News News Blog News Feature

Bitter Cold Expected to Push Record Power Demand

Demand for electricity will likely hit another record peak again Wednesday for the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) as its service area remains under bitter cold temperatures. 

TVA’s all-time high demand for power came January, 17th 2024 — almost exactly one year ago. At 8 a.m. that day, TVA power sources pumped out 34,524 megawatts to heat homes and businesses for the utility’s nearly 10 million customers. 

Memphis Light, Gas & Water (MLGW) said frigid temperatures are driving power demand again. Conditions Wednesday will likely push that demand over last year’s all-time record.  

MLGW said its power, water, and natural gas systems “are responding well to frigid temperatures” and that “there has been no impact to our customers.”

The TVA and MLGW will likely call upon those in its Demand Response program to help reduce overall demand. Program participants get recurring payments for agreeing to reduce electricity consumption in response to abnormally high electricity demand. There is no cost to participate. 

MLGW asked all of its customers to take voluntary conservation efforts during peak times from 5 a.m. to 9 a.m. Wednesday morning. Voluntary conservation tips include turning your home’s thermostat down to 68 degrees or less, unplugging electric vehicles, unplugging space heaters, and postponing the use of large appliances like clothes dryers and dishwashers.

Letter From The Editor Opinion

The Early Golden Hour

Well, folks, we’ve made it to the last stretch of 2024. I know my least favorite season of the year is settling in when 4 p.m. is the golden hour and the breeze starts biting. It’s so very cold (unless it’s not; Memphis winters are finicky like that). It’s damp and the fallen leaves lie decomposing on the lawn. You’d think being a January baby I’d enjoy winter, but it’s not just the weather outside that’s frightful. 

Target is packed! Every sweet grandma within a 20-mile radius has come to my Superlo to gather ingredients for this year’s holiday feasts, jamming the aisles as they stop to socialize. My biweekly food subscription box has been stuck on a FedEx truck for three days! There are way too many drivers on the streets looking at their phones! Did they even notice they pulled out in front of me? And stay away from Poplar Avenue! As my colleague Toby Sells joked on Slack the other day, “That right lane needs a surgeon general’s warning.” That goes for all year, but even more so now. The town is full of elves scrambling to find gifts for everyone on their “nice” lists, and I just want to buy dog food! Bah, humbug! 

I think that feeling hits for many of us this time of year. It’s counterintuitive to be out buzzing around when the sun sets at 5 p.m. and the temps dip near freezing. Our bodies want to rest and recover, hunker down and bundle up. But we’ve got to hurry! Christmas is just a few days away and heaven forbid Uncle Dan doesn’t get his gifted garden shears! If you click “buy now” it might make it to him in time! And then there’s that issue. This pressure to spend more money than you should on presents for people who love you whether you get them that gift card or not. As much as I love to see the holiday spirit alive in little ways — the lights, the yard Grinches and Santas — it pains me to know that these things trigger bad feelings, too. For those missing a spouse, parent, or pet; for those whose paychecks don’t allow the type of gift-giving they’d like to do; or those who will spend New Year’s alone longing for connection. So while you’re out spreading holiday cheer, remember it’s not so cheerful for everyone. Some are simply trying to get through.

Back to my rant above. I know I’m lucky to be able to buy my dogs’ food even if I have to fight through traffic and long lines to get it. I’m blessed to have loved ones to share the holidays with, even if some are spread across the states and all we can do is FaceTime. A phone call can be as good as a hug if it needs to be. I don’t even shop at Target very often, and my food box will arrive at some point. If it’s spoiled, oh well. The real elves — our USPS, UPS, FedEx, Amazon, and other delivery drivers — are busting their butts to ensure our many, many purchases make it to their destinations. If those gifts are late, guess what? Cousin Sue will still be delighted if her present lands in January. 

Speaking of January, this “double issue” of the Memphis Flyer will be on stands for two weeks while our staff enjoys a holiday break. Our writers have shared their thoughts on 2024 — and projections for 2025. On a normal year, I’d have done a recap as well, but as regular readers know, this year was a bit of a flop for me, with more than half of it spent recovering from a broken foot and three surgeries. I’m on the other side of that now with minimal lingering discomfort. After a roller coaster of a year, here’s hoping we can all enter 2025 the same way. May “minimal lingering discomfort” be 2024’s swan song. 

In the meantime, be kind, slow down, express gratitude, give yourself grace. We don’t have to do anything, really. We get to. Reminding ourselves of that when things become overwhelming can do wonders. For now, I’ll embrace the early golden hour that colors my chilly neighborhood walks, and the biting breeze that lets me know I’m alive and awake and all is well, however cold. I get to be here, with you and the migrating birds and the carolers and Scrooges. And that’s pretty darn cool. Wishing you all warmth and love this holiday season. See you here next year! 

Letter From The Editor Opinion

Bright Lights, Sowing Seeds

“And don’t think the garden loses its ecstasy in winter. It’s quiet, but the roots are down there riotous.” — Rumi

We could all use a little light right now. Sunlight, for sure, after a week of frigid temps and dangerously low wind chills following the arctic blast that swept much of the nation. It’s Monday evening as I write this, and patches of snow still cover most of my yard. But the rain has come to wash it away and I’m hoping there’s no trace left by the time I turn this over to the printer on Tuesday. Good riddance. By now, I assume we’re all weary of the precarious road conditions, the sound of dripping faucets (traded for the drip of melting icicles), and the inconveniences that came with precautionary power and water advisories. Like roots in the depths of winter, dormant, waiting for warmth and light. Spring can’t come soon enough. In the meantime, the sun has much work to do, and I reckon we’re in for another wet — yet, thankfully, way warmer — week.

