Memphis Gaydar News

Couples Tie the Knot at Tennessee Equality Project Marriage Celebration

“It’s my pleasure to introduce you to Mrs. and Mrs. Wallheimer,” said attorney (and former Shelby County Commissioner) Steve Mulroy, as a couple hundred people gathered on the lawn of the Memphis Gay & Lesbian Community Center (MGLCC) Friday afternoon cheered and clapped. Mulroy was referring to Jennifer and Alisha Wallheimer (formerly Jennifer Ballheimer and Alisha Wall), who married today on the front porch of the MGLCC.

Steve Mulroy performs a marriage for Jennifer and Alisha Wallheimer.

Mulroy was one of several volunteers with marriage-ordaining powers at the MGLCC’s celebration of the U.S. Supreme Court’s 5-4 decision in favor of same-sex marriage in all 50 states. He and others married two other couples on-site in front of the gathered crowd. Before the ceremony, ministers roamed the crowd looking for anyone ready to marry.

“We actually had more ministers come out to perform weddings than we had people looking to get married,” said Tennessee Equality Project (TEP) Shelby County Committee Chair Justin Smith.

Shelby County Commissioner Reginald Milton spoke at the event. He told a story about having to go to a segregated medical clinic when he was a kid followed by the words “An injustice to anyone is an injustice to all.”

“I was too young to know the Civil Rights Movement, but I am honored to be here today as we stand for justice for every human being in this country,” Milton said.

While the event was celebratory, TEP President and Chair Ginger Leonard cautioned that, once the celebrations were over, the community still had lots of work ahead.

“Just because we can get married doesn’t mean we are no longer going to be discriminated against in housing, jobs, getting loans from banks, or in other areas,” Leonard said.

She said TEP will begin to shift its focus on non-discrimination ordinances with specific language addressing sexual orientation and gender identity, anti-bullying legislation, housing for LGBT homeless youth, and LGBT senior care.


News The Fly-By

Tennessee Equality Project Releases New Advocacy Agenda

There’s more to LGBT equality than gay marriage, even though it’s a bit hard to see that through all the news coverage surrounding the impending Supreme Court decision on that issue.

But the Tennessee Equality Project (TEP) has set its sights on those other issues in its new, five-year local government advocacy agenda. The agenda, which looks at everything from anti-bullying policies in schools to affordable housing for LGBT seniors, sets the stage for TEP’s lobbying efforts in local governments throughout the state through 2019.

This is the LGBT advocacy organization’s second agenda since its founding in 2004. The first agenda was focused on getting LGBT-inclusive non-discrimination ordinances passed in cities and counties throughout the state, and TEP has been largely successful in those efforts, including in Memphis and Shelby County.

“This agenda is different from TEP’s first agenda because we had to focus on ourselves in the first agenda. Now, because some local governments are banning discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, we’re freer to work in coalition with them,” said TEP Executive Director Chris Sanders.

Here’s a rundown of what’s on the new local government agenda:

1) Domestic partner registries — These will only be needed if the Supreme Court doesn’t rule in favor of same-sex marriage next month. But if that happens, TEP will begin pushing for cities and counties to establish registries, which are often accepted by private employers as proof of a relationship for the company’s own domestic partner benefit programs.

2) Safe schools — Shelby County already has an anti-bullying policy that includes sexual orientation and gender identity, but TEP will push for other school systems across the state to adopt similar policies.

3) Gender transition health care for city/county employees — TEP will push for cities and counties to include gender-related health care, such as hormones for transgender people, in insurance programs for their employees.

“One thing that gets lost in policy discussions about LGBT issues, with marriage at center stage, is the work that needs to be done to make sure transgender individuals are able to live healthy and safe lives,” said Jonathan Cole, chair and president of TEP.

4) Building relationships with law enforcement and district attorneys to address hate crimes and domestic violence.

5) Funding for youth transitional housing — Nationally, about 40 percent of homeless youth are LGBT. And sometimes, privately run shelters, specifically those run by religious groups, can be discriminatory to LGBT kids. TEP is hoping to secure more funding for housing for all homeless youth, with the hopes that more LGBT kids would be helped in the process. Cole said this issue is among TEP’s top priorities in Memphis since the Memphis Gay & Lesbian Community Center is looking to expand services for homeless youth.

6) LGBT-friendly affordable housing for seniors — Sanders said TEP will be working with local housing authorities to ensure they’re applying existing Housing and Urban Development policies, which require LGBT inclusivity.

