Greg Cravens
About Chris Davis’ post, “A Closer Look at the Satanic School Bus” …
I question how long the devil would last inside a junior high school bus.
CL Mullins
More and more, WMC’s news lately consists of junk stories like this one and news “ripped-from-the-Twitter.” One wonders what kind of audience they’re trying to attract.
About Toby Sells’ cover story, “The Brady Bunch” …
“… 43 percent of wrongful convictions in 2012 were attributed to prosecutorial misconduct.” It bears repeating. Our criminal justice system is off the rails.
About Bianca Phillips’ story, “Shelter Kills Dog That Had Guaranteed Adopter” …
The six “mistakes” noted in the article are just the ones that people were able to document. There are likely many more of the same “mistakes” that have not been verified. Many healthy, adoptable strays are killed on the morning of their due-out date before the shelter opens to the public, robbing them of any possible chance for adoption. Many of those animals are never even seen by the public.
James Rogers likes to tout his adoption numbers, but adoptions would be significantly higher if Memphis Animal Shelter (MAS) allowed adoptable animals to live longer than three days. Mayor Wharton says that he wants Memphis to be a “progressive” city. Yet he allows MAS to be run by someone with no sheltering experience, who promotes employees who have had discipline and policy violation issues and who continues to use antiquated, outdated policies that progressive shelters abandoned years ago.
Memphis will never be a progressive city until MAS has an experienced shelter director who uses current, progressive shelter processes and works with the community to provide every opportunity for healthy, adoptable shelter animals to find a new home.
Thank you for your coverage of this story. Every incident mentioned is well-documented. It is more than obvious that no attempt is being made to change operational procedures at MAS. It is well beyond time for Mayor Wharton to publicly and specifically address the citizens of Memphis regarding these atrocities and offer a plan to immediately correct all problems.
Midtown Maven
About Louis Goggans post, “Former U of M Provost Ralph Faudree Dies” …
Dr. Faudree was one of the reasons that I am proud to have earned my first college degree, a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics, in 1986, from Memphis State University (now the University of Memphis). At that time, women were rarely seen in the halls of the math department, much less in upper division classes. Under Dr. Faudree’s leadership, my advisor Tom Caplinger, shepherded me successfully to degree completion and my admission to the Law School at the University of Memphis.
Julie Byrd
Ralph Faudree was a brilliant scholar and terrific administrator. He was the foundation of the U of M for many years and will be missed by those who worked for and with him.
About Bruce VanWyngarden’s Letter From the Editor, “New Year’s Notebook” …
After reading the above, I am reminded of an old saying: “In the land of the blind, the man with one eye is King.”
Ichabod McCrane
“In the land of the blind, the man with one eye is King,” he sneers as he swishes open his raincoat.
Mia S. Kite
Mia S. Kite, Where else does the imagery in your head go?
Ichabod McCrane
Ichabod, Well, I can see that you don’t need such a big raincoat.
Mia S. Kite