Opinion Viewpoint

An America Safe for All

Memphis is sweltering this time of year, but some preachers insist on cranking up the heat even more. They’re getting hot under the collar over the Matthew Shepard Act, a bill that will soon come to a vote in the U.S. Senate.

This legislation extends federal hate crimes to cover individuals attacked because of their sexual orientation or gender identity. These ministers contend that this bill, if passed, will prevent them from preaching against homosexuality.

Well, I’ve got news: Preachers can freely preach prejudice under this legislation. Their First Amendment rights are fully protected. As an African-American woman, I think these preachers should support human rights for all people. However, I tolerate their right to be wrong. What I don’t support is the untruth they are spreading.

The Matthew Shepard Act explicitly states: “Nothing in this act … shall be construed to prohibit any expressive conduct protected from legal prohibition by, or any activities protected by the free speech or free exercise clauses of, the first amendment to the constitution.”

Some of our ministers here in Memphis have lashed out at this proposed law, though it is intended to protect all people who are victims of brutal hate crimes. In addition to attacking the legislation, they also have attacked Representative Steve Cohen for his support of this bill when it passed in the House of Representatives in May.

These ministers want you to believe that the black community is separate from the gay community. But you and I know that there are plenty of black brothers and sisters who are gay. It is shocking when African Americans sit silently when violence is practiced against anyone because of their identity.

Nakia Ladelle Baker, a transgender woman, was found beaten to death in early January in a Nashville parking lot. A stranger stabbed Sakia Gunn, a 15-year-old African American, to death after she told him she was a lesbian. These are examples of the hundreds of anti-gay hate crimes happening throughout our country. And no matter what my fellow Memphis ministers say, the bottom line is this: We must do everything in our power to prevent hate and violence.

Some preachers want the right to shout about immorality and who is going to heaven and who is not. But Jesus said, “Come to me all you who are heavy-laden and I will give you rest.” “All” means all. Sadly, hearts, and sometimes bodies, are still being broken in the name of religion.

Today, all Americans are still not protected from hate-fueled violence. Gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender lives are at stake. Some folks do not care. Even worse, some folks condone such attacks. The Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Act is a way to give law enforcement all the resources possible to prosecute these horrific crimes.

I remember some years ago, I feared for my life at a gay-rights rally as white men drove up and down the street, yelling obscenities and physical threats, with shotguns hanging out of vehicle windows. I thought I was going to die that night. These were not idle threats. More recently, I attended a gay pride gathering here in Memphis where people hurled obscenities at us, but the large police presence may have kept any guns hidden away.

Amidst this anti-gay rhetoric in Memphis, I do see signs of hope and progress. Having been born and raised in South Memphis before the civil rights movement, I know what change is.

Since I came back home 12 years ago, I am seeing even more change. The welcoming United Church of Christ congregation, where I am a minister, is growing. There is a thriving Memphis Gay and Lesbian Community Center, and two celebrations each year recognize the presence and contributions of gay Memphians.

I call on my brothers and sisters in Memphis to continue to fight for an America that is safe for all people, regardless of their race, sexual orientation, or any other classification. I ask everyone to speak the truth — the truth for all people, not just for a few. And to stand for the America of which we all dream — a country where we can all be who we are without the fear of violence.

Reverend La Paula Turner is the associate pastor of Holy Trinity Community Church in Memphis.

Politics Politics Feature

Kansas City Congressman Gets Heat for Supporting Cohen

African-American congressman Emanuel Cleaver of Kansas City is facing a revolt from black preachers in Memphis because of his support for 9th District Congressman Steve Cohen.

From the Kansas City Star website: Rep. Emanuel Cleaver has faced a lot of adversaries as a political and spiritual leader, but with his current foes it’s like looking into a mirror.

They’re African-American preachers steeped in the traditions of the black church. Democratic Party stalwarts, too.

“The black clergy is rising up against me,” Cleaver said. “I was surprised.”

