Fun Stuff Metaphysical Connection

Metaphysical Connection: Holiday Temperance

The ancients certainly seemed to know what they were doing when constructing the zodiac wheel. They placed the mutable, fiery sign of Sagittarius in the middle of the holiday season. Those born under the astrological sign of Sagittarius are thought to be optimistic, adventurous, curious, and independent. And these traits translate well into how many Americans spend their holidays.

As a fire sign, Sagittarius is passionate and drawn to new ideas, philosophies, and travel. Sagittarius is represented by the centaur — a half-human, half-horse creature — often carrying a bow. Also referred to as “The Archer,” Sagittarius uses a trusty bow and arrow to dream big and aim high. 

In tarot, each zodiac sign is associated with a major arcana card. Sagittarius is associated with the Temperance card in tarot, card number 14 of the major arcana. The Temperance card refers to the blending, moderation, and tempering of disparate elements to achieve a balanced whole that is greater and more harmonious than the sum of its parts. The Greek philosophers, beginning with Socrates, spoke of four natural virtues: prudence, or virtuous use of the intellect; temperance, or virtuous regulation of the emotions; fortitude, or virtuous effort of the human will; and justice, the result of the combined virtuous activity of the other three.

Both Sagittarius and the Temperance card are constantly striving for a more enlightened state of being. The angel in the tarot card here demonstrates this by slowly pouring the liquid from one golden cup into another, a culinary process called “tempering.” Similarly, Sagittarius accomplishes this by exploring the far reaches of both the physical and philosophical worlds to expand on or “temper” what is already known. The angel’s red wings represent blood or life, while the triangle on her dress means spirit, but it is also the elemental symbol for fire. 

The angel’s feet are also symbolic of the eternal pilgrimage or spiritual journey. By showing one foot in the water and the other on the shore, we are reminded that our greatest wisdom lies in the art of balancing. The iris flowers are indicative of the Greek goddess Iris who provides the link between the gods and humanity, acting as a messenger and using rainbows to travel. Like Sagittarius, she travels from one end of the world to another, building upon something that is bigger and brighter than herself.

Temperance is the card of acceptance, where the cycle of life and death, passion and division, and all other oppositions find unity for a shared cause. It unites the masculine with the feminine, keeping us in balance when situations require strength and endurance, or tenderness and compassion, depending on the moment. This card speaks of personal and spiritual growth, one that leads us toward the point of self where we understand how inner conflicts and troubles lead to certain reflections and problems in the outer world. Its symbolism is one of the alchemy of life, and it is significant in a reading, for it represents the point where we get answers needed to change the course of fate or influence our life to change what is needed.

As we glide through Sagittarius season, we are reminded of the Temperance card. Temperance is all about striving for balance — which can often mean taking the middle road. To a Sagittarius, the middle road is almost never enticing. Yet it is not always a compromise, but another solution that can combine both extremes. 

As a mutable fire sign, Sagittarius is bold and confident. Fire is not naturally a mutable element, so Sagittarius is already operating in oppositions. It’s through the alchemy of temperance that we can learn about balancing these oppositions. 

Our lesson for this season is to find balance in opposition. How can we learn to accept and mold the outcome into something more desirable? With Mercury in retrograde in the sign of Sagittarius, we may need to be more detailed in our projects and more understanding when things don’t go as planned. Embrace the optimistic energy of Sagittarius and pivot with the challenges. 

Emily Guenther is a co-owner of The Broom Closet metaphysical shop. She is a Memphis native, professional tarot reader, ordained Pagan clergy, and dog mom.

Fun Stuff Metaphysical Connection

Metaphysical Connection: A Tarot Card for Scorpio Season

Although Halloween and Samhain are behind us, we are still in the season of remembrance. November 1st was All Saints’ Day and November 2nd was All Souls’ Day. We are also well into Scorpio season on the astrological wheel, which is appropriate given the sign’s association with the occult, death, and taboos.

Death is the tarot card associated with Scorpios, for good reason, but there is a lot to unpack with the Death card. Scorpio is a unique zodiac sign. There are three symbols that represent the transformation of a Scorpio, rather than the standard one symbol for all other signs. The scorpion, the first stage of transformation, represents Scorpio’s baser emotions. The eagle is the second stage and is considered a symbol of courage and power. The phoenix represents the final stage of transformation for Scorpio, emblematic of the capacity for empathetic observation without judgment. The phoenix — strongly associated with rebirth, resurrection, and transformation — is a symbol that represents Scorpio breaking the chains of attachment, having learned the lesson of letting go.

