News The Fly-By

Serve and Protect

When the Las Vegas Police Department merged with the Clark County Sheriff’s Office 35 years ago, departmental pride kept some officers apart.

“You’d go into a room and the city guys would be on one side and the county guys would be on another side,” said Tom Roberts, director of intergovernmental services for the Las Vegas metro department. “But that problem fizzled out over time.”

Roberts presented an overview of Las Vegas’ consolidated city and county police force to the Shelby County Commission’s law enforcement task force last week. The task force, headed by Commissioner Mike Carpenter, also heard from representatives of the Shelby County Sheriffs’ Association.

“Our investigators and specialists are concerned that consolidation would cause there to be too many people in investigator positions,” said association vice president Dan Chapman. “They’re afraid they’d be put back into patrolmen positions after they’ve worked years to get the jobs they have.”

Other association members are worried that consolidation would concentrate more resources on crime inside the city limits, leaving residents of Arlington, Lakeland, and other unincorporated areas with less police protection.

“Some of our guys have worked in the same areas for a long time, and they’ve developed relationships with the people who live there,” Chapman said. “We’re afraid the people they’ve faithfully served over the years would find they’re no longer enjoying the level of service they’re accustomed to.”

But not all sheriffs’ association members are against consolidation. Association president John Kraemer said he’s heard several members say they wouldn’t mind consolidating the two departments because Memphis police officers get better benefits.

“Many of our members have made it clear to me that they’re all for consolidation, but they don’t want [Sheriff Mark Luttrell] in charge,” Kraemer said.

County police officers have had two significant pay cuts in the last two years, Chapman said. “So our guys think, if we consolidate, at least we’ll get a raise.”

Tommy Turner, president of the Memphis Police Association, said his group will only support consolidation if the Memphis department is the lead agency.

“Our contract is with the city of Memphis and the police department, and we will not relinquish it,” Turner said.

Turner said the agreement with the city provides better compensation when officers have to go to court or work overtime than the sheriff’s office. MPD officers also make higher wages.

The task force has four more meetings before it is expected to make any proposal for or against consolidation. Carpenter says the commission will keep all issues in mind.

“If we decide to go in this direction [toward consolidation], we can balance those concerns,” Carpenter said. “Is everybody going to be happy? No, they never are. But I think we can make sure the officers are taken care of.”

Politics Politics Feature

Corker Says Constituents and “Common Sense” Come Before Political Loyalties

In a visit to Shelby County Wednesday, Bob Corker, the
Republican who was elected to the U.S. Senate last year over Democrat Harold
Ford Jr. in a tight race that drew ample national attention, made it clear that
partisan issues are the least of his concerns.

Both in a luncheon address to Rotarians at the Germantown
Country Club and in remarks to reporters afterward, former Chattanooga mayor
Corker emphasized a “common sense” approach in which “I strive to make sure that
everybody in the state is proud of the way I conduct myself…to understand issues
as they really are, devoid of some of the rhetoric that surrounds these
issues…[and] the political whims of the day.”

Take his response when asked whether embattled GOP senator
Larry Craig, busted in the infamous “wide stance” airport-restroom case, should
resign for the good of the Republican Party:

Corker said Craig’s predicament was a matter for the
“people of Idaho” and the Senate Ethics Committee. “I don’t try to get into all
the political ramifications of this or that. The way to get a whole lot more
done is to focus on issues.” Somewhat disdainfully, he added, “There are all
these messaging amendments that we do, all about making one side look bad and
the other side look good. Democrats do it, and Republicans do it. It’s a total
waste of time.”

Helping The Med

As to how that even-handed outlook affected his stand on
issues, Corker was explicit. He talked of applying pressure on the
Administration, especially on recent health-care issues he considered urgent for
his constituents. “I know for a fact that I played a huge role in this [latest]
TennCare waiver thing. I have to say I had to put a hold on the Bush
nominations to make it happen. I thought it was important for our state.”

And there was his vote and enthusiastic support recently to expand SChip (the
federal State Children’s Health
Insurance Program) so as to increase funding for Tennessee by $30
million and to permit Medicaid payments for patients at The Med from Arkansas
and Mississippi. Both Corker and Tennessee GOP colleague Lamar Alexander
strongly supported the bill, which passed but was vetoed last week by President

“I was glad to have worked out these issues
that have plagued the Med for so long. It’s ridiculous that people from Arkansas
and Mississippi have used the facility for so long and don’t pay for it. What’s
the logic in that?” Corker said, vowing to try to get the Med-friendly
provisions re-established in a veto-proof compromise measure yet to be

Corker made a pitch for the Every American Insured Health Act,
a bill he has sponsored that, he said, would modify the tax code so as to
guarantee universal access to private health insurance “but would not add a
penny to the national deficit.”

