincts of their worst constituents.

My favorite this week is the legislation that’s come to be known as the “Mow ‘Em Down” bill. Republican (duh) state Senator Bill Ketron came up with this beauty. Under his proposal, if a person is blocking traffic during a protest or demonstration and a driver hits them, the protester would not be able to sue the driver in civil court for any injuries, as long as it was an accident. Huh huh.

This bill certainly answers a real need, but it doesn’t go far enough, in my opinion. Drivers should be able to sue protesters for any damage to their vehicles incurred while they are being run over. Hopefully, the legislature will address this oversight.

Then there’s the “Make Gay Babies Illegitimate” bill, another classic case of legislation addressing a problem that doesn’t exist. Republican (duh) state Representative Terri Lynn Weaver filed legislation that would effectively make any child conceived through artificial insemination by a gay couple “illegitimate” in the eyes of Tennessee law. Why the state would want to get into the business of labeling babies is beyond me, unless, for some crazy reason Weaver wanted to ostracize and penalize gay Tennesseans. But who would want to do that?

Then we have the “California Travel Ban” bill, which is in response to California banning all official travel to Tennessee because of our state’s backward LGBTQ laws. If this law passes, none of our esteemed legislators will be able to take a junket to the Golden State — a win-win for California, which has no desire to be visited by those clowns in Nashville, anyway.

And what legislative session would be complete without some simple-minded silliness from good ol’ Republican (ya think?) Senator Mae Beavers, who has a crackerjack plan to eliminate pornography. Or something. “My goodness,” she said in a recent interview, “you can’t even look at my Facebook without seeing something.” I sense a Facebook ban in our future. Sad emoji.

The legislators are also considering bills that would ban towns in Tennessee from being able to declare themselves “sanctuary cities,” because brown people need to be harassed and made fearful, at all costs. It’s the Christian thing to do.

Actually, the anti-sanctuary city law has deeper origins than simple bigotry. With ICE raids increasing around the country and the Trump administration’s determination to arrest more undocumented residents, our prisons will be filling up nicely. And who does this benefit? If you guessed the private prison industry, you would be correct, Sparky. And the largest private prison corporation in the U.S. just happens to be located in Nashville: CoreCivic, formerly known as Corrections Corporation of America.

Last year, the federal government under the Obama administration moved to stop using private prisons, but that decision is unlikely to stand with the new administration, and CoreCivic’s stock is rising nicely as a result.

Yes, many of our legislators are shallow, mean-spirited, and foolish, but even for them, the oldest rule in politics still applies: Follow the money.