The evolution of a Scorpio also parallels the changes we see in the Death tarot card. Yes, the Death card can represent a person’s death, but most tarot readers will say that this does not happen frequently. Typically, the Death card represents change or transformation. In order for us to move on, we have to let go of the past. If we want a new job, we have to be willing to leave the old job. We cannot accept new things in our lives if we do not clear out the old. That version of ourselves has to die so we can grow into the person we want to be.

The word death conjures many images and feelings for people. One thing people associate with death is grief. When a loved one dies, we are hurt by their passing. We mourn their potential or all the memories we will never make with them. We miss them. This is natural, and although we mostly fear grief, we need to accept when it comes. Grief can teach us many things. It prepares us for coming to terms with our own mortality, it brings communities and families together, and it can help us to mature and grow. It also teaches us empathy and understanding.

The Death card holds room for grief. In tarot, there are multiple cards that represent change and moving on. However, Death is one of the few that lets us know that although the change is good and necessary, it can be painful. The Death card gives us the space to grieve for those things that are dying in our lives. Sure, you want that new job and its better benefits, but that doesn’t mean you won’t miss aspects of your old job. Yes, we want to grow and learn, but that means we have to let go of bad habits and old programming — which is a decision you have to make every day. You may find yourself grieving for who or what you used to be, or even being upset with yourself because navigating growth can be difficult. The Death card knows this and holds space for us to process our feelings through our transformations.

As we struggle to model the evolution of Scorpio, from the jealous and angry scorpion, to the mature and wise eagle, to the final stages of the reborn phoenix, the Death card is there for us. The change represented by Death is deeply transformational — you will not be the same after your Death experience. That is the whole point. Death is the end of something, yes, but it is also the birth of something new. You cannot separate the end from the beginning — they are happening simultaneously.

As we navigate through November into the next round of holidays, we often experience grief and anxiety. When that happens, think of the Death card. Change is coming, and it may be difficult, but you are the phoenix who will rise above.

Emily Guenther is a co-owner of The Broom Closet metaphysical shop. She is a Memphis native, professional tarot reader, ordained Pagan clergy, and dog mom.

Fun Stuff Metaphysical Connection

Metaphysical Connection: August Requires Strength

If you are a follower of spiritual bloggers, you may have noticed a trend recently — a struggle with the month of August. For some of us, it’s because we live in the South and it’s hot. The heat and humidity make even the smallest thing difficult. Combine that lethargy with the demands of school starting back, and for the most part, we are over it. All we can think about is cooler weather and Halloween. But there is still more of August and all of September to go before relief is in sight. Which means we are going to need strength. Luckily, there is a tarot card for that. 

August is Leo season in the zodiac, and Leo corresponds to the tarot card Strength. Technically Leo season ends on August 22nd, but for Leos, is Leo season ever really over? 

The Strength card in tarot typically features a woman and a lion. The symbolism of the woman and the lion is a beautiful combination. The lion on the card is a magical being, king of the jungle and a fierce predator, and yet, it is being constrained by the simple touch of the woman. This shows that the woman has dominion over the lion. The woman here is calm, in control, and disciplined in times of difficulty. The lion is a symbol for our courage, desires, and temper. These are feelings we all have, but we must keep them in check so that they do not lead to our downfall.

Strength is a balance card, much like Temperance. We need to be able to balance and integrate our base, animal desires and drives with our civility and humanity. We have to learn to control our ego and temper our passions with understanding, compassion, and grace for ourselves and others. 

Seeing the Strength card in a tarot reading can indicate that you have the inner strength and fortitude to overcome your current situation. It can represent the fact that you have self-mastery and are staying calm during times of distress, or it can be a call to action and encourage you to bring a more harmonious attitude to your current problems. Compassion is a big part of strength, and not just the tarot card. You can see the compassion of the woman in the card by how gently she interacts with and handles the lion. If you see the Strength card in a tarot reading, it could be talking about your compassion and care for others — especially if you are one to give at your own expense. 

