Memphis Gaydar News

TEP Gumbo Contest

On Sunday, February 23rd, 16 teams will pit their gumbo recipes against one another in Tennessee Equality Project’s fourth annual Mardi Gras Party and Gumbo Contest.


They’ll be vying for both the People’s Choice Award (voted on by attendees) and the Judges’ Choice Award (judged by a panel of made up of Memphis Police officer Virginia Awkward, Chef Kelly English of Restaurant Iris, Memphis City Councilman Edmund Ford Jr., former State Senator Beverly Kay Marrero, and Chef Gary Williams of DeJavu Restaurant). A $25 ticket allows patrons to sample and vote for their favorite gumbo. High Cotton Brewing Company and Yazoo Brewing Company will provide craft brew for sale, and the Mighty Souls Brass Band will play New Orleans jazz.

Pat McCooter, Queen of Mystic Krewe of Pegasus Memphis, will act as Mistress of Ceremonies.

Call 901-301-3306 or visit for tickets.

Full disclosure: I’ll be competing in the gumbo contest this year.

Memphis Gaydar News

LGBT Booths at Cooper-Young Festival

The annual Cooper-Young Festival is set for Saturday, September 14th, and as usual, there will be plenty of opportunities to learn more about local LGBT advocacy and pride groups.



As always, the Memphis Gay & Lesbian Community Center will be educating the public about their programs, which range from placing homeless LGBT teens into supportive homes and food pantry services to support groups and social potlucks. The MGLCC booth will be set up near the community center at 892 S. Cooper.

The Tennessee Equality Project will be registering voters and raising awareness about statewide LGBT legislation and equality efforts at their booth. They will be set up near Java Cabana on the north side of Young.

Mid-South Pride will be promoting the 10th annual pride parade and celebration, which is set for October 12th on Beale Street downtown. They’ll also be signing up volunteers for the event and promoting other fund-raising events between now and pride weekend.

There will be a Mid-South Pride after-party at Club Spectrum beginning at 10 p.m.

Memphis Gaydar News

Ice Cream Social with TEP


The Tennessee Equality Project (TEP) will hold its annual Ice Cream Social on Sunday, July 21st at 2 p.m. at Neshoba Church.

TEP’s acting executive director Chris Sanders of Nashville will be at the event on part of his Tennessee tour in support of his new role with the organization (Sander led the organization as president for years).

The event will feature an ice cream bar with multiple toppings and an appearance by Magic Mr. Nick. The entry fee is $10 per person or $25 per family. All proceeds benefit TEP.

Memphis Gaydar News

TEP To Discuss the Meaning of Supreme Court’s Historic Ruling


In a historic decision for marriage equality, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and decided that the supporters of California’s Prop 8 gay marriage ban did not have standing to appeal the U.S. District Court’s ruling of unconstitutionality.

In a nutshell, the DOMA decision means that married gay couples in the 13 states that allow gay marriage will now be entitled to federal marriage benefits, and the Prop 8 decision makes gay marriage legal again in California. The Prop 8 decision does not, however, undo any gay marriage bans in the 36 states that have them, including Tennessee. The court would have had to rule Prop 8 to be unconstitutional for that to have happened.

Michelle Bliss of the Tennessee Equality Project (TEP) will break the decisions down further tonight in a lecture (and likely a celebration) at TEP’s monthly meeting tonight at the Memphis Gay & Lesbian Community Center at 6:30 p.m.

Memphis Gaydar News

LGBT Activism in the Deep South

Jonathan Cole

  • Jonathan Cole

LGBT activism is alive and well in the South, but what special issues come along with preaching equality in the Bible Belt?

Jonathan Cole of the Tennessee Equality Project will discuss “LGBT Activism in the Deep South” in front of the Marxist Student Union on the University of Memphis campus. The lecture is open to the public on Thursday, March 28th at 7 p.m. in the Mitchell Hall Auditorium on the University of Memphis campus.

The event is co-sponsored by the Progressive Student Alliance.

Memphis Gaydar News

Advancing Equality on the Hill

For nine consecutive years, the Tennessee Equality Project has dedicated a day to lobbying state lawmakers in favor of bills that advance equality and against bills that take away equal rights or promote discrimination.

On Tuesday, March 12th, the Shelby County Committee will be joining other TEP committees from across the state in Nashville for Advancing Equality on the Hill Day.

