This one is personal. Chances are it’s personal for you, too. According to, about one in eight U.S. women will develop invasive breast cancer over the course of her lifetime. Most of us know at least eight women. One of those women will be affected.
Susan G. Komen is the largest and best-funded breast cancer organization in the United States. Our local chapter, Susan G. Komen Memphis-MidSouth Mississippi, makes sure that 80 cents of every dollar is directed to its mission, and of that, 75 percent remains local. The remaining 25 percent funds breast cancer research.
Facebook/MaryBeth Werner Connor
MaryBeth Werner Connor is a fighter.
Contemporary Media, the Memphis Flyer parent company, is once again participating this year. The team is racing through Central Gardens for our sisters, mothers, aunts, and other women (as well as men). Come down and cheer our small but mighty group to the finish line as we Race for the Cure. We’ll be starting at 9 a.m.
A childhood friend, MaryBeth Werner Connor, who had been diagnosed with breast cancer, recently gave us all great news.
“All of my cancer is gone,” said Connor. “The chemo worked, and the cancer has been eaten up. No lymph node involvement. I could not have made it through this without all of my family and friends who gave me the strength to handle this and kick cancer’s butt.”
MaryBeth, this one’s for you — and for breast cancer research, so that more women can say they kicked cancer’s butt.
Komen Memphis-MidSouth Virtual Race for the Cure®,, Saturday, Oct. 31.