This August we could all use a little strength in our lives. And if you like to meditate or reflect on a tarot card, the Strength card might be a good one to focus on right now. We can use the energies and symbolism of this card to help us navigate the changing cycles that occur this month. Many families are adjusting to the new school year. And heat and humidity aside, August is the beginning of the harvest season — a time most of us celebrate the idea of, rather than the actual work — and the beginning of fall.

As we take stock of 2023 and look at our progress and accomplishments, it is okay to be proud of what we have accomplished. Allow yourself to embrace the leonine energy of Leo season and share your sense achievement with the world. But if 2023 has not gone as you planned, remember the compassion of the Strength card. Be gentle with yourself and take care of yourself so that you can live to fight another day.

Even though it is the beginning of harvest season, there is still a lot of work to be done. Pull the fortitude and inner strength you have to the forefront of your being if you need a little push to get to the end of the year. Remember that this Leo season — and all year long — we have a lion inside of us, ready to motivate us with divine love and help us shine like the divine royalty we are. All it takes is a little hard work and strength.

Emily Guenther is a co-owner of The Broom Closet metaphysical shop. She is a Memphis native, professional tarot reader, ordained Pagan clergy, and dog mom.

Fun Stuff Metaphysical Connection

Metaphysical Connection: Page of Cups in Tarot

In many places, summer is a time to get out and be more active, and that energy is noticeable in Memphis as well. But our heat and humidity often drive us back indoors as much as the idea of the sun and summer fun brings us outdoors. If you’re a tarot enthusiast, you may find yourself beating the heat with an iced tea and a tarot deck somewhere cool and comfortable. Tarot, as I say, is reflective of the human experience, which means there are cards in the deck that touch on all aspects of our lives, including the seasons.

There are generally multiple tarot cards representing an idea, and that is the case with summer. It’s easy to associate The Sun card from the Major Arcana portion of tarot with summer. But there are other cards that can represent the season, including The Chariot and the Page of Cups. The Chariot card is often associated with summertime because the zodiac sign in power when the summer solstice arrives is Cancer, and The Chariot is the Cancer card in the Major Arcana. The Page of Cups is one of the more unique and interesting summertime cards we find in tarot, and one we’ll explore here in more depth.

If you keep up with this column, you may notice a recent theme: water. Nothing makes Memphians think more about water than summer temps and humidity. The Page of Cups is a water card, but that is not why I chose it this week.

Every day, every moment is an opportunity to start over and do better, if we embrace that idea. This is a sentiment that the Page of Cups reminds us of. The Page cards in tarot have an optimistic and youthful exuberance to them. They represent that part of our personalities that see things as opportunities and exciting adventures, and what a great attitude to carry into summer. What kind of trips or plans can you make? What kind of parties or events do you want to go to? The Page of Cups encourages us to have an open and curious mind. Let yourself dream and think outside the box this summer and see what new things you can manifest.

The Page of Cups is a water card, and cups is the suit in tarot that deals with our heartfelt emotions, creativity, and intuition. Use this cycle of summertime to embrace your creativity and create something new. The Page of Cups can indicate a surge in creativity or intuition, and you don’t want to waste it. Summer has a feeling of excitement and freedom about it, perhaps a holdover from our school days. The sun is out, which makes everything better and brighter. The flowers are blooming, the birds and butterflies are flying around us, everything seems like it is at its peak. Use the energy of the natural world around you for your own creative expansion and progress.

As each Page asks you to explore a new facet of yourself, the Page of Cups is asking you to explore your creative, emotional self. You may feel pulled to start something new, find a new or better way to express your emotions, or learn more about developing your psychic abilities. Fantastic ideas might race through your mind, and you may find yourself moved by the simple things. Don’t be afraid to let your feelings show and wear your heart on your sleeve. Expressing yourself and leaning into your emotions is all part of this Page card.

The Page of Cups, with its often-intriguing artwork, can mean you are being called to lean into your intuition and learn to trust yourself. Look for signs, symbols, and messages, and be open to the unique ways the universe communicates with us. Pages in tarot are also considered messenger cards, so be on the lookout for exciting and heartwarming news as you embrace the energy of the Page of Cups.

No matter what your plans are for summer, lead with your heart and have fun!