That’s because a Democratic House colleague from Tennessee has asked him to wade into a simmering political stew in his Memphis congressional district that local political observers said has been salted with a strong dose of racism.

Democratic Rep. Stephen Cohen, who holds the state’s Ninth District congressional seat, is under attack in an increasingly nasty war with several local Baptist pastors.

Read the Star‘s story.

Editorial Opinion

What Does Tinker Think?

Next year’s Democratic primary apparently will see a return match of Steve Cohen vs. Nikki Tinker for the right to represent the 9th District (an area which dovetails, more or less, with Memphis) in the U.S. House of Representatives.

The 2008 version of that race will be different in several particulars, to be sure. A plus for Tinker is the fact that she is unlikely to be, as she was last year, one of a dozen or so African-American candidates, most of them reasonably credentialed to serve in Congress, all of them competing for the same presumed voter base. To Cohen’s benefit is the fact that he will be running as the incumbent with a record of achievement — and certainly of effort — that his constituents can judge him on. Give the congressman this: He stays busy, amazingly so for a first-termer. Merely attempting to keep up with what he’s keeping up with and then reporting it puts any media outlet in risk of accusations of partiality. What are we to do? Tell him to take more vacations?

We have generally favored Cohen’s positions — and certainly his style — since we started observing him years ago as a state legislator. But the fact remains that we, like most local observers, were decidedly impressed by several figures in last year’s congressional race and would have been content if any of half a dozen of them had been elected.

Frankly, we never quite put Nikki Tinker in that category, though we certainly understood her appeal to many people — enough of them, along with formidable sources of financial support, to make her runner-up to Cohen in last year’s primary. Our basic problem with Tinker was that she declined, early or late, to stake out positions on the major issues. The sentimental story she kept telling about her grandmother was all well and good, but her prospective constituents deserved to know more about her views on the major issues of war and peace and governmental policy. For better and for worse, we know where Cohen stands on things.

Unhappily, Tinker has shown no more inclination than she did last year to convey her thoughts on the issues. Specifically, when her views about the currently (and, we think, unnecessarily) controversial Hate Crimes Bill (see Politics, p. 14) have been sought, she has not only been uncommunicative, she has been unreachable, leaving it to a spokesperson in far-off Washington to say that she is concentrating on “voters,” not issues. Whatever that means. The implication was that to discuss the things that matter most to her would-be constituents would somehow be a disservice to them.

The fact is, we think the current attack on Cohen’s vote for the Hate Crimes Bill — identical to the positions taken by his predecessor, Harold Ford Jr., and by every member of the Congressional Black Caucus in the current session — is a sham argument orchestrated by ad hoc partisans of Tinker for whom Cohen’s race is the real issue.

For her own credibility, we think it is incumbent that Tinker herself address for the record the Hate Crimes Bill — and other issues of the day, for that matter. That’s how she’ll win our respect.

Politics Politics Feature

Mayoral Shuffling

Memphis mayoral candidates continued to campaign, as is their wont, over the weekend:

Incumbent mayor Willie Herenton, who is eschewing formal debates with his opponents, spoke briefly to a rally at a Frayser mall Saturday but mainly spent his time there autographing campaign T-shirts and demonstrating his prowess at the “Cupid Shuffle” as a sound system blared out some music.

Opponent Carol Chumney held a well-attended opening at her Poplar Avenue headquarters on Sunday, once again chiding Herenton for being willing to spar with Joe Frazier while ducking debate, but she seemed to broaden her attack to include rival Herman Morris as well as Herenton: “My opponents love to walk you through their humble beginnings, but their actions both in political office and as executives demonstrate that they have long forgotten where they came from.”

Morris held at least one major fund-raiser over the weekend, while John Willingham presided over a headquarters open house that spread over Sunday and Monday.

Present at Mt. Olive C.M.E. Church for an all-candidates forum Sunday were Chumney, Morris, and Willingham, but not Herenton. A wide representation of other mayoral candidates also attended, including Laura Davis Aaron — who cited as two reasons for running the fact that “Mayor Herenton reads my mail” and that she needs a job — and Dewayne A. Jones Sr., who shouted so loudly as to temporarily short out his microphone.

