Last Wednesday, the Flyer hosted Work It Wednesday at the Beauty Shop in Cooper-Young.
I don’t mean to brag, but I have a singular talent for spotting new stuff. It’s a gift. (if only I could parlay that into some sort of bankable skill … oh, wait, maybe I have).
At any rate, I noticed Amanda Taylor’s jacket — on its inaugural wearing — as soon as she walked through the door.
The zippered jacket came from The Limited, and Taylor says she kind of a “walking Limited ad.”
“It’s good for young professionals,” she says of the store. “I like things that are classic and professional but young at the same time.”
She paired her new jacket with a red shirt, gray slacks, and gray ankle booties, but The Limited also was (perhaps is?) selling a matching skirt.
I’d personally like to see the matching skirt (just to see!), but Taylor opted not to buy it because she thought that was a lot of zipper for one suit.
As for me, I’d sort of forgotten The Limited existed, but a quick jaunt through the website has me intrigued. I kind of like this accordion top on their main page.