Letters To The Editor Opinion

What They Said…

Greg Cravens

About Toby Sells’ story “New Day at the CA (Again)” …

What concerns me is that now that Gannett will own most of the newspapers in Tennessee, it will attempt to have “one newspaper” for the state, which for Memphis will be tragic, because we aren’t like the rest of the state.

I am happy that we still have at least one locally owned media outlet.


Here is an idea for the Flyer: Purchase the rights to use the banner of the Memphis Press-Scimitar or some other historic paper (like the Memphis World or the original Memphis Press) or prepare to launch a new banner such as the Memphis Post. Leverage the foundation provided by the Flyer in concert with the talents of the soon-to-be-unemployed journalists from the CA under the new newspaper banner.

Marketing would not shy from the fact that it is essentially a reconstituted version of the CA, with a renewed focus on local news and continued provisions of national and international information. Absorb advertisers from the CA as local readership and web counts inevitably decline and eventually force the CA out of publication with the new banner assuming the role of the daily newspaper of record.

If I won one of the asininely huge Mega Millions jackpots, I would give you guys the money to do it, with the only caveat being you would hire a staff of top English majors to review each article for spelling and grammatical errors.


I have been to Des Moines twice within the past few months, most recently at the end of September. As the article indicated The Des Moines Register is now owned by Gannett, and in my opinion, the local coverage of such things, including high school football, has suffered.  The main reason I take the CA is the fairly decent coverage of local events across spectrums. Once the change to Gannett is made, I think many CA subscribers will be disappointed.


About Bianca Phillips’ post “Independent Autopsy Shows Hog-tying Killed Troy Goode” …

I don’t think facedown hog-tying is the usual means of restraint in hospitals.

CL Mullins

Surely some sedatives could have been found that would have been safer than hog-tying him.

Smitty 1961

It’s really simple. Treat intoxicated people, and people having a psychological break, differently than violent criminals. The former group doesn’t have the normal protective reflexes that the latter does, so they can die if hog-tied. This was a preventable death.


Now that an independent autopsy has been released on the death of Troy Goode, what is being done to hold the correct parties responsible? Have the officers involved been fired? Suspended? Anything?

As friends of Troy Goode, we were angry when he was taken from this world in such an unnecessary and violent manner. However, we did not react violently. We did not call for retaliation. We protested peacefully and waited for answers. Now that those answers are here, we demand swift and fair action.

I had hoped for a proactive response from local government. I  suppose a reactive one will have to do. These murderers cannot be allowed to keep their jobs. Hopefully, they will be charged with the crimes for which they are guilty.

Kyle Wojt

About Eileen Townsend’s Viewpoint, “A Zoo Solution” …

With over one million visitors annually, the Memphis Zoo is the No. 1 tourist attraction in Memphis and the sixth-largest tourist attraction in Tennessee, according to the Tennessee Department of Tourist Development.

Memphis has few assets. The Zoo is an incredibly important one. We should remember that.


About the Flyer’s editorial, “Countering Daesh” …

Don’t want refugees entering your country? Then stop electing criminals who bomb theirs.

Mickey White