• With Congress in recess, 9th District congressman Steve Cohen is much in evidence locally. Among other things, Cohen presided (along with Tennessee senator Lamar Alexander) over a ceremony formally changing the name of the Federal Building to the Clifford Davis/Odell Horton Federal Building, in honor of the late U.S. district judge Odell Horton.

Cohen also proposed to President Bush that he appoint former deputy attorney general James Comey to succeed the disgraced and now resigned Alberto Gonzales as U.S. attorney general. (Comey, along with the bedridden John Ashcroft, then the attorney general, had resisted as unconstitutional a Bush wiretapping plan aggressively pushed by Gonzales, then White House counsel.)

Cohen addressed a Chamber of Commerce-sponsored banquet as the first of its Frontline Politics speakers this year and took part in a panel on crime sponsored by the Public Issues Forum. The congressman’s remarks at the Frontline dinner at the Ridgeway Center Hilton struck a new note, in that Cohen, a longtime critic of the Iraq war, acknowledged for the first time that residual U.S. troops might need to remain in the war-torn country for some time to come.

Cohen also scheduled a meeting, tentatively set for Tuesday of this week, with members of the Memphis Black Ministerial Association, one of whose leaders, the Rev. LaSimba Gray, has led an assault on Cohen’s support for a congressional Hate Crimes Bill.

There are several anomalies associated with the ministers’ protest — among them, that Cohen’s predecessor, former congressman Harold Ford Jr., had consistently supported such legislation without drawing criticism from the association.

Pointing out further inconsistencies this week was an association member, the Rev. Ralph White, who originally expressed solidarity with the protest but later satisfied himself it was based on misconceptions. Said White: “I’ve read the bill, and I’m satisfied that it does not restrain a minister from expressing opposition to homosexual conduct or anything else that might be offensive to his conscience or Christian doctrine. The language of the bill specifically guarantees such freedom of speech.”

Turning the attack back on its maker, White said, “What LaSimba Gray has to answer to is whether he is consciously trying to aid the congressional campaign of Nikki Tinker. Nobody seems to be wondering what her attitude toward the Hate Crimes Bill is.”

Actually, many people have so wondered, but a Washington, D.C., spokesman for the elusive Tinker, a 2006 Cohen opponent who has already filed to run a reprise of last year’s congressional race, has publicly said she will, at least temporarily, distance herself from discussion of such issues — as she did at an equivalent period of last year’s race. White, who also sought the 9th District seat last year, is holding open his options for another run of his own.

• Senator Alexander, just back from an extended fact-finding trip to Iraq in tandem with Tennessee Senate colleague Bob Corker, seems, like Cohen, to have moderated his stand on Iraq somewhat. Alexander continues to push for a bipartisan resolution, co-authorized with Colorado Democrat Ken Salazar, based on the findings of the Iraq Study Group and calling for an end to U.S. combat operations.

But the senator indicated in Memphis last week that he had been impressed by progress made by the ongoing U.S. troop “surge” in Anbar Province and other points and, pending a scheduled report to Congress next month by General David Petraeus, was keeping an open mind on continued troop commitments in Iraq.

• A casualty of County Commission voting Monday was Susan Adler Thorp, a former Commercial Appeal columnist and consultant who had been serving as public relations adviser to Juvenile Court judge Curtis Person but whose position ended up being unfunded. Somewhat later, a commission majority would authorize equivalent sums for a new “outreach” position, yet to be filled.

• The 2007 recipient of the Tigrett Award, funded by FedEx founder Fred Smith in honor of the late John Tigrett, will be former U.S. senator Howard Baker, it was announced last week. The award will be presented by the West Tennessee Healthcare Foundation at a gala later this year.

Next week: a systematic look at this year’s City Council races.

Him Again

Richard Fields was back on the attack, battling his foes by means of publicly circulated letters.

