Opinion The Last Word

The Rant

Joachim Eckel |

Dalai Lama

So this is all really, really random and probably won’t make a bit of sense because I am just having one of those weeks, and nothing going through that frightening place that is my mind seems to be connecting in any way. So. I say, really? China actually threatened the United States that it would retaliate in some way if President Obama met with the Dalai Lama, which he did last Friday. Don’t they have anything better to do? He seems like such a nice, cuddly guy and is always smiling. The government of China is really that pissed off about this? I wonder if my friend and city Councilman Myron Lowery is still hearing from them about the time Dalai visited Memphis to be honored by the National Civil Rights Museum, and he fist-bumped and exclaimed, “Hello, Dalai!” That is still one of my favorite stories and will always gain Lowery my vote. And when Obama met with the Dalai, it made a huge difference to meet with him in the White House Map Room as opposed to the Oval Office. What is up with people?

My favorite part of the “Turn Away the Gays” bill first presented by Republican state Senator Brian Kelsey of Germantown, who took his name off the bill once everyone pointed out how idiotic is was, is that it was geared toward same-sex couples. But no one ever made mention of how the couples would be identified if they, say, for some inexplicable reason, waltzed into a Cracker Barrel for lunch or dinner. Would they be screened like passengers at the airport? Have the irises in their eyes scanned like foreigners coming into the United States? Would the hostess have to ask all people, “Y’all ain’t gay, are you?”

None of this bill ever made any sense at all. And poor guy; I bet he wishes he had never even mentioned it. I’ll actually give the guy credit where credit it due. There is another bill he is sponsoring, and from what I can tell it comes up for a vote (or however they work those things) this week: It’s bill SBO276, and this is how it reads on Kelsey’s website: “Criminal Procedure – As introduced, authorizes court restoring a person’s rights of citizenship following conviction for a crime to also grant a certificate of employment restoration; prohibits a licensing entity from denying license application based solely upon applicant’s past criminal record if person has been issued a certificate of employment restoration; provides certain immunity to employers who hire a person who has been issued a certificate of employment restoration.”

Okay, correct me if I’m wrong (imagine that), but it looks like Kelsey is trying to help out convicted felons once they have paid their debt to society and see that they are not discriminated against in the job market, which is one of the main reasons for inmate recidivism and is just not fair. So I think that’s a good thing. But I can’t figure out why Kelsey’s trying to help out convicted felons while trying to take away the civil rights of people who haven’t committed any crimes, just because they were born homosexual. What is up with people?

All I know is that if Kelly English’s offer still stands to host a fund-raiser for anyone who will run against Kelsey in the next election and that fund-raiser is going to be at English’s Restaurant Iris, I might be the first to throw my name on the ballot. Man, that place has some good eats. And speaking of “the gays” and chain restaurants, one of the best stories to come out, pun intended, in many months was the one about Michael Sam, the University of Missouri college football star, who, well, came out and would be the first openly gay football player in the NFL, if he is drafted. Apparently, he had come out to his teammates some time back but told his father via text message only shortly before going national with it. His father’s reaction: He told the press he was at Denny’s eating dinner and was so upset he had to leave and go to Applebee’s to have some drinks!

OMG, no one could have made that up. I wonder if he was going to have to top all that off with some cream cheese-canned fruit-whipped cream-and-gummy bear pancakes at IHOP. Had to leave dinner at Denny’s to hit the cocktail lounge at Applebee’s because his son told him he was gay. What is up with people?

And finally, the Sochi Olympics. Finally, as in finally they are over. They’ve been over less than 24 hours as I write this and already the mainstream media are scouring Rio de Janeiro trying to drum up ratings for the next round of Olympics that are to be held there in 2016. Ugh. Summer Olympics and a presidential race. I think I’m going to have to reserve my seat at Applebee’s now. Come on, Mr. Sam. I’ll meet you there.

Letters To The Editor Opinion

What They Said

About “The Right’s Last Rites” Viewpoint by Jonathan Cole …

The world is a changing place. Tennessee and the other states attempting to segregate, punish, and exclude same-sex couples from their basic rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, should learn to live and let live, to follow the basic principles this great country was founded upon — and God’s basic commandment: “Love one another as I have loved you.”

My husband and I live in one of those states that does not (yet) recognize same sex marriage, but fortunately all the benefits we receive are federal.

Bob Robida

When I picked up my national newspaper today, I was amazed to find about half of three sections crammed with news about the first openly gay NFL candidate. This is 2014. Why aren’t we beyond such silliness? To me that is about like seeing a glaring headline proclaiming: “NFL signs first blue-eyed recruit.” Making so much fuss about something that is an inherited trait and no one’s business is such a waste of ink. I’m embarrassed to live where such silly and unimportant matters are deemed so newsworthy. My friends in more enlightened countries will no doubt give me a lot of grief over yet another display of our backwardness.

Jim Brasfield

Greg Cravens

About Chris McCoy’s review of the RoboCop remake …

You know, Paul Verhoeven made some absolutely abysmal movies, too. You’d think a Hollywood devoid of original ideas would at least think to make a new and improved version of Showgirls, instead of trying to remake his certified classics.

Fancy Cwabs

About Tim Sampson’s “Rant” on the Winter Olympics …

I have two comments on this. First, I use my DVR to skip over all the social commentary and human interest stories. I go straight to the competitions, where all that is right with the world is on display. The sportsmanship, camaraderie, and thrill of athletic endeavors is inspirational.

Second, I find it ludicrous that the United States is representing the higher moral ground when it comes to civil and gay rights. We have a not-so-stellar history of our own in these areas and still have a long way to go, so it’s a bit hypocritical to hold Russia under the microscope.

In general, if we take politics out of the equation, the world is a pretty cool place and the average Joes are all pretty similar in their day-to-day existence. Government is a necessary evil, but I question the need for the talking heads on television who create division and anxiety.

Steve Hiss

About “In the Weeds,” Alexandra Pusateri’s February 6th cover story on medical marijuana …

There is no way in hell that these stuffy, tight ass republicans you people vote for are going to pass anything to do with marijuana! (If you want to argue that, you better stop and think who sponsored it in the first place!) Tennessee has no referendum vote, so we are screwed! We will be the last state to do anything, because we have to rely on our politicians to vote for us. I might as well keep the old dealer close by and keep giving my money to the cartels.


Our current Marijuana Policy is “arrest and ruin.” We have to turn the page. Let us bring freedom-loving Tennessee Republicans by the thousands into loud Marijuana Majority.

CR Liberty

About Kevin Lipe’s column, “Griz at the Break … “

For the last 30 games of playoff hunt, I expect the Griz to regain health and showcase the elite execution on both ends of the floor we enjoyed in January’s run. With a healthy core and consistent strong play, we can be looking at a six seed, and that’s totally within reach at this point.

Jill Kong