Contending that “what I’m trying to do is to add to
the equation a real debate, a real solution,” the senator said his proposal had been
“slammed” on the same day by both a conservative columnist and a liberal
columnist, leading him to conclude, “I’m pretty sure we got it just about

Corker said that executives of key national corporations,
saddled with large health-care costs for their employees, were “waling the halls
of Congress trying to get us to move to a government-run system so they can
alleviate. that expense which makes them non-competitive.” Without some
alternative form of universal access, he said, such a government-run system was

With 800,000 Tennesseans and 47 million Americans lacking
health-care coverage, there was also a “moral obligation” to make coverage universal,
Corker stressed.

Relations with Iran and Syria

As a member of both the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee
and the body’s Armed Services committee, Corker says he is focusing hard on
issues relating to war-torn Iraq, a country he has visited twice, and
neighboring Iran, subject of much speculation these days concerning possible
future hostilities between that country and the U.S.

Here again, the senator stressed his determination to
maintain independence of judgment. “I’ve had some very tense moments with this
administration – in the first two months I was up there [in Washington]
especially. There were some underwhelming meetings.”

Corker is dubious about the current political leadership of
Iraq {“things cannot go on as they are”) but supportive for the time being of
the current military strategy of General David Petraeus, with whom he stays in

On Iran, Corker said there was “some concern in the
Senate that the president might take action” and emphasized that “he [Bush]would have
to have Senate authority to do that.” Corker reminded reporters that after his
election he had said on CBS’ Face the Nation that diplomatic negotiations
with both Syria and Iran were necessary.

“We don’t want to overplay our hand in Iran,” he said.
“There’s a group of people there who want to be our friends. If we move into
Iran unilaterally others [in the region] will step back from being our friends.”

Corker, who was a construction executive before entering
politics, related the current diplomatic situation to his experience in
labor-management negotiations in Tennessee. “If you don’t talk with your enemies
they remain your enemies. There’s a lot to be learned just to be in somebody’s
presence,” he said.

Politics Politics Feature

Bump in the Road

A few weeks ago, Keith Norman, matched against rival candidate Jay Bailey, seemed a good bet to become the next chairman of the Shelby County Democratic Party.

His public boosters included both Shelby County commissioner Sidney Chism, the former Teamster leader and ex-party chairman who leads one of the major party factions, and Desi Franklin, a leader of the Mid-South Democrats in Action, a reformist group that came on the local political scene in the wake of the 2004 presidential campaign.

The combination of Chism’s supporters and the MSDIA group (abetted by members of Democracy in Memphis, an outgrowth of the erstwhile Howard Dean movement) was enough to put Matt Kuhn over as party chairman in 2005. At the time, Kuhn, a youthful political operative and veteran of numerous campaigns, was regarded as a compromise “third-force” choice — a break from the back-and-forth pendulum swings between the party’s “Ford faction” and Chism’s group, loyal, more or less, to Mayor Willie Herenton.

Jackson Baker

Keith Norman

To be sure, local Democrats are disputatious (maybe we should say “free-minded”) enough to do justice to 20th-century humorist Will Rogers’ line, “I’m not a member of an organized political party; I’m a Democrat.” Their loyalties are not so hard and fast as to be confined permanently to one bloc or another.

Lawyer Bailey, son of former longtime county commissioner Walter Bailey, had a span of his own, ranging from members of the old Ford faction to party loyalists grateful for his legal representation of several defeated Democratic candidates who challenged the results of last year’s countywide elections.

Even so, depending on how the delegate-selection process from the party’s March 3rd caucus actually sorted out, the Chism-Franklin arithmetic was regarded in many quarters as good enough to give Norman, a Baptist minister, the advantage in the forthcoming local Democratic convention, to be held on Saturday, March 31st.

This impression was bolstered by Norman’s speaking appearance late last month at a meeting of the MSDIA — one that was attended by curious party members from various factions.

At that event, Norman spoke eloquently and persuasively (as befits someone long used to dealing with a large congregation, in his case, the First Baptist Church on Broad Street). He proclaimed a “big tent” philosophy in which a variety of viewpoints would be welcomed within the party, talked turkey on matters of fund-raising, Get-Out-the-Vote efforts, and managed to skirt potentially divisive issues like abortion and gay rights.

Though Bailey is a trial lawyer with ample rhetorical skills of his own, it seemed obvious to attendees at the MSDIA meeting that Norman, a towering but good-natured presence, would be a hard man to match up to, one-on-one. It seemed clear, too — both from Norman’s presentation and from testimonials paid him by various Democratic luminaries and activists — that his appeal could be wide enough to transcend factional differences.

Jackson Baker

Richard Fields

Ninth District congressman Steve Cohen passed along his compliments, and even David Upton, a longtime Bailey associate and backer, had good things to say about Norman.

