Memphis Gaydar News

New “Don’t Say Gay” Bill Calls Out Gay Kids

Stacey Campfield

  • Stacey Campfield

Knoxville Senator Stacey Campfield is at it again. His “Don’t Say Gay” bill, which bans talk of homosexuality in schools for kids in kindergarten through the eighth grade, died with the adjournment of the Tennessee General Assembly last year. But now he’s reintroduced the bill, and this time, it’s getting personal.

The new “Don’t Say Gay” bill, SB 234, would require that teachers or counselors tell parents of LGBT students that their child may be gay.

Or as the bill’s wording states:

A school counselor, nurse, principal or assistant principal from counseling a student who is engaging in, or who may be at risk of engaging in, behavior injurious to the physical or mental health and well-being of the student or another person; provided, that wherever possible such counseling shall be done in consultation with the student’s parents or legal guardians. Parents or legal guardians of students who receive such counseling shall be notified as soon as practicable that such counseling has occurred.

A blog post on ThinkProgress. org points out that LGBT kids often face family rejection upon coming out to their parents and that 40 percent of homeless kids are gay. Those homeless youth have either been kicked out of the home or have chosen to leave a hostile environment.

“LGBT youth who experience family rejection are at high risk for depression and suicide,” the blog post states.

For a more in-depth analysis of Campfield’s latest “Don’t Say Gay” bill, read Jackson Baker’s latest Political Beat post.

Politics Politics Beat Blog

Even More Campfield: He Introduces ‘Don’t Say Gay II’

Stacey Campfield

  • Stacey Campfield


“The general assembly recognizes that certain subjects are particularly sensitive and are, therefore, best explained and discussed within the home. Because of its complex societal, scientific, psychological, and historical implications, human sexuality is one such subject. Human sexuality is best understood by children with sufficient maturity to grasp its complexity and implications….”

That pseudo-philosophical paragraph is the introduction to the latest bill introduced in the Tennessee General Assembly by one Stacey Campfield, the former state representative and freshly minted state senator from Knoxville who seems determined that his name will forever more be synonymous with the term “gay-bashing.”

It will be remembered that Campfield was the author of the infamous “Don’t Say Gay” measure that passed the state Senate in 2011 and knocked around in the House all of last year before being shelved — an outcome that was assisted by Governor Bill Haslam’s tactful but firm suggestion that the bill, which forbade any mention of homosexuality in elementary schools and had attracted either contempt or ridicule in most of the Western world, was “unnecessary.”

The fact is: If Stacey Campfield had not existed, it might have been necessary to invent him. Not a day goes by on Capitol Hill in Nashville that Campfield doesn’t take some action designed to make his name a proverb.

Observe: On Wednesday, January 30, was born Son of Don’t Say Gay, or Don’t Say Gay II., beginning with the benign sociologese of the paragraph heretofore quoted, which is quickly followed by this:

“(b) At grade levels pre-K through eight (pre-K-8), any such classroom instruction, course materials or other informational resources that are inconsistent with natural human reproduction shall be classified as inappropriate for the intended student audience and, therefore, shall be prohibited.”

Why prohibited? Why, for the good of the putatively or actually gay child, of course:

”A school counselor, nurse, principal or assistant principal “ may counsel anyone “who may be at risk of engaging in, behavior injurious to [one’s] physical or mental health and wellbeing … provided, that wherever possible such counseling shall be done in consultation with the student’s parents or legal guardians. Parents or legal guardians of students who receive such counseling shall be notified as soon as practicable that such counseling has occurred….”

There is more to the bill, but you get the idea:. In other words, Say “gay” if you must, but say it out of the hearing of the Regular Kids and in a way that isolates the suspected or known outliers and makes them squirm. Call it Tough Love. Call it The Cure.

And that’s not the worst of it.

Enter Jeff Woods, the incomparable “Pith in the Wind” sage of the Nashville Scene, who has happily reneged on the brief retirement his announced last year, and why not? With Campfield still on the loose, what choice did he have but to return to duty?

Woods reads the new bill to be “requiring schoolteachers and administrators to out gay children to their parent… for the child’s own good, of course.” As he notes, Campfield’s bill (called “the Classroom Protection Act”) would, in its quarantined way, let “schoolteachers and administrators counsel gay students who are facing bullying or other problems, but the school then must report it to the child’s parents.”

Like Woods, we find it impossible not to quote the response of Wonkette in an item which ends this way:

“Before we go, yr Wonkette (particularly this portion of yr Wonkette who actually happens to be a female lesbian) would like to cordially invite the Tennessee General Assembly to eat a bag of lightly-salted poison rat dicks. Enjoy! Choke!”

We will hazard here the prediction that Campfield’s newest philippic against the state of gaydom will ultimately meet the fate of his first effort, except that, unlike that first version of Don’t Say Gay, it is unlikely to receive the imprimatur of either Senate or House.

On second thought, let’s make that a guess — not a prediction.


But is there another Stacey Campfield, a more thoughtful version of the smash-mouth iconcoclast — a persona that doesn’t get enough attention because the stunt-prone Campfield’s inflammatory social legislation obscures it?

There is some evidence to suggest that the answer is yes.