“A lot of seniors are going back into the closet when they go into subsidized housing or a senior facility,” Sanders said. “They’re afraid in those situations because they’re at the mercy of others.”

7) LGBT-competent staff at health facilities — TEP will work with local governments to makes sure county-funded health clinics are treating LGBT patients with dignity and respect.

8) Dignity/Inclusion/Nondiscrimination resolutions for small governments — This one wouldn’t apply to Memphis and Shelby County since there’s already such an ordinance in place. But TEP will push smaller governments to pass resolutions.

Memphis Gaydar News

Scenes From the Memphis Marriage Equality Rally

About 50 people gathered on the front lawn of the Memphis Gay & Lesbian Community Center Monday night to celebrate the upcoming oral arguments in the U.S. Supreme Court same-sex marriage case that involves a couple from Memphis.

Memphians Ijpe DeKoe and Thom Kostura are plantiffs in the case, and they’re represented by local attorney Maureen Holland. They flew to Washington D.C. last week to prepare for oral arguments, which begin on Tuesday, April 28th. The Tennessee case is lumped with same-sex marriage cases from Ohio, Kentucky, and Michigan, all of which are on appeal after the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld marriage bans in the four states last year.

The Sixth Circuit’s decision was a split from other appellate courts, the rest of which have ruled to overturn marriage bans. Marriage equality advocates believe the Supreme Court’s decision in this case will decide the fate of marriage in the country. A decision is expected by June.

“This is history,” MGLCC executive director Will Batts told the crowd. “I’m not going to quote the vice-president, but this is a big effin’ deal.”

Same-sex marriage is legal now in about three-fourths of country, and only 13 states — including Tennessee — continue to ban it. So far, 65 courts have ruled in support of same-sex marriage, and only one court — the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals — has ruled to uphold a gay marriage ban. That’s the decision that involved Tennessee, Ohio, Michigan, and Kentucky that is being appealed to the Supreme Court.

“Now is the time for the Supreme Court to finish the job on marriage,” said the Tennessee Equality Project’s Jonathan Cole.

Gwendolyn Clemons, co-founder of Relationships Unleashed (an LGBT radio program on KWAM 990), told the crowd that, in order to win equal rights, they must make their voices heard.

“We have to be visible. We can’t hide anymore,” Clemons said. “The only thing that belongs in a closet is clothes.”

“And shoes,” added her wife Shawn. 

“We’re in our civil rights movement. If you’re ready to march, we need soldiers,” Clemons added.


Memphis Gaydar News

Memphis Marriage Rally

Maureen Holland, Ijpe DeKoe, Thom Kostura

Advocates of marriage equality will gather at the Memphis Gay & Lesbian Community Center (892 S. Cooper) Monday evening at 5:30 p.m. for a rally kicking off the marriage equality case before the U.S. Supreme Court. The nation’s high court will begin hearing oral arguments in the case on Tuesday, April 28th.

Memphians Ijpe DeKoe and Thom Kostura are plantiffs in the case, and they’re represented by local attorney Maureen Holland. They flew to Washington D.C. last week to prepare for oral arguments. The Tennessee case is lumped with same-sex marriage cases from Ohio, Kentucky, and Michigan, all of which are on appeal after the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld marriage bans in the four states last year.

The Sixth Circuit’s decision was a split from other appellate courts, the rest of which have ruled to overturn marriage bans. Marriage equality advocates believe the Supreme Court’s decision in this case will decide the fate of marriage in the country.

Monday’s rally, hosted by the Tennessee Equality Project, will feature a performance by the Neshoba Unitarian Universalist show choir. Attendees are encouraged to bring signs and posters showing support for equality.

Memphis Gaydar News

Memphis Couple Will Travel to D.C. for Supreme Court Same-sex Marriage Case

The Memphis couple and their attorney involved in the same-sex marriage case that will be heard by the U.S. Supreme Court were honored in a ceremony hosted by Freedom to Marry on Tuesday afternoon at the Memphis Gay & Lesbian Community Center.

MGLCC Director Will Batts, Southerners for Freedom to Marry Campaign Manager Amanda Snipes, attorney Maureen Holland, plaintiffs Ijpe DeKoe and Thom Kostura, and Tennessee Equality Project’s Anne Brownlee Gullick and Skip Ledbetter

Ijpe DeKoe and Thom Kostura, plantiffs in the Tennessee same-sex marriage case, and attorney Maureen Holland are flying to Washington D.C. this week. The high court will hear oral arguments in the case on April 28th. The Tennessee case is lumped with same-sex marriage cases from Ohio, Kentucky, and Michigan, all of which are on appeal after the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld marriage bans in the four states last year.