To be sure, one of the epistles was written not by Fields but by Lambert McDaniel, an imprisoned ex-club owner, to Gwen Smith, the point person in Mayor Willie Herenton‘s accusations concerning a lurid blackmail plot against him orchestrated by lawyer Fields and other alleged “snakes.” In the letter, McDaniel, who was incarcerated on a drug charge, refers to Smith by pet names and advises her to stay in touch with “the Mexicans” — presumably drug connections.
What relevance the letter has to Herenton’s charges against Fields — who, according to the mayor, urged Smith to seduce and entrap the mayor — is uncertain. Clearly, it does milady’s reputation, already sullied, no good. But, by association, it wouldn’t seem to entitle Fields — or Nick Clark, his acknowledged confederate in the purported topless-club investigation — to any merit badges, either.

Fields is a textbook illustration of the adjective “unabashed,” however. Confirming reports that the lawyer’s own poison pen had been unsheathed for yet another epistolary crusade, Shelby County commissioner Sidney Chism denounced Fields in the commission’s public session Monday, during a debate on whether to assign Head Start children to the non-profit Porter-Leath Children’s Center.

In one of Fields’ widely circulated broadsides, Chism, a child-care provider himself, was taken to task for his initial opposition to the Porter-Leath arrangement and was told, among other things, he should be “ashamed” of himself.

Chism’s response was scornful. Citing a variety of allegations against Fields that have been insistently put forth by blogger Thaddeus Matthews, Chism challenged Fields’ bona fides, saying that, if all that was said about Fields was true, “he shouldn’t be anywhere around children, anyhow.”

Whatever the accuracy of the charges and counter-charges swirling about Fields, there was little doubt about one thing: With an election happening, the odds were better than even that there will be, in some guise or another, a Richard Fields ballot this year, as there was in each of the last two local election cycles. If so, would this be good or bad for Fields’ endorsees? This, too, remains to be seen.

Politics Politics Feature

Keeping Busy

It is surely obvious by now that 9th District congressman Steve Cohen is going to be a frequent flyer on YouTube and the network and cable broadcasts and, for that matter, will be grounded in print via choice quotations in major newspapers and magazines.

All that is assured by the longtime state senator’s stage presence, his concern for timely issues, and his way with words, which caused The Tennessee Journal recently to lament the absence of “the wittiest” member of the state legislature.

Add to that an apparent instinct for finding his mark among Washington, D.C.’s power players and on the crowded beltway media stage and what can only be described as an innate anti-bashfulness, and you begin to see why Cohen is rapidly putting in the shade the admittedly impressive benchmarks for celebrity established by his predecessor, former Representative Harold Ford Jr.

Faced with a certain challenge in 2008 from at least one opponent, corporate attorney Nikki Tinker, his 2006 runner-up, Cohen is also making a serious effort to touch all the bases important to his constituency. Make that “constituencies.” The congressman’s appearance at a press conference in front of the federal building on Friday highlighted several major issues — each relating to a different component of the base that he hopes will reelect him next year.

The stated purpose of the press conference was to announce a just-enacted congressional increase in the minimum wage.

Three increases over a two-year period, beginning this week, will raise the minimum wage from the current $5.15 to $7.25, affecting 115,000 Tennesseans directly and 350,000 altogether. African Americans, as Cohen did not fail to note, will be major beneficiaries.

As Dorothy Crook of AFSCME, standing alongside Cohen, pointed out in words the candidate for reelection had to be pleased by, “In Nashville, you worked hard for it, and I knew you would work hard for it in Washington.”

Cohen also took the opportunity at his press conference to mention the role played by himself and his Nashville Democratic counterpart, Jim Cooper, in securing $125 million in new funding for historically black colleges. What that meant for Memphis’ financially beleaguered LeMoyne-Owen College, Cohen said, was no less than $500,000.

More? Asked about an issue of key importance to his white liberal supporters, Cohen owned up to being one of 70 House members who wrote a “line-in-the-sand” letter to George Bush declaring that they “will only support appropriating additional funds for U.S. military operations in Iraq during Fiscal Year 2008 and beyond for the protection and safe redeployment of all our troops out of Iraq before you leave office.”