It is Campfield’s membership on the Senate Education Committee (as one its House equivalent beforehand) that has enabled him to be on the front end of his now-notorious gay-baiting legislation. But he can — and does — offer constructive contributions to school-related bills.

It was Campfield, for example, who took the lead last week in challenging the bona fides of Tennessee Virtual Academy, the fledgling online taxpayer-subsidized public-school service which was authorized by the 2011 General Assembly.

Representatives of TNVA had tappeared before the Senate Education Committee with a souped-up new-media version of their curriculum — a dog-and-pony show,as some observers called it — and were about to leave it at that when Campfield dug in and queried them sharply about the substandard scores achieved by TNVA students and the reasons for them.

This week the TNVA presneters got more of the same, on a bi-partisan basis, from members of the House Education Committee, and Governor Bill Haslam would announce his intention to limit the scope of TNVA pending better results.

It was a debate that Campfield was a prime mover in, but, understandably, his role in it — one in which he could offer leadership in achieving a consensus — was obscured by the new Don’t Say Gay II bill and by another inflammatory proposal to cut welfare payments to families of under-performing students.

And that’s nobody’s fault but Campfield’s.

News News Blog

Tennessee Awarded Title of Worst State Legislature

We’re #1! We’re #1!

Oh, hey there. Just busy celebrating the good news: Mother Jones has listed Tennessee’s legislature as the worst out of 50 state legislatures. That means Tennessee has the worst legislature of all the states in the whole US of A. All right!

Political reporter Tim Murphy goes back through the annals of Tennessee’s legislature — though he doesn’t have to go back very far — to find some examples of lawmakin’ buffoonery going on in the volunteer state. Here are just a few reasons we’ve been selected for this prestigious honor:

1) The Gateway Sex Bill.
2) GOP State Sen. Stacey Campfield, and more specifically, his back-assward views on homosexuality and his sponsorship of the “don’t say gay” bill.
3) GOP state Rep. Matthew Hill’s bill that would disclose extensive information on doctors who perform abortions in Tennessee and the patients who receive them.
4) GOP Rep. Kelly Keisling’s mass email to constituents about “a rumor circulating in conservative circles that President Barack Obama is planning to stage a fake assassination attempt in an effort to stop the 2012 election from happening.”

Of course, there’s more, but we’ll cap it here for now. What’s that saying? You should quit while your state is so, so far behind?

Memphis Gaydar News

Voting on “Don’t Say Gay” Bill Rolled to Thursday

Crazy Stacey Campfield was the butt of a joke on the Daily Show last night, thanks to his ridiculous bill seeking to ban discussion of homosexuality in Tennessee classrooms. The state senator’s “Don’t Say Gay” bill (SB049) was due for a senate vote this morning, but that has been rolled to Thursday morning at 9 a.m.

In the Daily Show clip, host Jon Stewart mentioned that Tennessee legislators are trying to ban discussion of homosexuality at the same time that another bill is attempting allow teachers to instruct students in creationism. Yes, when you put the two together, we do look like quite the backwater, redneck state.

Anyhow, the Tennessee Equality Project is starting a phone bank to encourage people to let their senators know why they should vote “no” on Campfield’s “Don’t Say Gay” bill. Click here to find your senator’s contact information.

Here’s the Daily Show clip. Enjoy!

Memphis Gaydar News

Stacey Campfield Demands Payment to Debate Bill

Stacey Campfield

  • Stacey Campfield

Knoxville Representative Stacey Campfield wants a $1,000 retainer fee to debate his “Don’t Say Gay” bill with Sordid Lives writer/director/creator Del Shores. But the Tennessee Equality Project says no way.

Shores, who also produced Queer As Folk, had a Facebook exchange with Campfield, asking him to debate SB0049, which would prohibit the teaching and furnishing of materials on human sexuality other than heterosexuality in public school grades K-8.

Here was Campfield’s response: “I will happily debate you. I require a $1,000.00 (sic) retainer fee and all expenses covered. You can do with the rest all you want.”

The Facebook exchange posted on the vibinc blog does not mention where the debate would have taken place, but you can read the full story there (and see screenshots of Shores’ interaction with Campfield).

Shores contacted the Tennessee Equality Project (TEP) to seek help in raising Campfield’s retainer fee, but TEP’s Jonathan Cole wrote this in response:

TEP cannot justify raising money for an event that would financially benefit Sen. Campfield in his pursuit of anti-LGBT legislation to its donors. The fact that Campfield refused to debate his bill or homosexuality and the Bible without a $1,000 retainer fee plus expenses demonstrates to us that his only purpose is to use LGBT issues to fund his political and personal ambitions. His request for a fee may violate ethics rules. Sen. Campfield is a public servant who is paid by the State of Tennessee for his time as a legislator which includes debating his proposed legislation.

Shores’ response showed his disappointment, though he agreed Campfield’s retainer fee was “inappropriate.” Here’s part of Shores’ letter to Cole:

So you are basically turning down an opportunity for huge nationwide exposure and coverage to benefit your organization because of his request for $1,000, which I agree is inappropriate, but this is something that could be used in every press release, every interview, every article for more exposure of his true self. And if it violates ethics rules, why wouldn’t you want that scandal and possible investigation?

The moral to the story? Well, you decide. Comment and let us know what you think.