The Sixth Circuit’s decision was a split from other appellate courts, the rest of which have ruled to overturn marriage bans. Marriage equality advocates believe the Supreme Court’s decision in this case will decide the fate of marriage in the country.

“We come together today as hopeful that soon the harmful marriage ban and all of the marriage bans across the country are struck down, and the days of married couples being treated like strangers will be relegated to the history books,” said Amanda Snipes, campaign manager for Southerners for Freedom to Marry, which hosted the ceremony Tuesday afternoon.

Holland said there are 48 lawyers working on this case, and she expects the Supreme Court to issue a decision by the end of June.

“My greatest wish for you is that by June, you are as married in this building as you are on the base,” said Tennessee Equality Project’s Anne Brownlee Gullick, addressing DeKoe and Kostura. DeKoe is on active duty in the Army Reserves, and since the federal government recognizes same-sex marriages, the couple is considered to be married when they visit a military base. DeKoe and Kostura married in New York in 2011.

DeKoe said they realize that they’re at the center of what could be a ground-breaking case that has potential to end marriage discrimination across the country once and for all. 

“We’re at the center of this giant hurricane,” DeKoe said. “We realize how big it is. It’s going to be a crazy day in Tennessee and across the country when this decision comes down in our favor. And I’m excited for it.”

Although the high court is expected to rule in favor of marriage equality, Holland said that, in the case that it does not, there is a back-up plan.

“The lawyers don’t stop. We’ll continue to bring cases,” Holland said. “We’ll continue our fight, but we’re hopeful that we will join the 36 other states that recognize same-sex marriage, so Thomas and Ijpe won’t have to continue to engage in ‘Are we married? Are we not?’ when they cross a state boundary.”

News The Fly-By

Locals Prepare for Possibility of Gay Marriage in Tennessee

Gay marriage could be legal in Tennessee any day now.

But that depends on how a three-judge panel from the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals rules on oral arguments from four states — Tennessee, Michigan, Ohio, and Kentucky — that were heard back in August.

The panel’s ruling is expected some time this fall, and the Tennessee Equality Project (TEP) isn’t wasting any time preparing for the ruling they hope will result in an overturning of the state’s gay marriage ban. The statewide equal rights organization has launched its Day One campaign to ready clergy and couples for the first day same-sex marriage is legal in the state.

Jonathan Cole of Memphis, TEP’s board chairman and president, has volunteered as a Day One “sentinel,” meaning he’s tasked with watching the Sixth Circuit like a hawk and delivering the news of a ruling as quickly as possible.

The court can rule a number of ways — they can overturn all four states’ marriage bans, or they can rule less broadly. The Tennessee case is only asking for the recognition of marriages for three couples that married in states with same-sex marriage and later moved to the state. The court could possibly rule to only honor those marriages, and, if so, more of a legal fight would be required to overturn the state’s ban.

Amy Walters |

“We want to be ready on the ground when they announce,” Cole said. “If the Sixth Circuit rules broadly based on the Michigan case, which put a broader question before the court than Tennessee’s case, I anticipate we would still need another lawsuit in Tennessee [to secure same-sex marriage rights].

“To do that, we would need couples to go down to the county clerk’s office and apply for a marriage license. If the clerks say the state government is still telling them they can’t issue licenses to same-gender couples, we’ll then have standing to file a lawsuit,” Cole said.

If the court does overturn the ban, the Rev. Beth Lefever of Neshoba Unitarian Universalist Church will be on-hand at the clerk’s office, ready to marry couples on the spot.

“We’ll marry as many as we can. And then we were thinking about having a big reception in our church on the Sunday after they start issuing licenses,” Lefever said. “We’ll have a big celebration with cake. And I will offer to perform more liturgical weddings.”

Paul Eknes-Tucker, the pastor at Holy Trinity Community Church, said his church spent the past weekend converting a couple of rooms in their Highland Avenue facility into wedding preparation rooms with mirrors and other items brides and grooms may need on their big day.

Both Eknes-Tucker and Lefever recently hosted marriage-counseling sessions for same-sex couples in their respective churches.

“We discussed adoption and custody with lawyers. And as a pastor, I talked about sex, religion, politics, friendships, and family matters. Things like, if a parent becomes ill, are you willing to have them move in with you? Or does the dog get to sleep in the bed? If one person gets an offer for a job out of town, is the other person willing to go with them?” Lefever said.