Some of his professed supporters, however, may have done him more harm than good.

The Fields Case (Continued)

There was the strange case of attorney Richard Fields, who in recent election years has comported himself in the manner of a would-be kingmaker. In fairness, Fields probably sees himself as some kind of public ombudsman, overseeing the political process in the interests of the people.

In any event, Fields made a big splash during the 2006 countywide election process, composing open letters about the attributes, positive and negative, of various candidates. His widely distributed observations on judicial candidates in particular were regarded as having had palpable effect in the election results.

Fields, however, was not universally accepted as an unbiased observer. Some African-American observers — notably blogger Thaddeus Matthews — argued that Fields was bolstering mainly white, establishment-supported candidates and selectively bashing independent-minded blacks.

The very charge, true or not, was ironic, given Fields’ background as a civil rights attorney, his marriages to black women, and the biracial nature of his several children.

In truth, Fields supported both whites and blacks and Democrats as well as Republicans, though Matthews and others, notably attorney Robert Spence, saw him as having hedged his endorsements, even changing several, in order to create a false appearance of objectivity.

As chronicled in a previous column (“The Fields Case,” February 1st issue), two white candidates for General Sessions judgeships — Janet Shipman and Regina Morrison Newman — saw their promised endorsements belatedly withdrawn by Fields in favor of equally qualified black candidates, Lee Coffee and Deborah Henderson, respectively.

Coffee and Henderson, who, among their other important endorsements, had that of the Shelby County Republican Party, both won, and Shipman and
Newman each later agreed with Spence’s assessment that they had fallen victim to Fields’ need to do some old-fashioned ticket-balancing.

Spence himself had serious arguments with erstwhile supporter Fields during his service some years ago as city attorney and later made unspecified charges that Fields had tried to extort unwarranted favors from him.

Jackson Baker

Legislative Leaders: West Tennessee may have lost some clout in the Tennessee General Assembly, but not Shelby County, which boasts both party leaders in the Senate. Here Mark Norris (left), Republican majority leader, and Jim Kyle, Democratic leader, mull over a compromise on medical tort reform.

When Spence became a candidate in the special Democratic primary to fill a state Senate vacancy early this year, Fields materialized yet again as a public scold, sending out an advisory letter warning voters of what he saw as Spence’s derelictions as city attorney. Spence lost to fellow Democrat Beverly Marrero, who also won the general election last week to succeed Cohen (and interim fill-in senator Shea Flinn) as state senator from District 30.

In any case, Fields’ ad hoc career as commentator on elections and would-be arbiter of candidacies was already well-launched when he rose during the last several minutes of Norman’s meeting with MSDIA members to make a point of revealing his own support of the minister, announcing, in fact, that he had “vetted” Norman’s candidacy beforehand.

That statement, together with Norman’s own wry revelation that Fields had made several telephone calls to him that day to make sure he would be in attendance at the MSDIA event, created an impression, right or wrong, that Fields was a prime mover in the Norman candidacy.

Confusion in the Ranks

Reaction to Fields’ intervention was virtually immediate. This was, after all, no judicial election for which Fields, as a longtime practicing attorney, could be thought of as supplying a pure, even-handed evaluation of credentials. This was the most partisan of all possible partisan matters — the selection of a party leader — and Fields was not exactly the ideal endorser.

He had, after all, been forced to resign last year as a member of the very Democratic committee that will have to decide on a new chairman. His offense? Pooling his legal efforts with those of the state Republican Party to overturn the 2005 special election victory of Democrat Ophelia Ford for reasons of possible election fraud committed on her behalf.

No one on the committee quarreled with Fields’ right to seek that legal end — just not as a member of the Democratic committee. (Ford’s election was, in fact, ultimately voided by the state Senate, though she won election to the seat overwhelmingly in last year’s regular election.)

Several rank-and-file Democrats expressed open displeasure concerning Fields’ involvement in the chairmanship race, and blogger Matthews would later report that Norman, when asked about it, “denounced” Fields as a potential supporter. Asked about that this week, Norman declined comment. He also would neither confirm nor deny that he had distanced himself, as reported by Matthews, from Chism’s support.

For obvious reasons, all of this fuss caused some rethinking about Norman’s inevitability as a chairman. The pastor himself would say only that he preferred to speak of “principles” rather than personalities, that he wanted to avoid immersion in factional disputes, that he had no wish to be judgmental, and that he had resolved to keep his own efforts “on higher ground.”

Last week saw the resolution of two political mini-dramas with the special-election victories of Democrats Marrero and G.A. Hardaway for state Senate and state House positions, respectively. (New District 92 representative Hardaway, a longtime campaigner for father’s-rights legislation in child-custody cases, will presumably bring with him his continued dedication to that cause.)