The event begins with a light breakfast and policy briefing at the Rhymer Gallery in downtown Nashville at 8:30 a.m. At 9:30 a.m., the group will head to Legislative Plaza for individual appointments with lawmakers.

There’s also a TEP Foundation and Clergy for Justice anti-bullying prayer breakfast from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. in the Legislative Plaza cafeteria. Clergy and other guests will hear presentations on school bullying issues to help them advocate for safe schools in Tennessee.

TEP will hold a press conference at 1 p.m. at the top of the escalator in Legislative Plaza to discuss important legislation and to make public the Tennessee Human Rights Statement, which provides a contrast to discriminatory legislation filed this session.

For more information, see the event’s Facebook page.


Memphis Gaydar News

Q&A with Kal Dwight

Kal Dwight

  • Kal Dwight

Memphian Kal Dwight is easily one of the most active young people involved in the local fight for LGBTQ rights. At age 21, he’s already a veteran of the equality movement, having co-founded the Memphis Gay & Lesbian Community Center’s Gen Q group for college-aged LGBTQ people and their allies. Gen Q offers a place for young people to socialize and get active in the fight for equality.

On March 12th, Gen Q members will be in Nashville taking part in the Tennessee Equality Project’s “Advancing Equality Day on the Hill,” an annual day of lobbying in favor of LGBTQ-friendly bills and lobbying against those bills that would harm gay people and families. Kal took a few minutes to chat with the Flyer about Gen Q, activism, and his undying love for Elton John.

Flyer: Why did you help start Gen Q?
Kal Dwight: Originally, when my best bro Ray and I started it, we were 19 and too young for the bars. This was before Spectrum (gasp!). But we knew we wanted to be involved. We also knew that there were others like us. There isn’t much to do in Memphis if you’re under 21, whether you’re gay or straight. If you’re not in college or a church youth group, it’s hard to go out and meet people. So we started in early 2010 at the MGLCC.

What’s the goal of the organization?
To create a healthier, safer environment for young adults while strengthening the local gay-straight alliances (GSA). We meet every Friday, and we reserve the second Friday of every month specifically for college GSAs to come and create events together.

You’re currently fundraising to take Gen Q to Nashville for “Advancing Equality on the Hill Day.” Why take the group?

Memphis young LGBTQA people rarely get a chance to go to Tennessee Equality Project (TEP) events in Nashville because of the cost and distance. Every year that I have been, it has been all Middle Tennessee kids and other adults. It’s time for our presence. I also hate being the youngest person at every event, so I’ve made it my mission to target young adults to get more involved. I can’t honestly keep bitching about it unless I do something. As for our fundraising goal, I think we’ve almost reached it. People keep donating every day.

Are there any particular bills in the state legislature that you’re very concerned about?
I am always concerned with the “Don’t Say Gay” bill [Senator Stacey Campfield’s bill that would ban discussion of homosexuality in grades K through 8]. I can’t wait to be rid of that one for good. Not only is it a threat to our kids, it makes us look so bad in Tennessee!

You’re probably the most active young person in the LGBTQ equality movement in Memphis.

Haha … I am older than Justin Bieber at least! I might be the youngest but not for long.

When did you first get involved in the LGBTQ equality fight in Memphis?

When I moved home from L.A. and decided that this is where I needed to be, specifically for activism. I was all fired up after Prop 8. I knew that I couldn’t represent anything I didn’t know, and all I know is the Delta. I remember my first trip to the Memphis Gay and Lesbian Community Center. I was glad to find a place that I now consider home.

Younger people tend to be more accepting of equality, but are there any issues that you face trying to convince the younger generation to get involved? Is there a lot of apathy?
A lot of the younger people that want to be involved are also involved in a million things. I only see the younger ones who come to me asking for projects to work on. I know that a lot have families and have to sacrifice free time to make a living. However, when my dad was in college, they were demonstrating and picketing everything. They were organizing sit-ins and bus boycotts. Okay, maybe dad isn’t that old but you get the point. We are the future, and this country isn’t going to get better until we MAKE it better.

As a transgender guy in Memphis, have you ever faced discrimination?
I’m very privileged to live in my little gay bubble; I have a very strong support system. It is certainly not a walk in the park for everyone though. Memphis is so far behind on trans issues. We are barely scraping the surface of what other places have already accomplished. Physically and mentally, this is a rough place for anyone who is LGBTQA. My biggest problems often come from within my own community. L’s, g’s, and b’s maybe don’t realize how uneducated they are and how much it hurts. My friend and a trans woman said, “Sometimes it seems that, by being trans, it is assumed that you are an open book or a walking educational seminar.” And I can get impatient.