Aside from the weather, we’re always looking for bright spots. Amid the flurry of often negative news, throughout the year the Flyer highlights artists, musicians, chefs, filmmakers, innovators, and more who make Memphis the mighty city it is. In this issue though, our annual 20<30 edition, we’ve sought to get to know some of the best and brightest young people making strides here. We sifted through an impressive pool of folks nominated by our readers — restaurateurs, mentors, business leaders, creatives, and professionals in a variety of fields — and it was no easy task to whittle them down to 20 finalists. Within these pages you’ll learn more about these 20 people under the age of 30 who — with their own shining lights — are forging a path toward a brighter future for us all, sowing seeds that will bear fruit for years to come.

In reading about their endeavors, especially this time of year, I’m given a little burst of hope. The nights are long and the trees are bare, but all around us seeds are sown — literally and metaphorically — awaiting germination. And as astrophysicist, author, and science communicator Neil deGrasse Tyson reminded us on TikTok (@StarTalk) earlier this month, “People think of winter as being dull and drab and dreary and cold, depending on your latitude on Earth, and I don’t think about it that way because every day of winter has slightly more sunlight than the day before it. So the winter months are — if you date it from the winter solstice, December 21st — each day shows more and more sunlight, and so for me that’s hopeful. It’s summertime we are systematically losing sunlight. So people say, ‘Oh the days get longer in the summer and shorter in the winter’ — the exact opposite is true.”

That’s a nice thought to keep as we move through the rest of winter. And as our 20<30 and other change-makers help shape the Memphis we want to see. Each day, more light.

While we may be hibernating for a while still, the roots are down there riotous. I wait anxiously with them, looking forward to the growth to come — and all the blossoms that will appear around the bend.

Opinion The Last Word

When it’s Dark Outside and We Feel the Blues

Through the fall and winter months, I watched myself and people around me go through the motions. Shorter days tricked my mind into thinking that bedtime was earlier than usual. Tree branches have become bare, and flowers don’t have the strength to bloom in such cold air. Come January and schools are out due to inclement weather conditions.

Freezing temperatures kept me cooped up in my apartment where I knew I could rely on a heater and a cozy blanket to keep me warm. I watched as fewer people left the comforts of their homes to step outside to jog or walk their dogs. I found myself feeling lethargic at work and home. I was there to see a close friend of mine experience sudden feelings of deep sadness and anger, and another who dreaded the holiday season to come because of past trauma.

“I feel like this every year during the fall and winter,” said my friend who is diagnosed with seasonal depression, also known as seasonal affective disorder (SAD). “I start to feel sad, hopeless, and … not myself. I don’t have the motivation to do anything and I start to isolate myself,” she continued. After listening to her story, I realized that I was having a similar experience.

Mental Health America describes seasonal depression as a subtype of depression that occurs around the same time every year. Some symptoms of SAD include feelings of hopelessness, trouble sleeping, oversleeping, weight gain, and mood changes. It’s something that affects about 5 percent of the U.S. population, or 10 million people, annually. It mostly occurs during the fall and winter months but may sometimes happen during the spring and the summer.

It only makes sense that reduced sunlight and cold weather could lead to sadness and depression. In fact, according to Mental Health America, “The reduced level of sunlight in the fall and winter months may affect an individual’s serotonin, a neurotransmitter that affects mood. Lower levels of serotonin are linked to depression.” Sunlight also affects our levels of melatonin, a hormone related to sleep. In the dark, levels of melatonin increase. In other words, Daylight Saving Time can interrupt our internal clock and sleep patterns.

However, reduced sunlight and cold temperatures aren’t the only factors that trigger feelings of depression. The fall and winter months are associated with the holidays. We see it everywhere through bright, colorful Christmas lights, malls packed with gift-shoppers, stores advertising hot chocolate, holiday-themed drinks, and more. For most people, this period brings feelings of joy and happiness, but for others, the holidays are a trigger, causing something called the “Holiday Blues.”

The Holiday Blues is a type of depression that occurs only during the holiday season and is caused by many different factors. For those who are away from family and friends or don’t have a family to spend time with, the holidays can feel lonely. For those who want to give presents to loved ones but are struggling financially, the holidays may be a time of hardship and stress. For those who work in an industry where the holidays mean more hours or an increase in demand for labor, this can be a tense and tiring time. Said to be very similar to SAD, the difference between the two is distinguished by duration and severity of symptoms. According to Verywell Mind, “The holiday blues start around November or December and lift shortly after the new year ends.” On the other hand, SAD typically lasts longer, with symptoms dissipating through the spring and the summer.

It’s impossible to avoid mother nature’s seasons and the darkness, which begins to take up most of our days. Seasonal depression and the holiday blues are much more common yet more complex than I thought they would be, and it doesn’t help that the contagious Covid-19 Omicron variant is forcing more and more people inside. Some say that light or phototherapy aids in preventing and treating the symptoms of SAD. For others, therapy or antidepressants help.

When my friend asks me about what she can do to be happy again, I think about all the things I know that can help boost dopamine and serotonin in our bodies. I am no expert, but I could tell her that exercising will help, that she could try getting some sun, listening to music, and meditating. But what made the most sense to me was remembering that this was just a season. To remember that although things die in the winter, things will always bloom again in the spring. Holding that thought in my mind, I respond and I say, “This, too, shall pass.”

Ashley Insong is a starving artist who is working toward being a best-selling author while teaching full-time and freelance writing part-time. She enjoys singing and writing poetry and short stories about love, self-discovery, and her Filipina heritage.