Are you goth enough for today’s Music Video Monday?
You must be at least this goth to ride.
The answer is no, you are not goth enough for this double shot of The Switchblade Kid.
“The Other Voids/Kittens” is the latest from Midtown rocker Harry Koniditsiotis’ 80s fueled project.
Harry combined the two songs into one epic music video by cutting together some vintage footage from the London and New York goth scenes of the mid-80s.
You do not know suffering like this goth knows suffering.
Is it just me, or are people unwilling work this hard to get a look any more? After you watch these folks getting down with the depressing reality of their inevitable mortality, you’re going to want to step up your game.
Look at his eye makeup. Your gothiness is invalid.
One thing’s for sure: If these goths could have heard The Switchblade Kid back in the day, they would have danced to it!
Music Video Monday: Switchblade Kid
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