Letters To The Editor Opinion

What They Said…

About Jackson Baker’s Politics column on Alison Lundergan Grimes …

Why is Grimes doing that half-fist, Bob Dole thing with her hand? Who teaches that? It makes one come off as a bit of a clone. Is she? Rand Paul is getting standing ovations at Berkley. How is Grimes different from run-of-the-mill Democrats? I mean Bill “NAFTA” Clinton for chrissakes.

Mia S. Kite

About Bianca Phillips’ story, “Knocked Up and Locked Up” …

Healthy and Free TN is glad that Representative DeBerry is reconsidering the bill, but we’re concerned that the current bill is moving ahead, as it passed in the Criminal Justice sub-committee and is scheduled to be heard in the full Criminal Justice Committee next week. Please contact the members of the committee and tell them that we do not want TN to be the first state to pass a law criminalizing women and we ask that they vote NO on HB 1519.

Allison Glass

About Toby Sells’ web story on the decline in homelessness in Memphis …

Thank you for doing this story! I want to clarify that MIFA no longer operates Estival Place. MIFA donated 73 units of transitional housing to Promise Development Corporation which repurposed them as permanent supportive housing. Promise (formerly North Memphis Community Development Corporation) is the property owner/manager for the Memphis Strong Families Initiative. 

Katie Foster

About Alexandra Pusateri’s story on a McKellar Lake clean-up …

People stopped caring about McKellar Lake when the surrounding industry poisoned it. Nobody is going to fish or ski in it, even if you clean up all the trash.


Greg Cravens

Jeff, how coy and deceiving you are. People stopped caring about McKellar Lake when integration came about and the neighborhood changed.

I remember the good ole days when whites used to gather in the park at the marina and pavilion, dressed to the nines in their tuxes and the women in their ball room gowns. They danced away the evening and night where no blacks were allowed except for serving the white guests.

That is the true story of what happened to McKellar Lake. After integration and the changing demographics of the neighborhood, the city administration, which was white, abandoned the park and the lake.


When the white folks were swinging down at McKellar Lake, I was like, oh, I don’t know, probably not alive. If I was alive, I was swinging in a diaper. Full disclosure — it was a white diaper.

I’m talking from a fisherman’s point of view. I’ve fished every large body of water in this area. I’ve never fished McKellar. Back in the day, when the Commercial Appeal carried the weekly fishing report, McKellar wasn’t even on the list. Are we now suggesting that’s because of 200 years of racism?


Would ya’ll consider stopping this argument and coming out to McKellar this Saturday (and April 26th) from 10 a.m. to noon? In two hours, you can easily pick up 100 pounds of trash that we will recycle. We could really use your help.


About Jackson Baker’s web post, “Wilkins Formally Announces Bid for 9th District Seat” …

In order to have a chance at unseating a Congressional incumbent, there has to be a groundswell from the electorate to replace that incumbent. Other than the same old group of people that have always opposed Steve Cohen, plus Randy Wade, what indication is there that the electorate wants to replace him? As long as Cohen runs on his record, he gets 75-80 percent just to start off. It doesn’t matter who is running against him, that’s how it’s going to be.
