John Wesley Coleman III plays The Buccaneer on Friday, August 21st.
Welcome to the 30th edition of my Weekend Roundup. This weekend isn’t as jam packed as the list I compiled last week, but there are still plenty of shows to get excited about. Saturday should be a rager, as you have the chance to attend FOMO Fest all day and then catch Jack Oblivian at Bar DKDC at night. Longstanding punk band The Oscars also make an extremely rare live appearance when they join the Ghetto Ghouls at the Buccaneer on Sunday. Lets get it on.
Friday, August 21st.
Ben Callicott, Drew Erwin, 8 p.m. at Otherlands, $8.
Corey Smith, The Railers, 8 p.m. at Minglewood Hall, $18-$20.
Weekend Roundup 30: John Wesley Coleman III, Jack Oblivian, FOMO Fest (3)
Cities Aviv, Preauxx, 9 p.m. at the Hi-Tone, $10.
Weekend Roundup 30: John Wesley Coleman III, Jack Oblivian, FOMO Fest (2)
John Wesley Coleman, The Sheiks, 10 p.m. at the Buccaneer, $5.
Weekend Roundup 30: John Wesley Coleman III, Jack Oblivian, FOMO Fest
Saturday, August 22nd.
FOMO Fest, 3 p.m. at the Levitt Shell, $15-$20.
Weekend Roundup 30: John Wesley Coleman III, Jack Oblivian, FOMO Fest (4)
Jeffrey Osbourne, 6 p.m. at Minglewood Hall, $60.
The Dangerous Idiots, 9 pm. at the Hi-Tone Small Room, $7.
Jack Oblivian, 10 p.m. at Bar DKDC, $5.
Weekend Roundup 30: John Wesley Coleman III, Jack Oblivian, FOMO Fest (5)
Blues and Brews V with Kingfish, 9 p.m. at the Young Avenue Deli.
Sunday, August 23rd.
The Cry, Lost Element, 9 p.m. at the Hi-Tone, $8-$10.
Weekend Roundup 30: John Wesley Coleman III, Jack Oblivian, FOMO Fest (7)
Ghetto Ghouls, Gimp Teeth, The Oscars, 9 p.m. at the Buccaneer, $5.
Weekend Roundup 30: John Wesley Coleman III, Jack Oblivian, FOMO Fest (6)