News The Fly-By


Why they lyin’?

Leodan Rodriguez, “the first Latino Sigma in the history of the University of Memphis,” tweeted this beautiful scene:

It got some comments: “Why they lyin?” “This is hilarious and so wrong.” “It doesn’t snow in Memphis…this is fake.”

Yes, it was.


Need some eye bleach from all the terrible stuff you’ve read on the internet?

Head on over to the Memphis subreddit for Tell Me Something Good Tuesday. Here’s an example from last week:

bonsaibo – The golden hour pre-sunset light tonight was gorgeous.

MemphisMoon – Only 5 more months ’til I get to visit Memphis again.

CodySpring – Got our offer accepted for the house we are looking into in Memphis. Now to just hope the paperwork and appraisal go through alright.

P.S. Please don’t crucify me but I tried it on my second visit to Memphis and didn’t find Central BBQ to be all it is hyped up to be. Any other recommendations?

BBQspaghetti – We stopped crucifying people 4 or 5 years ago.