Film Features Film/TV

Young at Heart

Stephen Walker’s documentary about Northampton, Massachusetts’ Young At Heart senior-citizen chorus begins with a wince, as 92-year-old Eileen Hall recites the words to the Clash’s “Should I Stay or Should I Go” while Walker repeatedly cuts away to excited faces in the crowd. But rather than an awful, cutesy look at the kind of “Rockin’ Grannies” seen only in Cocoon or diet-soda commercials, Young at Heart is a moving tribute to music and mortality that succeeds greatly on its own unusual terms.

Inevitably, there are some jokes about these senior citizens’ bewildered reactions to the funk and rock-and-roll numbers they’ll have to perform, which are cannily chosen by chorus director Bob Cilman. But the chorus members have a sense of humor about their often ridiculously artsy source material: After listening to Sonic Youth’s “Schizophrenia” and singing along to it, one septuagenarian hits her mark and wails in mock-delight, “Oh, a note! A note!”

Interestingly, the chorus often transforms the songs more than the songs transform them; their interpretations often give the lyrics unexpected grace and dignity. David Bowie’s “Golden Years” is reborn as a post-retirement anthem, and oxygen-tank-wearing Fred Knittle’s interpretation of Coldplay’s “Fix You” is as definitive as Aretha Franklin’s version of Otis Redding’s “Respect.” The film is a ruthlessly efficient tearjerker as well: Not even an enthusiastic, off-key reading of “I Feel Good” can completely dispel the ever-present specter of death.

Opening Friday, May 16th, at Ridgeway Four


Neil Diamond Says “Sweet Caroline” Written in Memphis

Well, now we know the secret. (And we know you’ve been worried about this.)

Neil Diamond has finally revealed that the inspiration for his 1969 chart-topping song “Sweet Caroline” was, in fact, a very young Caroline Kennedy. But what really raised our eyebrows when we read about this was the revelation that he wrote the song in an hour “while staying in a hotel in Memphis.”

He doesn’t say when, or where, but it’s nice to know that Memphis has played a role in yet another hit song. For more, go here.