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The Switchblade Kid Record Release Party


Harry Konidtsoitis has been a fixture on the Midtown rock scene for years, with a reputation as a great front man for bands like The Angel Sluts. But on his new album, he assumes the name The Switchblade Kid, shrugs off his communal impulses, and strikes out on his own.

“The record is essentially a solo project of mine,” he says. “I started working on it about a year ago.”
Rather than assembling a new band, rehearsing, and locking themselves in Konidtsoitis’ own 5 And Dime Studio, he used a scattershot approach. “I just kind of pulled in various friends of mine…to play on different songs.”

The resulting album sounds a lot more varied than Konidtsoitis’ output with his other bands, Angel Sluts, Twin Pilot, and Turn It Offs, members of which appear on The Switchblade Kid. “No two songs sound the same, and that’s pretty neat,” he says. “Some of the songs are really spaced out—noisy and dreamy. But the thing that ties them all together is this Phil Spector production thing going on.” The songs’ instrumentation is much more varied than the usual dual guitar-bass-drum punk combo. “Live, the band has ranged from five to eight people.”

Sing All Kinds We Recommend

Sound Advice: Missing Monuments, the Manatees, Switchblade Kid at the Hi-Tone Café


Tonight, King Louie Bankston returns to Memphis and the Hi-Tone Café with his latest group, the Missing Monuments. The New Orleans native has been an ally to the Memphis music scene for quite some time with his projects like Loose Diamonds, the Persuaders, and Kajun SS playing here every few months during their respective lifespans.

Missing Monuments sounds more like the power pop coming out of the Midwest in the late 1970s than the hillbilly rock-and-roll that Bankston had been cranking out through the mid 2000s, showing his versatility as a songwriter and his knack for a guitar hook. Tonight marks the first time Bankston has played Memphis since resurrecting the Persuaders for a performance at Gonerfest 9.