Fun Stuff Metaphysical Connection

Metaphysical Connection: The Depths of Pisces Season

March is here and that means we’re halfway through Pisces season, a time we’re encouraged to shift our focus inward, as water signs like to do. Mysticism and dreaminess are at the core of tender-hearted Pisces, a mutable water sign. Their emotions flow and shift constantly, making it difficult for them to settle on a permanent decision. Pisces are incredibly imaginative and often find themselves daydreaming. But don’t underestimate them, once they commit to a feeling or idea, they can swiftly break free from anything that holds them back. As the last sign of the zodiac, they carry the wisdom of an “old soul” and have much to share.

A sensitive water sign, Pisces is represented by two fish, often called “the fishes with wishes” due to their powerful imagination and creative spirit. If you’re seeking kindness and empathy, look no further — Pisces is the most compassionate sign of the zodiac. Ruled by Neptune, the God of the Sea, these dreamy fish are spiritual and intuitive. 

With this mutable water energy, it’s no wonder that the tarot card associated with Pisces is The Moon. With Pisces as its ruling sign, this card represents visions and illusions, madness, genius, and poetry. At its darkest, this card can be daunting, warning of hidden enemies, mental illness, and addiction issues. However, at its best, The Moon signifies genius, mental breakthroughs, astonishing creativity, powerful magic, and intuition. I often refer to it as my “Van Gogh card.” 

Like Pisces, The Moon card is associated with the subconscious and often highlights idealism, suggesting that things are not as they may appear. It also represents our secretive side or “shadow self.” The dog and wolf on the card represent how our wild side blends with our tame side. This theme of unity can also be found in the towers, which symbolize the practical life most of us lead, while the path between them reminds us of the more meaningful life we desire. This is true to the nature of Pisces, who are always dreaming of something more fantastic than what is in front of them. The water on this card symbolizes the subconscious. The crustacean emerging from it represents “coming into consciousness” and the possession of psychic abilities, which is often true of those born under Pisces.

When The Moon card appears, it can indicate a time of emotional and mental trial for the querent. They may act on impulses that seem logical at the time, only to later question their actions with confusion. It’s a period when their mind plays tricks on them, making it an unsuitable time for decisions that require rational thought and clarity.

The Moon card can also signal a tumultuous period for relationships, marked by whirlwind romances that are intense but unreliable. For families and friends, it’s a time of emotional ups and downs.

This card represents the eerie, dreamy realm where the most powerful and dark magic and artistic talents reside. It symbolizes the extreme personalities who walk the fine line between artistic genius and madness. Here we find the wild, unpredictable individuals who create groundbreaking works with pen or paintbrush. These are the musicians with intense mood swings, battling dark depressions and charming manic episodes. They have no inhibitions and often disregard societal norms, resulting in behavior that can be both inspiring and unsettling, even sometimes dangerous. Yet, the art, poetry, and music they produce is nothing short of magic. The Moon is certainly a double-edged sword. 

The realm of this card is where seers, mediums, and spiritual leaders find themselves after extensive fasting, prayers, and meditation — finally achieving that holy vision. It is the enchanted forest of fairy tales, the mythic wasteland where heroes encounter spirits, oracles, sphinxes, and their own shadow selves. This otherworldly domain is unpredictable, and its influence on us is profound and transformative. Don’t be afraid of The Moon, but tread intentionally through its waters. 

Emily Guenther is a co-owner of The Broom Closet metaphysical shop. She is a Memphis native, professional tarot reader, ordained Pagan clergy, and dog mom.