Memphian Adam Kalin said he and his partner of 15 years have discussed possibly marrying on day one in Tennessee, but he’d rather wait and have a formal ceremony with their 4- and 6-year-old children. He said they’re excited to marry because his partner will finally be able to adopt their oldest child.

“If we were married, he would be able to adopt as a step-parent,” Kalin said. “Since our oldest was adopted in Mississippi, Tennessee calls it a step-parent adoption, and they said he can’t be a step-parent because we aren’t legally married.”

Memphis Gaydar News

Shelby County Commission Committee Approves Amendments to Non-Discrimination Policy

Kal Rocket and Ellyahnna Hall at the Shelby County Commission committee meeting

  • Jackson Baker
  • Kal Rocket and Ellyahnna Hall at the Shelby County Commission committee meeting

“Sexual identity,” “gender identity,” and “gender expression” may soon be added to the non-discrimination policy for Shelby County government employees. The Shelby County Commission will vote on the amendment in their full meeting on Monday, but yesterday, the commission’s General Government committee approved the addition.

The commission passed a non-discrimination policy several years ago, but the terms “sexual identity,” “gender identity,” and “gender expression” were omitted from the final version in favor of the more generic “non-merit factors.” The policy’s original sponsor, Shelby County Commissioner Steve Mulroy, is now attempting to get those words inserted back into the policy’s language.

The Tennessee Equality Project has posted a petition on their website urging the commissioners to vote in favor of the change on Monday.

Flyer political reporter Jackson Baker was at the commission meeting yesterday and has posted a full account on his Politics Beat Blog.

Memphis Gaydar News

TEP Ice Cream Social

For 10 years, the Tennessee Equality Project has been lobbying for equal rights in the state, and over the decade, the organization has garnered a number of wins, including the passage of non-discrimination ordinances in Memphis and Shelby County and several other Tennessee cities.

TEP will be celebrating 10 years during its annual Ice Cream Social this Sunday, July 20th at Neshoba Church (7350 Raleigh Lagrange). For $10 per individual or $25 per family, guests can enjoy all the ice cream they can eat.

For the kids, Magic Mr. Nick will be onsite twisting up balloon animals and swords.

For more information or to RSVP, check out the event’s Facebook page.


Memphis Gaydar News

Cocktails for Equality

Restaurant Iris

  • Restaurant Iris

Chef Kelly English is hosting a cocktail party at Restaurant Iris to raise money for the Tennessee Equality Project’s Political Action Committee on Sunday, May 18th from 5 to 7 p.m.

English will prepare hors d’oeuvres, and the bartenders will create special cocktails for the event. Funds raised will go to help TEP support candidates who support LGBT equality and safe school legislation to prevent bullying of LGBT students.

Tickets are $50 per person or $90 per couple and may be purchased at the door.

Kelly has been an outspoken supporter of LGBT equality. He’s also headlining at the Big Gay Mississippi Welcome Table Dinner in New York City on June 13th, along with chefs John Currence of Oxford’s City Grocery and Art Smith, who owns restaurants from Chicago to Atlanta. The chefs are joining forces to oppose Mississippi’s version of the “Turn the Gays Away” bill, which would enable businesses and individuals to refuse services to LGBT citizens on the grounds of religious freedom. Read more about that dinner on Hungry Memphis.

A similar bill was killed in committee in Tennessee earlier this year. Senator Brian Kelsey introduced the bill (and later withdrew his sponsorship), and at the time, English made headlines when he put a message on Facebook offering to host a fund-raiser dinner for anyone who would run against Kelsey in the next election.

Politics Politics Feature

Redirecting the Mainstream

It is not to be doubted any longer. The massive success of the Tennessee Equality Project’s (TEP) “gumbo contest” fund-raiser, held Sunday evening at Bridges downtown, was one more indication that in Memphis as elsewhere, the LGBT (Lesbian-Gay-Bisexual-Transgender) community has achieved mainstream status.

Much of this is the result of the organizing efforts and skills of Memphian Jonathan Cole, the nonprofit TEP’s chair and president. Much, too, is due to the fact that in recent years the gay rights movement would seem to have made the quantum leap from merely seeking tolerance to establishing itself as an influential force. At least in the Western world, LGBT has achieved a status close to what the late former President Warren G. Harding meant to denote by his coinage of the term “normalcy.”

That was made obvious in the crowds that made the TEP event one of the most well-attended public events of the new year. And it was made especially clear by the number of politicians working the arena-sized meeting room at Bridges.