One other piece of news from the week (actually late last week): Shelby County Election Commission chairman Greg Duckett was named to the state Election Commission — which means that a new member will shortly be named to the county Election Commission.

Whoops! Here comes another political drama — maybe not so mini. The fact is, the local commission is facing not a single routine replacement but something resembling a total makeover — at least of its three-member Democratic Party contingent.

The commission as a whole has come under frequent challenge during the past year for alleged derelictions in supervising elections, and, while the commission’s two Republicans, Rich Holden and Nancye Hines, appear to have escaped their partymates’ wrath and seem assured of a safe return, the remaining Democrats are at risk.

As Senate Democratic leader Jim Kyle, a member of the Shelby County legislative delegation that will resolve the issue, put it on Thursday: “I wouldn’t be surprised if either Maura [Sullivan] or O.C. [Pleasant] went off, too. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if they both did.”

A total swap-out for the Election Commission’s Democrats? Other legislators from Shelby County — like delegation chairman Joe Towns, who personally took no position on the prospect of a complete makeover — said they’d heard similar conjectures.

The list of Democratic applicants for one, two, or three positions include the two party holdovers, Sullivan and Pleasant, and several other well-known local Democrats, including former commissioner Myra Stiles’ recent countywide candidates Coleman Thompson, Shep Wilbun, and Sondra Becton and local AFSCME leader Dorothy Crook.

Some measure of Democrats’ discontent with the status quo on the commission can be gleaned from the fact that Suzanne Darnell, representing the local Democratic executive committee’s task force on the election process, has requested a meeting with Election Commission members and staff to discuss 14 separate points of misgiving concerning the way elections went last year.

The points ranged from doubts concerning election hardware and software to questions concerning the commission’s oversight and the fact that the post of deputy commission director continues to go unfilled. The late Barbara Lawing, a longtime Democratic activist and proponent of civil rights and feminist issues, will be the only posthumous recipient of the seven Women of Achievement awards that will be given Sunday at 4 p.m., at the University of Memphis-area Holiday Inn as part of National Women’s History Month. Other recipients will be the Rev. Rebekah Jordan, Donna Fortson, Nancy Lawhead, Gertrude Purdue, Modeane Thompson, and Sheila White.

News The Fly-By

First Response

Sometimes you’re dead if you do and dead if you don’t.

As Shelby County citizens have discovered, the split between the county’s various emergency response systems has created problems that have residents clamoring for change. And with Collierville and Germantown ready to opt out of the contract with Rural/Metro, local ambulance service looks to become more disjointed.

Municipal fire departments respond to every emergency call throughout Shelby County and can administer medical attention but cannot provide residents transportation to the hospital, regardless of a situation’s severity. In Germantown, Collierville, and the unincorporated areas, that’s the job of Rural/Metro, the county’s ambulance subcontractor with a reputation for lagging response times. The county now plans to let the current Rural/Metro contract expire June 30th and rebid ambulance service.

Joe Phillips, state director of emergency medical services, explains that the county’s agreement with Rural/Metro hasn’t specified the need for more ambulances. “The demand for service [in Shelby County] has increased, but the contract [with Rural/Metro] hasn’t changed,” he says.

Ambulance service areas have caused another series of problems. Metropolitan Shelby County is split into three emergency medical service jurisdictions. As the deaths of Jim Wagner in 2003 and former mayor Wyeth Chandler in 2004 demonstrated, this approach creates gray areas large enough to lose lives.

Now Germantown and Collierville plan to explore options for separate ambulance service. A local precedent for the proposed move exists. Bartlett has operated its own ambulance squad for 30 years as a service of the city’s fire department. According to Bartlett fire chief Terry Wiggins, Bartlett ambulances average four-and-a-half minutes per response, and he estimates that they answered 2,000 medical calls last year.

“We’ve had a good thing going for years,” Wiggins says.

The question remains whether the increased efficiency of ambulance service will translate into less jurisdictional confusion. Though Wiggins is proud of Bartlett’s independent service, the death of Jim Wagner, blocks from the Bartlett city limit, revealed flaws in the system. Bartlett and Memphis emergency dispatchers squabbled over who should answer the 911 call, while Wagner suffered a fatal heart attack.

Jay Fitch, founder of Fitch and Associates, a consulting firm in the emergency medical services industry, says, “It’s all community-specific. They have to look at the clinical, operational, and fiscal aspects and ask, ‘Is it sustainable?’

“Some communities have overestimated revenue and underestimated costs,” he adds. Fitch urges a thoughtful, systematic approach to the problem. Despite the powerful temptation — and the legal impetus — to go solo, he says, “Once you fragment, it’s very hard to put it back together.”

