Intermission Impossible Theater

Memphis Ballet Companies Perform with Renowned Artists, Receive National Attention

Memphis has a diverse and enduring dance community, and some of the cities brightest exports and most exciting regional innovations are have their roots in a full-on collision of classical dance, music, and street cultures.

In recent weeks dance fans have seen classical companies like Ballet Memphis and New Ballet Ensemble taking their place on larger stages.

New Ballet Ensemble students ages recently performed with the Memphis Symphony at the Cannon Center and 13-year-old TJ Benson joined the world renown cellest Yo-Yo Ma for the encore.

New Ballet meets Yo-Yo Ma

  • New Ballet meets Yo-Yo Ma

Yo-Yo Ma has previously performed with NBE alum Li’l Buck.

Meanwhile, Ballet Memphis’ River Project lands some high praise and some prime real estate in the New York Times. An excerpt:

An introductory film suggests that the plan for these three new ballets was to reflect three zones through which the river passes: one ballet (Steven McMahon’s “Confluence”) on the central area around Memphis, one on the Delta and New Orleans (Julia Adam’s “Second Line”), and another on — what? This third ballet (Matthew Neenan’s “Party of the Year”) proved the least obviously river-connected: its setting was a party in Los Angeles. This didn’t make it a disappointment, however. Instead, it was both the evening’s biggest hit and one of the most beguiling new American ballets of our day.

This week dance fans can check out Company D’s “Let it Be a Dance” or the work of MacArthur Genus grant-winning choreographer Bill T Jones, both at the Buckman.

Intermission Impossible Theater

Was 2011 the year of the Memphis dancer?


Lil Buck

  • Lil Buck

2010 was a great year for Memphis dancers thanks in no small part to some great headline-grabbing performances by Ballet Memphis. 2011, however, was the year of Memphis Jookin’ and Charles Lil’ Buck Riley whose molten flow is informed by sounds from Orange Mound and shot through with classical sensibilities he honed working with Katie Smythe and the New Ballet Ensemble. Madonna has spoken. And so has Yo-Yo Ma. And Margret Thatcher. And even Dance Magazine.

On top of all of that look at the love Time Out Chicago is giving to Ondine Geary.

Best. Year. Ever?

I don’t know about all that but 2012 has its work cut out.