Fly On The Wall Blog Opinion

Tennessee Considers Daring “Guns For Guns” Plan


Law enforcement agencies across Tennessee may soon participate in a “Guns For Guns” program, whereby citizens can turn in guns and receive different guns.

“This initiative accomplishes two things,” said Tennessee State Representative Melvin Plunck (R) of East Tennessee. “We get potentially dangerous guns off the streets, while not depriving citizens of their Second Amendment rights. It’s what they call a ‘win-win’.”

Details need to be worked out for the plan, but Plunck hopes that local law enforcement keep the trade-in simple.

“Look, we can get into all kinds of arguments as to whether or not I should be able to take one type of handgun if I trade in another,” Plunck said. “But if we’re serious about getting the worst weapons off the street does it really matter if I grab a .45 after dropping off a .38?”

Plunck then hurriedly pointed out that he does not own a .38, which he described as being a “silly little gun.”

Ultimately, Plunck believes organizers will simply toss a bunch of guns on a table and let God sort it out.

Joey Hack is a regular contributor to Fly on the Wall, and is a member of The Wiseguys improv troupe.