Cover Feature News

Trash Talkin’

The automated garbage truck suits a person like Vera Washington: self-sufficient and economic of motion. She often leaves the Bellevue solid-waste installation on North Watkins before the 7 a.m. shift start time, since she doesn’t need to wait on a crew. She takes advantage of the incentive program that allows solid-waste crews to go home as soon as their zones are clean. She forsakes designated break periods, eats nothing, and takes barely a sip of water on her route. A few Kool super-longs curb her appetite. The 54-year-old grandmother has worked 31 years for the city. Along the way, she has earned the respect of her colleagues, including acting supervisor at the Bellevue installation, Al Sherrill.

“Vera can operate that truck like a man. She’s one of the best I’ve seen,” says Sherrill.

Mike Camurati, west-sector administrator of the city of Memphis solid-waste management department, echoes this praise, without the chauvinism. “Vera’s the best driver we have on those [automated] trucks,” Camurati says.

Though many of us take Vera and her colleagues for granted, their work not only saves Memphis from its own waste, it represents taxpayer dollars at work for the environment. The business is both dirty and costly. Shelby County generated 2.5 million tons of solid waste in 2005 and budgeted $49 million for its removal. But how well does the system work? What happens to all that trash you toss into your green cart and wheel to the street? And what about this copy of the Flyer that you (we hope) toss into the recycle bin when you’re finished with it — along with your glass and plastic items? Just where does all this junk go and what happens to it?

Come along for a journey into the dirty side of Memphis.

Washington and her sister applied for city jobs in 1975. Washington became a crew member on a garbage truck, while her sister joined a dead-animal removal crew.

“My first two-week check was $99,” Washington recalls. “That was a lot of money then.”

Washington eventually earned her class B commercial driver’s license, became a garbage-truck driver, then a crew chief, and then took over an automated truck about three years ago.

Justin Fox Burks

Dirty work: the BFI landfill near Millington

Washington is one of the lucky few. According to Jerry Collins, director of public works for the city of Memphis, the solid-waste department employed approximately 1,600 people the year Washington was hired, and while the city has grown significantly since then, the department’s budget only allocates 653 employees today. Automation technology has made workers expendable and sanitation work more cost-effective.

The city’s fleet of garbage vehicles includes 19 automated trucks, each costing about $200,000. Drivers use a direction control to extend a crane-like arm and lower it over its prey, the trash cart. The push of a button constricts a circular grip around the cart, which is then picked up and overturned into the truck’s hopper. The hopper holds up to 31 cubic yards of solid waste.

The process creates constant turbulence in the truck’s cab, which has two seats, each equipped with a steering wheel, pedals, and controls. Washington sits on the European driver’s side, propped at the edge of her seat and barely peeking over the wheel. Though onboard cameras offer views from the arm and rear of the vehicle, Washington looks over her shoulder to see what she needs to grab.

She can even tweak the control stick while lowering a dumped cart and close its lid before depositing it gently back in place. Washington is a past champion at the Memphis Solid Waste Department rodeo, which means she lassoed and dumped more carts with her mechanized arm in less time than any other competitor.

“I love this truck,” she says. “Wouldn’t trade it for the world.”

Justin Fox Burks

Vera Washington

Though she wouldn’t part with the truck, the carts she could do without. “The city needs new, better carts. These are the same since 1980, and they’re so thin.”

Her Tuesday route in Frayser covers about 400 homes. Other days she’s in Raleigh, Senate Hill, and Spring Valley, off Highway 51 toward Millington. During the shift, supervisory types buzz up in city vehicles to pass a slip of paper scrawled with a missed address, helping ensure that Washington and other crews achieve the 100 percent satisfaction they strive for each day.

Washington’s lengthy tenure in the job provides a unique perspective on the city and how its residents and their habits have changed over the last three decades.

“People waste more than 30 years ago, but [garbage crews] go out less, too. People didn’t throw away food and clothes,” she remarks as she drives past a dozen curbed bags bursting with old clothes.

From her vantage point, she also sees challenges facing the city as its ethnic makeup diversifies.

“Mexicans make so much garbage, and they don’t recycle. If the city could get them to recycle, they’d make so much money,” Washington says. “I asked if [the city] could write a flyer in Spanish. These people just don’t understand what we’re doing.”

Justin Fox Burks

She says she has experienced no problems getting jobs or promotions because she’s a woman and sees nothing remarkable in her situation. Still, she expresses her share of gender pride: “Anything that a man can do on a job, a woman can do.”

Washington hopes to earn a promotion to the last link in the garbage chain: as a driver of one of the tractor trailers that hauls garbage to the BFI landfill near Millington. (The city also rents a BFI landfill in South Memphis that receives more tonnage than the north facility.)