Emily Guenther is a co-owner of The Broom Closet metaphysical shop. She is a Memphis native, professional tarot reader, ordained Pagan clergy, and dog mom.

Fun Stuff Metaphysical Connection

Metaphysical Connection: The Empress in Tarot

Technically summer doesn’t begin until June 21st, but May often makes us feel like summer — and all of its festivities — has arrived. May can be a wonderful time of year, with great weather, outdoor events, and riotous flowers in bloom. It can also be a season of work, especially when spring was as stormy as ours was.

In my mind, May can be compared to the art and meaning of The Empress tarot card. The Empress represents the Earth Mother in tarot — the goddess and divine feminine personified. She is nature, around us but also within us, the ever-unfolding source of life-giving power. The card typically shows a woman surrounded by abundant nature; sometimes she is shown as the Earth itself. The green earth, the flowing water, and the flowers that may be on her card remind us that she rules over material wealth. The fact that the card is associated with the planet Venus tells us that The Empress also rules over love and families. The Emperor card in tarot, The Empress’ counterpart, deals with law and order, discipline, and the goals of the empire. You might say The Empress rules over the emotional aspect of the empire, focusing on relationships, families, and security.

Memphis is the city of grit and grind. We work hard, we play hard, and The Empress is here to support us in our work and play. She can appreciate those of us who are motivated, who work smart and hard to make a good life for our loved ones.

The Empress acknowledges our work. She is a mother and understands what it takes to raise a child or the energy it takes to work, the time it takes to build something. The card represents that period in our lives when we must nurture something so it can grow enough to survive on its own.

But why do we work so hard? Why do we suffer the grind if there is no payoff? Remember all the abundant nature and beautiful scenery of The Empress card? That is why we grit and grind. The Empress doesn’t only stand for hard work, but also the abundance and success of a job well done and a life well lived. She also represents luxurious abundance of all kinds. She offers a cornucopia of delights, especially those of the senses — food, pleasure, and beauty. She can suggest material reward, but only with the understanding that riches go with a generous and open spirit. The Empress is the loving mother of tarot after all.

If you are getting a tarot reading and The Empress appears in regard to your love life, she has good news for you there, too. In a love question, it can herald a serious, committed relationship. The prospective partner represented by the card will likely be loving, nurturing, and caring; have financial security; and/or be a lover of fine material things. If The Empress shows up in a reading about your career, expect work to be more pleasurable for a while. Typically, The Empress means that you are being supported at work, and perhaps your career is getting a boost. Harness your creative talents at work when she appears and let her grow your future.

This can also be a good time to put on your creative hat and begin planning for the future you want. Schools will be letting out for summer, seniors will be graduating, and family vacations need planning. Everyone has been working hard, and the energies of May invite us to play and enjoy ourselves.

As a representative of the lighthearted vibes of the month, let The Empress into your life. Let her show you how to harness your energies so you play as hard as you work, and so you enjoy the fruits of your labors. There is no point in running the rat race if we do not get off the wheel and enjoy the things we’ve worked for.

Emily Guenther is a co-owner of The Broom Closet metaphysical shop. She is a Memphis native, professional tarot reader, ordained Pagan clergy, and dog mom.

Fun Stuff Metaphysical Connection

February is for Lovers

February might be the shortest month of the year, but it is packed with meaning. February is the month of love, hosting Valentine’s Day on the 14th. What better tarot card to discuss this week than The Lovers card?

In tarot, The Lovers is card number six of the Major Arcana. The Major Arcana section of tarot represents the big picture in our lives, marking milestone events or major turning points. The Lovers card is about love, but there is so much more to it than romance.

To get a fuller understanding of The Lovers, let’s look at its number, six. Sixes in tarot reflect our journey to harmony and unity, not just with ourselves but with others. The number six calls us to engage with society. As we learn and grow through our interactions, we change. The number six of The Lovers card tells us that, going forward, things will be different, and our experiences with The Lovers card will leave us transformed.

With a name like The Lovers, it’s natural that love is the first thing we think of when we see this card. If you are looking for romance in your life and you see The Lovers in a reading, it is a good indication that what you are looking for is in your future. As an attraction card, The Lovers represents those feelings of excitement, hopefulness, and joy of new love. It represents the allure and passion of love that can be hard to define. The Lovers represents a romantic partnership between people that is complementary and uplifting to both parties. If you are considering taking your relationship to the next level, The Lovers card is a welcome indication that it’s time to get more serious and that your relationship is well-matched.

