Letters To The Editor Opinion

What They Said (April 23, 2015) …

Greg Cravens

About Bruce VanWyngarden’s editor’s note, “NRA Foreplay in Nashville” …

Tennessee has far more vehicle deaths than firearm-related deaths. None of you want to outlaw texting/talking on the phone or enforce stricter DUI laws. Some people will have accidents with their firearms. Just like so many people have accidents in cars or playing sports. None of you pretend socialists actually care about saving lives – you are just anti-gun.


I’m hearing talk of a newly introduced bill designed for petting zoos, “Pistols for Peacocks.” I can hear the goats screaming in disgust already.

Dave Clancy

About the Flyer’s editorial on guns in parks legislation, “Veto It, Bill” …

Written like a true ingrained/naive civil rights bigot, and I never give the time of day to civil rights bigots. The real question that needs to be answered is just who at the Flyer anonymously wrote this slanted tripe? Someone needs to man/woman up.


Nightcrawler, someone using a pen-name and avatar is challenging someone else to man up?

CL Mullins

About Wendi C. Thomas’ story, “Cuba, Si!” …

I went to Cuba on a People to People trip in February. It was absolutely amazing! I want to go back to stay in some hotel particulares as opposed to the nationally owned hotels; although, the Hotel National in Havana was pretty amazing!

What really hit me is how the embargo has hurt not just Cubans, but Americans, too. Cuba has a pretty successful medical system. The country has its own biotech industry and has created a drug that is very successful in preventing amputations due to complications from diabetes. We have no such drug in the U.S. and won’t until the embargo ends.


About Jackson Baker’s post, “Haslam Remains Dubious About Bible Bill and Provisions of Gun Bill” …

I firmly believe that we should pass a constitutional amendment that anyone responsible for passing three laws that are later declared unconstitutional by the courts be removed from office. Call it the “Three Strikes for Dumbass Politicians” amendment.

Charley Eppes

Veto them both. I don’t think he will though, especially the gun bill. That would kill his chances of being chosen as a VP running mate this year since the Republicans are dependent upon the big gun manufacturers and their affiliate groups, mainly the NRA.


About Bianca Phillips’ post, “Ultra-sound Bill Introduced” …

I grew up around many ultra-conservative Christians who were very anti-abortion … until they had a daughter get pregnant in high school. Then they were all about getting a convenience abortion so that little Sally didn’t have to put her life on hold. I knew a handful of girls at my high school whose parents made sure to get their daughter’s “issue” fixed, even though they were staunchly anti-abortion.

Personally, I don’t like abortion, but I do think it’s necessary, and I think it’s a better alternative to have it be legal than to have a bunch of coat hanger attempts and quack doctors performing these things.


About National Volunteer Week …

In celebration of National Volunteer Week, I am writing to recognize the residents of our community whose lives have been enriched through the feeling that comes from helping others. I encourage you to find a worthy cause with which to volunteer.

I give my time to the American Cancer Society because cancer has touched everyone in some way, including my family. To help others in their fight against cancer is truly humbling.

Volunteers have been the backbone of the American Cancer Society since its founding more than 100 years ago. They continue to provide the crusading spirit the society has needed to champion the fight against this terrible disease.

Latrice McLin