News The Fly-By

MEMernet: Trump Parks on the Greensward and “Tower of Babel Project”

Nextdoor Politics

Rhonda Young’s “guy on a bike” post blew up on Nextdoor last week, clocking in at 131 comments as of press time.

“I was just sitting on my front porch and a skinny white guy rode by on his bike and yelled ‘go back to Europe, cracker,'” Young said. “Not sure what to make of that? I have a Biden sign in my yard.”

Comments swirled in political toxicity. But they did yield some hilarious Trump signs reimagined for the Memphis set.

Posted to Nextdoor by Tammy Laxton

Pinch Tower of Babel

Kade Banbury reimagined the newly proposed Pinch Tower as a floating “Tower of Babel Project” in a Facebook post satirizing the Flyer’s version of the story.

Banbury went full Giza in a later post that reimagined the entire Pinch District with a sphinx, two towers, and three extra Pyramids.

Posted to Facebok by Kade Banbury