Letters To The Editor Opinion

What They Said…

Greg Cravens

About Bianca Phillips’ post, “Tennessee Suing Obama Administration Over Transgender School Guidance” …

I’m just surprised that Wisconsin is part of the Confederacy supporting “states rights” this time around. The rest of them could be taken en bloc from the old South from 150 years ago.


Thoughtful, Wisconsin is not a surprise since Scott Walker and the crazies took over a few years back.


I wish I was in the land of Wisconsin, old times there are not forgotten. Look away, look away, look away. … Oh, wait. Nevermind.


About the Flyer editorial, “Silver Lining” …

Believe me, I’m in the “Save the Greensward” camp. Overton Park should be preserved and enhanced and parking on the grass adjacent to the zoo parking lot (which is an eyesore in the first place) should not occur. The zoo and its board are just greedy for the money parking makes available for efforts that I consider inhumane (to the captive animals).

That said, I have neither seen nor heard anything in response to my suggestion, I’ll suggest it again: When there are more cars than parking spaces in the existing lot, rather than the zoo  taking over the Greensward, why not direct the overflow to the Center City shopping center and have them park in a designated area and have a small bus to shuttle patrons to and from the front gate of the zoo? The parking there is free, but if a small fee were charged for riding the shuttle the “loss” in revenue could be recouped. Seems reasonable to me.

Cheryl M. Dare

About Richard Cohen’s Viewpoint, “Support Trump and Be Mocked by History” …

I’m not a Trump supporter, but I get sick of seeing the left try to talk about Trump’s “lack of qualifications” after supporting Obama’s Presidential run in 2008. If you could get behind him and Obama’s lack of resume in 2008, you can’t really talk about Trump’s lack of qualifications.

The current political system (both right and left) have helped to create this monster. All of the focus has supposedly been on the middle class lately, yet no one in the government from either side is doing anything for the middle class. It’s on minorities or on homosexuals or the trans-gendered. The working class has it even worse. The working class gets nothing.

If you’re a white, working-class person in middle America, this government isn’t for you and hasn’t cared about you in a long time. They’ve been relaxing immigration laws to allow more cheap labor in to squeeze your labor market. They’ve been making it easier and easier for corporations to move manufacturing jobs overseas, essentially exporting your job market. And on top of all that, the few social issues you care about get almost zero attention.

All of that has finally boiled over. It’s created Trump on the right and Sanders on the left. The people who have been ignored are rising up and creating a movement. The point being, if you don’t like the Trump movement, maybe you shouldn’t have ignored a wide swath of the population for so many years. You can’t just keep crapping on working-class white America and not think that the people will eventually lash out.


Trump is a saint compared to the morally corrupt, lawless, criminal Democratic administrations — Clinton, Obama, Lynch, Holder, etc. Finally, they are going to learn they are no longer above the law.


The Trump campaign really shows what white Republican Americans are all about. They don’t care about morals and never have. They don’t care about racism and never have. They don’t care about America and never have. They say they are upset about government aid such as welfare, food stamps, Medicare, etc, yet it’s the corporations that receive most of the free aid. Trump is an example of what they really are: lying, cheating, women-hating, and bigoted.

Kevin Jones