Health website WebMD just released it’s annual list of Asthma Capitals for 2011, and Memphis came in at number three.
The Bluff City falls behind Richmond, Virginia (#1) and Knoxville, Tennessee (#2) as a major city with one of the highest rates of asthma-inducing health factors. Here’s what WebMD had to say about Memphis:
This Mississippi river town has many asthma sufferers singing the blues. Memphis moves up to No. 3 this year. Weak public smoking restrictions, poor air quality, and high poverty rates continue to be problematic. While asthma doesn’t discriminate based on socio-economic status, people living in poverty often have less access to the health care and medications needed to manage their condition.
Besides Memphis and Knoxville, two other Tennessee cities made the top 10 list. Chattanooga came in fourth place, and Nashville was ranked at number 10. Portland, Oregon was deemed the best city for helping asthmatics breathe easier, thanks to its better-than-average air quality and low pollen score.