Most of these were Democrats, but there were Republicans as well, and judicial incumbents and candidates, whose formal status is nonpartisan. The TEP’s endorsement is a sought-after commodity these days, particularly in this year’s Democratic primary contests. Beyond that, well, there are votes to be had.

• One of the attendees at the TEP affair, as at most public political gatherings these days, except explicitly Republican ones or events on behalf of his ballot rivals, was Mike McCusker, a candidate in the Democratic primary for Criminal Court clerk.

This is the second attempt for the office by McCusker, a retired Army major who served in Afghanistan as combat advisor to the Afghan National Army and has been serving as an assistant district attorney general for the last several years. When he tried to file in the Democratic primary four years ago, he was denied the right to do so by a vote of the Shelby County Democratic executive committee.

The reason? After 9/11 prompted his Army service, McCusker — raised in “an Irish-Catholic Democratic family”— had what he describes as “a brief period” of voting Republican, more or less from what he saw then as support for the policy of his Commander-in-Chief. Once he returned from Afghanistan, he reevaluated his politics and, as he says, “returned to my Democratic values.”

After he was denied a petition in 2010 to run as a Democrat, McCusker says, local Republicans tried to get him to run for the same office under the GOP label, but he declined. “That wasn’t who I was.”

The current Republican incumbent, Kevin Key, eventually won the race.

McCusker has some stout opposition in the Democratic primary. Other candidates are City Councilmember Wanda Halbert, City Court Clerk Thomas Long, and Rev. Ralph White.

Key did not file for reelecton, so it’s an open seat. The sole Republican candidate and de facto GOP nominee is Richard DeSaussure II, who has served as chief administrator in the clerk’s office.

• Among the busiest local politicians last week — not unexpectedly — was Shelby County Commissioner Steve Mulroy, who is one of four Democrats seeking the nomination for Shelby County mayor to oppose incumbent Republican Mayor Mark Luttrell. (Luttrell, too, is a de facto nominee, having only the eccentric perennial candidate Ernest Lunati to worry about in the Republican primary.)

Among other things, in the past week, Mulroy has had two fund-raisers, attended every public non-GOP event in sight (political or otherwise), attended and played a major role in two meetings of the county commission, and continued his support of locked-out workers at the local Kellogg plant, to the point of camping overnight outside the plant, along with City Councilman Lee Harris, a fellow lockout opponent.

He also lent paternal aid and support to his son Quinn Mulroy, a White Station High School student whose team earned the right last week in a local mock trial tournament to to go to next month’s state finals.

Mulroy also continued, through the public fund-raisers and other means, to raise money for his campaign — somewhere in the neighborhood of $70,000 as of the weekend, he reports. A previous report for the filing period ending January 31st had him at $55,000, and this week he challenged the other three Democratic contenders — former County Commissioner Deidre Malone, Commission Chairman James Harvey, and Rev. Kenneth Whalum — to make public their most recent fund-raising information.

Mulroy telling his “Stop Thief” story at a fund-raiser at Mulan in the Cooper-Young district.

And, speaking of funds: Mulroy earned YouTube notoriety two years ago when, in the midst of an interview by WMC-TV’s Kontji Anthony in Overton Park, the commissioner was interrupted by a down-and-out panhandler, who persistently demanded two dollars and concluded his impromptu conversation with a threat: “If you don’t have two dollars tomorrow, I’m going to kick your ass!”

That sad story had something of a happy ending. The panhandler, tracked down by another Action News 5 reporter later on, was contrite and apologized.

But the two dollar figure seems to be some innate leitmotif in the Mulroy saga. The commissioner was parking his car in a Second Street garage last Thursday when he was approached by a man whom he took to be an attendant asking him for a $10 parking fee. Mulroy fished a twenty out of his wallet and handed it to the man, expecting change.

Instead, the “attendant” took off running, and Mulroy, realizing he’d been had, got out of the car and ran after him. (The commissioner is a regular runner and has almost regained the competitive racing level he maintained before donating a kidney last spring.)

The chase went in and out of alleys and ended up on Main Street, where Mulroy and three helpers — restaurant workers along the way, who happened to see what was going on and joined in — cornered the thief and, after convincing him that his escape route was blocked, persuaded him to return Mulroy’s money.

He eventually did, but only after first making the claim that the twenty had somehow gone missing and offering Mulroy — wait for it — two dollars, which he handed over. After the thief finally gave up and returned the twenty, he had a sudden thought and gave voice to it: “Hey, give me my two dollars!”

This story, too, had a happy ending. Everybody was reunited with his original money.