How do you handle those situations?
I am pretty easygoing with the pronoun problem (people calling me “she” instead of “he”) but if I sense the situation could escalate, I just leave. I don’t have time to deal with jerks these days.

And now for some lighter questions: What’s your favorite Memphis restaurant?

So you’re pretty much the world’s biggest Elton John fan. When did that obsession begin, and how many times have you seen him perform live?

OMG elton!! He’s the man of my dreams! I first saw him when I was 13. I have seen him four times since then. And once in London! I think that he and David Furnish (his hubby) are so amazing and I’m so happy that they finally have a family. And yes, I will be seeing him next weekend.

What are you reading right now?
This month’s Rolling Stone. I am about to start [Pete] Townshend’s biography.

If you could be a celebrity for a day, who would you be?

Prince Harry. My dad even agrees.

And what are your future plans? Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
This is the hardest question. I want to be here, but I don’t think I will be. I want to do event coordinating and planning for nonprofits. I hope to be contracted out one day to the big organizations like in D.C. and L.A. But this is only March. It will probably be a different story next month..

Memphis Gaydar News

Vegan Dinner to Benefit GenQ


GenQ, the Memphis Gay & Lesbian Community Center group for college-aged LGBT people and their straight allies, is hosting “Dinner for the Hill” on Friday, Feb. 15th at MGLCC (892 S. Cooper) from 7 to 9 p.m.

The Mom Corps will be cooking recipes from my cookbook, Cookin’ Crunk: Eatin’ Vegan in the Dirty South. Donations will be collected at the door to help GenQ pay for an upcoming trip to Nashville where they’ll be participating in the Tennessee Equality Project’s “Advancing Equality on the Hill” Day.

During “Advancing Equality on the Hill,” equality advocates meet with elected officials to discuss concerns and voice support for LGBT-friendly legislation.

Memphis Gaydar News

Q&A with Jonathan Cole

Jonathan Cole

  • Jonathan Cole

Since 2007, Jonathan Cole has been fighting for equality in various roles with the Tennessee Equality Project, the state’s LGBT rights organization. From convincing the Memphis City Council to add workplace protections for city employees to lobbying against anti-gay bills in Nashville, Cole has done it all. He took out a few minutes to talk to Memphis Gaydar:

How long have you been involved with the Tennessee Equality Project?
I’ve been appointed or elected to a number of volunteer roles for Tennessee Equality Project since 2007. I was named co-chair of the Shelby County Committee in 2007 and later served as chair from 2008 until 2010. Anne Gullick is the current chair of TEP’s Shelby County Committee. I was elected to the statewide TEP Board in 2008. I’ve served as secretary, chair, and president and chair of the board. I currently serve as vice president. I’ve also served as a board member of TEP’s Political Action Committee since 2007.

What does your current VP role entail?
I coordinate TEP’s advocacy efforts in West Tennessee. I support the work of our steering committee chairs in Shelby and Madison Counties as we advance local campaigns (like last October’s employment non-discrimination ordinance in Memphis) and state-level efforts to engage the Tennessee General Assembly. Citizen engagement will be essential in opposing anti-LGBT bills in the state legislature in 2013. In the coming weeks, I will be helping to organize West Tennesseans for Advancing Equality Day on the Hill in Nashville on March 12th.

Before getting involved with TEP, what other sorts of activism were you involved in?
From 1999 until 2007, I served on and off the board of Integrity-Memphis, an LGBT advocacy group within the Episcopal Church. Most of my efforts were devoted to challenging the parishes, clergy, and the bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of West Tennessee to become more welcoming to LGBT people and their families.

My interests turned more secular when organizing local opposition to the Marriage Discrimination Amendment to the Tennessee Constitution in 2006. Voters were asked to enshrine discriminatory language in the state constitution that year in a referendum on the November ballot. While serving on the board of the Memphis Gay and Lesbian Community Center, I helped organize grassroots opposition to the Marriage Discrimination Amendment. We lost that battle, but the fight for equal rights for LGBT people and their families in Tennessee continues on other fronts.