The tractor-trailer picks up where the garbage truck leaves off — at the transfer station at the Bellevue solid-waste installation. The transfer station is built on the side of a steep embankment. At the west end of the building, on top of the embankment, are three ports for garbage trucks to back into after completing their routes. They drop their haul down a chute, which falls about one story down into a compactor. Tractor-trailers back into the three ports on the east, or bottom end, of the building, throw their back hatches open, and clamp onto a compactor. The compactor’s machinery rarely requires oiling, thanks to our greasy discards. It pushes garbage to the front of the trailer, recoils, and repeats.

The tractor-trailer holds about 80,000 pounds, or 2.5 loads from a neighborhood route truck. Ben Jones, 69, has driven a tractor-trailer for 35 years and worked for solid waste for 43.

“I was here when [Martin Luther] King came in,” he says. “I was in the strike all the way. I got tear-gassed three times, whupped twice, and went to jail.”

Jones was born and raised in Millington and hauled cotton in a tractor-trailer from the field to the gin before starting his job with the city, “so I already knew how to drive when I got here,” he says.

He wears thick-soled, steel-toe boots, which came in handy recently when he stepped on a plank full of nails at the landfill that stuck to him like a ski. “People don’t think [this job] is nothing, but I’d like for them to come out and drive awhile,” says Jones. “It’s pretty rough out at the dump. We’re out there in heat, mud, cold.”

Because of his seniority, Jones drives the newest of the fleet’s 12 tractor-trailer trucks. This one has a body by Sterling and an engine by Mercedes-Benz and cost $120,000. It’s one of four air-conditioned vehicles in the fleet and the only one with automatic transmission.

At the BFI North Shelby landfill, Jones gets in line at the weigh station behind refuse vehicles from a variety of carriers. Jones’ rig tips the scale at 79,300 pounds this trip. BFI charges the city $372 for this load.

The two BFI landfills the county uses stored 1.4 million tons of solid waste in 2005. The county generated just over 2.5 million tons of solid waste, but through recycling and diversion, reduced its landfill storage.

Jones winds through mounds of grassy land. He explains that the mounds are piles of trash and earth, grassed over. Each mound represents about three years of dumping. They build up to 120 feet high. The 959-acre landfill has used 167 acres so far. Estimates for its useful life range from 10 to 12 years according to Jones, to 30 years according to Collins, to 50 years according to BFI administrator Larry Hubbard.

At the dumping ground, trucks add to piles of garbage, some 15 feet high. The earth shakes underfoot as bulldozers spread the piles and then flatten the refuse into the earth.

Jones muses, “I’m just wondering — because I know I won’t be here to see it — what’s going to happen when this place fills up? Where’s the garbage gonna go?”

The landfills are a “permanent, final resting place for solid waste,” according to Collins. “They’re highly engineered, lined landfills, not something that’s going to leak,” he says. They are designed and regulated by state environmental agencies and the Environmental Protection Agency.

While garbage disposal consumes most of the solid-waste department budget and creates the most difficult environmental challenges, recycling offers solutions to both dilemmas. In Memphis, municipal recycling generates revenue. Participation, however, has been down since the city pulled the plug on the program for three months last year.

“We were setting records every week until the layoffs,” says Andy Ashford, recycling and composting administrator for the solid-waste department. “We’re back and collecting recycling every week.”

Now that the budget crisis has been averted, the system is running at near full-strength, and the solid-waste staff is working for solutions to the many other challenges they meet.

Frederick Redding, 46, by his admission, “ain’t the bullshittin’ type.” As the zone supervisor says, “100 percent total quality service and the safety of my crews are the two most important things. It has to be on the up and up.”

He follows the garbage and recycling trucks, observing the crews and looking for missed stops. He takes a customer-service approach to the job. Like Washington, Redding has climbed the solid-waste department ranks. He was hired three times as a temporary worker before he finally caught on to the back of a garbage truck 20 years ago.

“I’ve been crew person, crew chief, driver, acting supervisor, and finally, supervisor,” he says.

Redding begins each morning at 7 o’clock roll call at the department’s Scott Street station. He supervises garbage, recycling, and trash (primarily greenery and light construction refuse) trucks. Though each truck constitutes a team, someone inevitably fails to show, leaving Redding down a crew member here or a driver there. He moves crew members around to compensate. He has eight crews in a zone at full strength. Zones vary in size; some have four routes (400-450 homes each), some six. Some zones are larger than others, depending on the neighborhood plan and size of the lots.

“If we’re short one person,” he says, “we all have to step it up.”

Communication and visibility are Redding’s keys to success. If a truck has mechanical problems, he has to arrange a repair or a replacement as quickly as possible. If a customer has a complaint, he likes to address it within minutes. He carries a rake, shovel, broom, and replacement recycle bins in the back of his pickup truck just in case.

One of Redding’s two cell phones rings. It’s one of the three employees he’s missing this day. Though the absence translates directly into more work for Redding and those who show, he sees the big picture. He listens calmly, reassures the employee that they have followed the proper procedure for medical leave, and encourages the employee to take the needed time to fully recover.