And at least two other recent Cohen efforts were responsible for some still discernible quantum waves. This past week, he joined with Representative Eleanor Holmes Norton, chair of a House Transportation subcommittee overseeing FEMA, in a widely noted letter blasting the agency for wasting $67 million worth of ice that was meant for Katrina rescue but never got used.

There was also Cohen’s recent highly public break with other Democrats and with his normal labor allies in opposing passage of a House bill that contained a collective-bargaining provision disliked by FedEx founder Fred Smith but openly coveted by rival UPS and the Teamsters union.

Even potential adversaries might have to concede the diligence of these efforts and their diversity, reminiscent of his often surprising range in the state Senate, where he mixed gun-carry bills and liberalized drink measures in with the standard bread-and-butter positions expected of any card-carrying liberal Democrat.

Opponents may say that the congressman’s motives on the legislative and constituent fronts are largely, if not completely, political. Maybe so, maybe no; in any case, one hears that politicians customarily do just that: practice politics. Indeed, they presumably are elected to do that. And the last several days have contained several practical demonstrations that Steve Cohen, no mere talking head he, knows a thing or two about how to do it.

For an expanded version of this column in “Political Beat,” go here.


Steve Cohen on Elvis Radio

We all know Congressman Steve Cohen loves Elvis. After his election, he made his first floor speech to Congress with these remarks:

” . . . .I’m here to tell you that Elvis is still alive today in spirit and as relevant as ever. To quote the King as we proceed through the 100 hours, ‘it’s now or never’ that we make the changes America needs. . . .”

On July 1st, at 1 p.m., Cohen will help celebrate the 3rd Anniversary of Elvis Radio — launched exclusively on SIRIUS in July 2004 as the world’s only “all Elvis all the time” radio station — with a special broadcast. Tune in to hear Steve’s take on the icon’s impact on popular culture, as well as his influence closer to home. Cohen will wrap up the hour with Elvis Presley Enterprises CEO Jack Soden, as they present a Congressional Proclamation declaring July 1st “Elvis Radio Day” to Elvis friend and SIRIUS’ “Live from Graceland” host, George Klein.

Wait! There’s more. At 2 p.m., Elvis Radio DJs will host a special edition of the “Elvis Radio Quiz Show” broadcast live from Graceland Plaza in front of SIRIUS studios. Be there . . . and get the latest in the series of Elvis 30th Anniversary collector buttons, “The ’68 Comeback.”

News The Fly-By

Fly on the Wall

Even Steven

Tennessee congressman Steve Cohen, a Caucasian male who once claimed to vote like a black woman, got more face time on The Colbert Report on Monday, March 19th, after Representative Rahm Emanuel (D-Ill.), the Democratic Caucus chairman, told freshman Democratic members of Congress to avoid making appearances on master satirist Stephen Colbert’s “Better Know a District” segment. Colbert took offense to the edict and, after airing a clip of Cohen, suggested that Emanuel likes to push black women around.

Hot Flash

Be sure to mark your calendars because Menopause: The Musical is coming to the Germantown Performing Arts Centre on Tuesday, April 10th. Featuring such unforgettable, heart-touching songs as “Drippin’ and Droppin’,” “I’m Flashing,” and the rather naughty sounding “Good Vibrations,” Menopause: The Musical follows the bargain-hunting adventures of four middle-aged women shopping for lingerie and going through ch-ch-changes. Why would anybody write a musical about menopause? Because The Vagina Monologues aren’t getting any younger, you know?


Memphis playwright Katori Hall is receiving accolades for her new play Hurt Village, set in the infamous North Memphis housing project that was demolished and replaced by middle-income housing. The occasionally brutal play depicts a young African-American soldier who grew up in the rough-and-tumble environs of “Greenlaw,” “Smoky City,” and “New Chicago” but returns from Iraq to find that his “Uptown” home is being torn down.