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MEMernet: Taco Burn, Lookin’ Like Christmas, and It’s a Sign!

Memphis on the internet.

Taco Burn

The word is out that TacoNGanas owner Greg Diaz is under federal investigation for alleged sketchy labor practices (h/t to The Commercial Appeal’s Daniel Connolly). Some here are barely hiding suspicions and, perhaps, contempt.

“Say it ain’t so, Greg!” wrote Larry Livingston on Nextdoor last week. “My go-to food truck is being investigated by the U.S. government. However, last Thursday’s usual order actually sucked? Coincidence or just your underpaid workers don’t care anymore?”

Beginning to Look …

Posted to Nextdoor by Jack Yates

… a lot like Christmas! An East Buntyn neighbor knew last week his holiday decorations may be “too early for some” but invited those in the spirit to drive by his house on Ellsworth for “some holiday cheer.”

It’s A Sign

Posted to Instagram by unapologeticallymemphis

The Union Krystal misspelled the restaurant chain’s misspelling of “chick” as “chic” instead of “chik,” and Unapologetically Memphis unapologetically busted them out for it on Instagram.

Opinion The Last Word

Tacos and Labor Abuse

Everyone loves tacos, but most of us don’t think too much about how they’re made, or who, in fact, makes them. That all changed here in Memphis, thanks to a recent story in the Commercial Appeal by veteran reporter Daniel Connolly, an expert on the local and national Hispanic community.

The Covid-19 pandemic dramatically shifted the labor market locally and nationally; employees asked for protection during the deadly phase of the infection, and many have since declined to return to unfulfilling — sometimes dangerous — minimum-wage jobs. As a result, ubiquitous “We’re Hiring” signs hang in windows across Memphis and the country.

Currently, with about 11 million unfilled jobs in the United States and an estimated 4 million workers “displaced” from the labor market due to Covid and the continued effects of “long-Covid,” employers are scrambling for employees who now don’t want to work under pre-Covid terms. Laborers are not returning to degrading low pay that doesn’t translate to a “living wage” — or at least compensation and benefits that fully acknowledge their contributions to the business.

Americans aren’t lazy — they’re just fed up. As American corporate profits soar, a South African megalomaniac (“the richest man in the world”) buys Twitter for $44 billion, and a Portuguese soccer player grabs $167 million per year in pay and endorsements, it’s understandable why there’s little motivation to return to a $7.25 an hour job here in the U.S. Congress refuses to move on a federal minimum wage, and the Tennessee General Assembly is content with its citizens earning a pittance. Each relies on the same old tired arguments: Raising the minimum wage, they tell us with neither conviction nor data, will lead to unemployment. Reminding our friends in Congress of the 11 million jobs that are unfilled, presently, doesn’t seem to register.

Hence, the long gaze south. Connolly’s report focuses on a local restaurateur/taco operation who, like most restaurant owners in our city, has struggled in the nearly impossible labor market outlined above. Why not open our southern border to allow for labor flow from Mexico? The minimum wage there is currently the equivalent of $8 per day — or $160 per month. Given that grim reality, $7.25 per hour sounds pretty damn good.

No workable legal pathway exists to bring “low-skilled” people from Mexico here. So people cross the border illegally. Many of these people are “pulled” here by unscrupulous business owners in the United States who need a stable labor force to stay in business and by offering, via Facebook, Twitter, or some other electronic medium that penetrates borders, “a 100-percent safe trip, but without a visa.”

Working without proper documentation (a visa) in the United States is not legal, and soliciting workers with offers of a visa-less “safe trip” sounds remarkably close to trafficking. It will certainly attract the attention of the United States Department of Labor in Washington, especially when the pay advertised clearly violates federal overtime laws.

In the end, taco truck immigration diplomacy is not going to cut it. We need leadership from Washington right now because only the federal government can set, change, and update immigration policy. If we want to avoid more potential employer trafficking, reduce the flow of unauthorized border crossings, and make a dent in the 11 million unfilled jobs in the U.S., Biden will need to lead on immigration reform.

The “other side” in Congress has focused on pure nonsense for the past two years: defending a lunatic who once was president of the U.S., spewing conspiracy theories about a stolen election, and working to take rights away from women. There’s no hope they will join in for a real solution, so before losing control of the House, Biden should push for passage of the Dream Act (filibuster be damned!), which would regularize the status of millions while permanently welcoming them into the labor force.

Biden should also work to modernize our 1960s-style (i.e. outdated) visa system to attack the long backlogs of pending applications.

Both moves would require federal action. The benefits: Our contemporary labor/immigration crisis could be managed out of Washington via responsible legislation rather than from the back of a taco truck parked on Summer Avenue.

Bryce W. Ashby is an attorney at Donati Law, PLLC. Michael J. LaRosa is an associate professor of history at Rhodes College.

Food & Drink Hungry Memphis

Uncle Goyo’s Mexican Restaurant Will Open March 5th

TacoNganas owner Greg Diaz, who is from Mexico City, and his wife, Daisy, are the parents of three children — Damaris, Aaron, and Caleb   — all raised in Memphis.

Diaz now has four TacoNganas locations and ten food trucks.

“Memphis is mi casa,” Diaz says.

He will open his newest venture, Uncle Goyo’s Mexican Restaurant, Saturday, March 5th, at 1730 South Germantown Road in the Thornwood community. “Goyo” is an endearment for “Gregorio,”which is his full name, Diaz says.

Diaz describes the food at his new restaurant as “very authentic Mexican” instead of chalupas and other items sold in many local “Tex-Mex” restaurants. Israel Loyo, also from Mexico City, is his executive chef. Ramiro Zapata is sous chef.

He will not be selling the same food that he does in his TacoNganas food trucks, but he will be selling some other tacos, which are “very similar.”

Uncle Goyo’s will open at 11 a.m. March 5th.

To whet your appetite, here are some sneak peek shots of the restaurant:

The bar at Uncle Goyo’s Mexican Restaurant. (Credit: Michael Donahue)
The bar at Uncle Goyo’s Mexican Restaurant. (Credit: Michael Donahue)
Seating in the dining room. (Credit: Michael Donahue)
The entrance at Uncle Goyo’s Mexican Restaurant. (Credit: Michael Donahue)
Ramiro Zapata and Israel Loyo at Uncle Goyo’s Mexican Restaurant. (Credit: Michael Donahue)
Uncle Goyo’s Mexican Restaurant. (Credit: Michael Donahue)
Uncle Goyo’s Mexican Restaurant. (Credit: Michael Donahue)
Uncle Goyo’s Mexican Restaurant. (Credit: Michael Donahue)