You’ve become one of the most public faces in the local fight for LGBT equality. Did you ever imagine yourself in such a spotlight?
Not really. While I feel blessed that I can play a role in advancing equal rights for my community, my greatest hope is that new leaders will step forward to represent our diverse community. I can’t possibly represent the interests of my entire community.

How have you adjusted to that public role?
I can honestly say that nothing I’ve done would be possible without the love and support of my husband Paul. The political work that I do requires a lot of networking, community organizing, and engaging the media that happens after-hours outside my full time job. This has always meant time away from home and family. Paul helps me stay grounded in the simplest of ways whether it’s making dinner, folding my laundry, or telling me it’s okay to say “no” when that public role becomes too demanding.

What accomplishments are you most proud of from TEP?
I devoted more than five years to advancing workplace protections in Memphis and Shelby County. I am most proud of the LGBT-inclusive employment non-discrimination ordinance passed by the Memphis City Council on October 16, 2012.

We were very close to passing the ordinance in 2010, closer than most people realized. A consensus on the council was ready to pass an ordinance that would add sexual orientation to workplace protections for city employees and job applicants in 2010. But there were not enough votes to add gender identity. I knew then that we’d never get the council to add gender identity in the future if we compromised. We failed in 2010, but we came back again in 2012 to fight for an LGBT-inclusive ordinance. I’m proud that we stood together as a community until we could do the right thing.

I am also proud of the fact that TEP and its allies were able to defeat several anti-LGBT bills in the 107th Tennessee General Assembly when I was president and chair of TEP’s Board: “Don’t Say Gay,” “License to Bully” and the “Police the Potty” bills were the most prominent last year.

What is next on the horizon for the Shelby County committee?
The Shelby County Commission voted for a resolution in 2009 which offers some workplace protections for LGBT county employees and job applicants. County workers deserve the same level of protection in a non-discrimination ordinance that city employees now enjoy.

Interest is also building among city employees for domestic partner benefits for gay and lesbian couples (health insurance, family and medical leave, etc.). Our committee is ready to work with county and city employees and community supporters to advance these goals.

Memphis has come a long way in recent years, but are there areas where we still need work?
I would like to see more LGBT people running for office in local and state government in Memphis. In particular, I look forward to supporting an openly lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender African American for elected office. I’ll know that Memphis has arrived when that happens.

On a less serious note, what’s your favorite thing about Memphis?
The people of Memphis. Southern hospitality is alive and well in this city. Memphis is the biggest small town in America. I like the fact that people speak to one another here. That doesn’t happen in bigger cities.

Where do you take out-of-town guests?
Paul and I are big foodies. We proudly expose out-of-towners to the best food that Memphis has to offer. I make sure they stay away from what I call tourist BBQ. I tell them to try Payne’s, Cozy Corner, or Central BBQ before going anywhere else. We tend to take guests to places in Midtown or Downtown where we like to eat or drink: Alchemy, Sweet Grass Next Door, Cafe 1912, Bari, Young Avenue Deli, Rizzo’s Diner, Gus’s Fried Chicken, Mollie Fontaine. We also like Acre, Andrew-Michael and Hog & Hominy in East Memphis.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Friends frequently ask me when I plan to run for office. I have no plans to do so. I think I am more effective influencing government and policy makers from the outside. I’m a social worker in my professional life who loves community organizing. I’ll probably be doing the same thing in 10 years.

Memphis Gaydar News

Rally for LGBT Workplace Protections for Federal Contractors


Earlier this year, President Barack Obama took administrative action to see to it that benefits were provided for same-sex partners of federal employees, but those protections don’t extend to federal contractors.

This weekend, the Tennessee Equality Project (TEP) is hosting rallies across the state to call attention to the need for basic workplace protections for LGBT employees of companies that contract with the federal government. Benefits aside, the group is asking the president to simply bar discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity for federal contractors.

The Memphis rally will take place on Sunday, December 8th from 2 to 3 p.m. at the federal building at 167 N. Main. Advocates are asked to wear purple (or if you have one, a TEP “Equal Protection for All” t-shirt). Similar rallies are also being held on Sunday in Nashville and Cookeville.

The Memphis rally is co-sponsored by Latino Memphis, First Congregational Church, Planned Parenthood Greater Memphis Region, the Shelby County Democratic Party, Memphis Gay & Lesbian Community Center, Perpetual Transition, the Tennessee Transgender Political Coalition, and Tennessee Friends of People’s World.