“The crews have to feel important,” he explains. “I let them see that they’re needed. I’ve been a garbage collector, a recycle driver … and I know how the crews feel. I have a lot of respect for these guys and ladies.”

It shows in his conversations with them. He refers to female employees as “ma’am” and males as “good man.” “If they’re feeling good, they’re working hard, and everybody profits. My job is easier, their jobs are easier, and the customers get good service,” Redding explains.

Meanwhile, a voice crackles over Redding’s CB, telling him about a truck headed off its route to get a small but essential repair. He calls the driver of the wounded truck and then the mechanic back at the station to inform each what to expect from the other. A half hour later the two, separately, call Redding back within moments of each other to tell him that the repair is complete. He compliments the mechanic before signing off. “Next time I have to send a truck to him, he’ll remember that,” Redding says.

It’s similar with his customers. Redding documents every problem. Driving through his zone, Redding can point at a house and tell you something the resident complained about six months ago or describe their disposal habits in detail. “I make a habit of trying to be perfect. These people pay us for the service, and you have to give your all for them,” he says. “If I get a call that garbage was missed, I’m out in the zone, and in five minutes I can get that taken care of. You go there the minute you get the call.”

To prove the point, he stops his truck and jumps out to grab a discarded tire from the curb.

Like Washington, Redding’s job connects him to diverse elements of the city. Monday and Tuesday, the crew works Orange Mound and Castalia Heights in South Memphis. Later in the week, the group moves east along Walnut Grove Avenue. “The further east you go, the more diligently people recycle,” Redding says. “They have a problem if you don’t pick their bin up by a certain time.

“Even after trying to sell this thing, on certain streets I see no recycle bins,” Redding says. “I go door to door, tell them, ‘Take this recycle bin and show me what you got tomorrow.’ There needs to be more information about how important recycling is. If you know that certain areas don’t recycle, you should focus on that zone and do whatever it takes to get these people to recycle. You can still go to the landfill and see things that should be recycled. … If you believe in something, you won’t be afraid to lift your voice up like a trumpet,” says the part-time gospel singer.

Redding says the system works for the public, despite the room for improvement. “I’ve seen systems come and go. [This one] works to get taxpayers their money’s worth. I don’t hear many complaints from citizens. I don’t hear my crew say we need more trucks. All I hear is that it’s working.”

According to Ashford, the city recycled 27 percent of residential solid waste collected last year. The city services about 200,000 single-family homes and small apartment buildings. San Jose, California, a progressive recycling city that services a comparable number of homes, reports a 61 percent recycling rate. At the other end of the spectrum is Dallas, which reports a 7.7 percent recycling rate on 231,000 homes, according to Memphis has the smallest of the three municipal solid-waste budgets and spends a little more than Dallas on recycling.

“We’re saving over $2 million a year in landfill fees,” Ashford says. “We’re one of the few cities in the country that achieves revenue.”

Ashford was hired from BFI in 1992 to implement the city’s curbside recycling program. He has seen the program expand from its beginnings in Scenic Hills and Cooper-Young. Not only has Ashford brought recycling citywide, he’s helped make it profitable.

“We went on a nationwide search and requested proposals from recycling companies, and we ended up negotiating FCR, out of Charlotte, North Carolina. They built a facility on our property [at the Farrisview solid-waste facility off American Way near Lamar Avenue]. Some cities have different types of contracts, but you need somebody who’s close with the commodity market. We’re looking to save the city as much as we can by not putting [waste] in landfills and saving the taxpayers,” Ashford says.

City recycling-collection vehicles unload on the west side of FCR’s hangar, and 18-wheelers from various buyers back up to ports on the east side of the building and load bales of sorted and compressed plastic, steel, aluminum, and newspaper for delivery to “end markets.”

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Inside FCR’s recycling facility off American Way

In Memphis, citizens can place their materials, unsorted, in their 18-gallon plastic bin and set it curbside for weekly pickup. Recycling crews presort the newspaper and mixed items by throwing them into separate hoppers on the truck. They dump their two loads on opposite sides of the FCR recycling facility. The pile of newspaper and junk mail at FCR stands as high and wide as a peak-roofed Queen Anne.

Things get a little complicated over on the mixed side. Material is spun through a rifled cylinder to separate it. It’s then moved up a conveyer belt, where a magnet pulls the steel cans from the rest. A line of pickers along the belt manually sorts pigmented, opaque, and clear plastic items and tosses them into their respective bins. When a bin fills, a chute at the bottom opens, and the materials are bulldozed to the facility’s baling system.

The glass pickers — standing back to back with the plastic pickers, on a narrow gangway about 30 feet off the ground — sort bottles by color. The glass is ground on site into different grades for different markets.