The Lovers card is also about choices. With each person we meet, we have the ability to choose to be in a relationship with them — whether it’s a friendship, business, or romantic relationship. With The Lovers card, you are choosing love — and choosing the person you want to express that love with. The Lovers also represents those choices we make when we truly desire something. The attraction and allure of the card doesn’t end with people but can symbolize decisions we make in our lives.

Imagine that you are content with your life. You go about your days not seeking any changes. Then, out of the blue, you see a job posting for a job you’ve always wanted. Now that you know your dream job is available, do you apply and pursue it, even though it means changing your career? Or do you ignore it? The excitement and the almost spiritual pull of that dream job is an example of the choices we have to make with The Lovers.

All choices come with a consequence — good, bad, or indifferent. If we make the choice to pursue our dream job, then we may find ourselves changing careers when we didn’t plan on it. We might find ourselves with pressure to relocate. We now have to accept and deal with the consequences of the choice we made. The Lovers is about moving toward a more harmonious lifestyle, which means things in our life will change, and those changes can be lasting. There may be a sacrifice you must make in order to have this dream. In some ways, all commitment is a sacrifice, but one made for the right reason or person can help you grow as an individual.

The next time you receive a reading and The Lovers card appears, get ready! The person, thing, or situation you’ve been manifesting is on its way. Now you have to make sure you are ready for the love and the choices it will bring into your life. Until your ideal partner or situation arrives, live your life in harmony and unity with yourself and others so that you are in a space of love and ready to receive your blessing that The Lovers card brings.

Emily Guenther is a co-owner of The Broom Closet metaphysical shop. She is a Memphis native, professional tarot reader, ordained Pagan clergy, and dog mom.

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The Broom Closet’s Twilight Tarot

When Emily Guenther, also known as Reverend Omma to her Wiccan congregation, opened The Broom Closet over 10 years ago, she thought of it as a fantasy coming true. “I had spent six or seven years working in advertising,” she says. “It felt very inconsequential, like anybody could do it. It wasn’t feeding my soul, but it paid the bills. … I had this fantasy that like one day I might actually get to retire. And once I did, I would then spend my retirement working at a little store selling herbs to people — that was just this weird kind of daydream that kind of helped me get through the day sometimes.”

But after a rough year with her mother’s passing and losing that advertising job, her husband Stephen urged her to bring her metaphysical store to fruition, and now 10 years later, that store is going strong, offering solace to its customers and selling spiritual supplies from sage for cleansing to gemstones for manifesting. “We strive to serve the spiritual needs of the community,” Guenther says. “We try to cater to everyone regardless of their beliefs or practices, and just help people, talk to them, answer questions, help them find the thing that they need if they don’t know what they’re looking for.”

As such, one of the services The Broom Closet offers is tarot reading — fortune-telling that uses a deck of 78 pictorial cards. Anyone can read tarot, Guenther says, as long as they understand the meanings of the cards and can embrace their intuition, but having someone else read your tarot can offer insights that you might not have to come otherwise. “The thing about tarot,” she says, “is that because we’re all different … we filter through our life experiences and the way that we live our lives. And so if I needed a reading and let’s say I came to you and I know what the cards mean, you’re going to say it or explain it or filter it through your experience in a way that I needed to hear it.”

In a way, it’s like therapy, with someone guiding you through confronting and coping with the uncontrollable — like love or money, two things Guenther says she gets asked about the most.

To kick off the new year, the Broom Closet is hosting a special night of tarot reading for those looking to check in on specific situations in their life and find guidance. Participants will be able to choose from 15-minute tarot readings for $20, 30-minute readings for $40, and 60-minute readings for $70. Readings will be done on a first-come-first-served basis, with no appointments necessary.

To keep up with other event offerings, like workshops and sound baths, at The Broom Closet, follow them on Facebook (@The Broom Closet – Memphis) or Instagram (@ the_broom_closet).

Twilight Tarot: A Night of Tarot Reading, The Broom Closet, Friday, January 6, 6-8 p.m., $20-$70.