News The Fly-By

Fly on the Wall


A cringe-inducing press release from PRWeb: “Relieved when his doctor told him his cancerous testicle could be successfully removed, a Los Angeles man opted for the potentially lifesaving surgery. When he awoke after the procedure, he was devastated to discover that surgeons had mistakenly removed his good testicle and then later removed the one with cancer.” The press release was created to promote LifeWings Partners LLC, a Memphis-based company that teaches aviation-based safety techniques that — apparently — can save your testicles.

Reviews are In

If you only get to see one movie’s promotional swag this summer, you’ve got to see Hot Rod‘s.

To promote its new comedy about a stuntman who’s so inept he can’t even grow a proper mustache, Paramount Pictures is sending journalists sets of Rod Kimble underoos. Note to Paramount: more please, and in plus sizes.

Sign from God

And it came to pass that Elvis, the King of Rock-and-Roll, the one who swiveled his hips for our pleasure and died before his time on the old, rugged potty, continued to work his miracles from beyond the grave. Recently, in Dublin, Ireland, after the appearance of a mysterious billboard featuring Elvis’ image, and nothing more, a local blogger called the billboard’s owner to find out what, exactly, the sign meant. “Thank you for your comments on our Elvis billboard,” the blogger was told by the sign’s owner. “I am a lifelong fan. I was very ill in the hospital some time ago and Elvis appeared to me in a dream, and he told me I would get better. He was speaking from a large billboard, and my sign is to thank him and commemorate the event so that he may help others.” Selah.