Letters To The Editor Opinion

What They Said…

Greg Cravens

About Jackson Baker’s post, “Local Reactions to Passing of Justice Antonin Scalia” …

Justice Scalia was not allowed to rest in peace before Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio made statements that the next president should name his replacement. Mitch McConnell said that the nomination should be delayed until after the next presidential election because the “American people should have a voice” in the selection of their next Supreme Court justice.

The American people had a choice when they elected President Obama twice, and each time he received over 50 percent of the vote. It is the president’s right and constitutional duty to nominate a successor to Justice Scalia.

There is no historical precedent to leave a vacancy unfilled during a presidential election year. There have been several nominations by Democratic and Republican presidents, and confirmations during presidential election years, including the nomination and confirmation in 1916 of one of the greatest Supreme Court justices, Louis Brandeis.

It is all dirty politics with the Republicans. But the Republican majority in the Senate shame themselves and the Constitution if they refuse to consider President Obama’s nominee to replace Justice Scalia.

Philip Williams

Scalia regularly asserted originalism, yet frequently based his decisions upon his religion. Like many, he worried too much about his neighbor’s actions and too little about his own.


The issue that will be fought over like a modern civil war is: Who the hell is going to assume custody of Clarence Thomas?


Scalia is a fine example of a bifurcation of intellect and intelligence.

CL Mullins

About Toby Sells’ post, “Parking, Traffic Proposals Unveiled for Overton Park” …

“Reinforce the Greensward with Grasscrete, a concrete structure that allows grass to grow through it.” I am not surprised this statement elicited a negative response. It is completely out of phase with the primary concern of many park-goers; i.e., the preservation of the Greensward.


I imagine grasscrete would feel just like it sounds, especially when you slip and fall on it while chasing a runaway 5-year-old. That isn’t really going to be a solution.


That’s a very professional and creative team from Looney Ricks Kiss working on this project, with Memphis’ best interest at heart. No doubt a doable solution can be agreed upon to preserve all that Overton Park and the zoo have to offer.


About Bruce VanWyngarden’s Letter from the Editor, “Trump vs. Sanders? It Could Happen” …

The truly crazy thing about Sanders vs. Trump is that it would be a contest over issues that people care passionately about. Bush vs. Clinton would only be a question of what team you’re on.


Trump trumps them all in the latest USA Today polling. The Bern has a chance against Cruz, the only Republican he outpolls at this point, if he can get past HillBilly and her shenanigans.


Millions of twenty-somethings have been dumbed down enough to think that there is a such a thing as “free” tuition.

Mickey White

Whenever people deride “free” college and medical care, no one points out that, by the same thinking, our wars are free, too.

I suspect Mickey knows wars are not free, either. But plenty of other people who are perfectly happy to spend a billion dollars a day fighting wars on foreign soil for no good reason except “America” will sneer and mock the hippies who want free college and free medical care, as if they’re a bunch of naïve tools.

It’s a question of what we want to spend our money on, because the money will be spent. War? Or free college and free medical care? A little less of the first and we can afford the second.


Memphis Gaydar News

Shelby County Clerk’s Office Is Issuing Marriage Licenses for Same-Sex Couples

Bradley and Chris Brower

The Shelby County Clerk’s Office began issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples right after the Supreme Court’s 5-4 ruling in favor of legal gay marriage in all 50 states.

Memphians Bradley and Chris Brower, who held a wedding ceremony in Memphis on June 13th,  were issued the first marriage license in Shelby County at around 11:30 a.m. The couple will be granting an interview to the Flyer later this afternoon.