Baled paper, the most profitable and in-demand product the company sells, becomes pressboard, insulation, and recycled paper. Aluminum cans go back to mega-breweries like Anheuser-Bush.

The baling equipment crushes materials into big, colorful cubes, which are then loaded into 18-wheelers.

The biggest challenge at the sorting facility is contamination of non-recyclables in the stream of material. The worst offenders, according to Ashford, are those orange plastic newspaper bags delivered daily to thousands of Memphis doorsteps. Many dog walkers have discovered an appropriate reuse for the bags, but they are otherwise unrecyclable.

“These bags get in there and wrap around the gears of a machine and shut the whole place down,” he says.

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Ashford picks through the mountain of newspaper to remove several pieces of cardboard and a flattened wooden bushel basket. Sorters must also be careful of glass in the newspaper pile, which, he says, can ruin an entire load of the commodity.

Recycled materials are commodities that fluctuate in price daily. Thanks to the FCR deal, the city profits tidily from its refuse. “We make $25 a ton, one of the highest rates in the country,” Collins says. With about 117,000 tons collected, the dollars add up.

Collins, 52, has led public works since 2000. “The [recycling] participation rate is not what we would like for it to be,” he says. “Less than a third of our customers recycle, but citizens save the city money by recycling — $2 million in landfill fees [last year].”

Ashford says, “People live disposable lives. Look at fast food. People want to consume and discard. But they control their own destiny as far as the cost of [waste-management] services.”

As for Vera Washington’s view that Spanish speakers aren’t getting the message about recycling, Collins says, “We’ve tried ads, mailers, TV and radio, and none of it has made a difference. The one thing that makes a big difference with the participation rate is the contest. It doesn’t cost the city much to carry out the contest, but word travels from neighbor to neighbor, and that’s the most effective method.”

The “contest” is the curbside cash giveaway that rewards residents for recycling and adds the incentive of a larger prize for team entries of two households. The concept behind the contest is one that Collins and Ashford believe in. Regardless of socioeconomic class or awareness of environmental issues, peer pressure can lead to greater participation. “People influence each other. Poorer, undereducated people still participate in pockets and influence their neighbors. Promotion and education are key,” says Ashford.

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Andy Ashford

Gesturing back to the FCR recycling facility, Ashford says, “We hope years from now, this building has to be doubled [in size]. We want to find new markets for recycling materials and avoid the cost of disposal. Manpower is always a challenge, and we have to save [budget] money, but the biggest challenge is to get people to do what they need to.”

News The Fly-By

The City Schools’ Surplus Adds Up

About 115 Memphis City Schools teachers are being temporarily laid off until they can be reassigned to new schools as the system adjusts for overcrowded and underutilized facilities and an overall decline of nearly 3,000 students since last year.

Teachers call it “being surplused.” MCS officials call it “staff readjustment.” Either way, it adds uncertainty to what has already been a confusing and, in some cases, chaotic year.

Renee Malone, spokeswoman for MCS, said the surplus of teachers is mainly at middle and high schools but could not identify specific schools. The surplus teachers include both first-year teachers who were the most recent hires and veteran teachers who volunteered to take new assignments.

The teachers will continue to be paid until new positions are found for them. Depending on their certification, surplus teachers can be assigned to elementary or secondary schools in their subject area. Malone said the school system typically hires about 70 new teachers each year between September and December because of vacancies that occur for various reasons.

“Even though a teacher may not be needed at one school, they may be needed at another one,” she said.

With the first six-weeks grading period coming to an end this week, MCS enrollment is 117,283 — a decline of 2,864 or 2.3 percent from the enrollment of 120,147 at the end of last school year. Student enrollment is the primary driver of state funding under the Basic Education Program. The complicated formula has 45 components, and local districts supplement their basic allocation differently. Katharine Mosher, a spokeswoman for the Tennessee Department of Education, said funding is determined by the previous year’s enrollment. When there is a decline, funds are stabilized for one year and lowered if the enrollment decline continues for a second year.

There is obviously an incentive for school districts to report the highest accurate count in order to maximize funding. Counting students in a large urban system is complicated and inexact. There are nine reporting periods, some of which are weighted more heavily than others, to come up with what is commonly called “the enrollment.”

“Keep in mind that enrollment typically increases as the school year goes on,” Malone said.

The most recent enrollment reports for individual schools show wide variations at the secondary level. The largest high schools are Cordova (2,350 students), White Station (2,330), Whitehaven (1,847), and Wooddale (1,666). The smallest are Manassas (391), Westside (491), Westwood (504), and Southside (554). Efforts to close schools meet with powerful community and political opposition, and school board members have given in to it in some notable cases. Manassas, for example, is getting a new high school next year, and Douglass High School, closed in 1981, is being reopened in a new building at the old location.