It didn’t take long to fill Ballet Memphis’ old Trinity Road home. Better news, the spot’s being taken over by another growing Mid-South arts organization. After years of partnering, renting and space-sharing the ambitious, Tennessee Shakespeare Company announced it would evolve its site-specific tradition and occupy the 18,000 + square-foot space left vacant by Ballet Memphis.
From the announcement.
“With this acquisition, Tennessee Shakespeare Company is preparing to create the first and only permanent, year-round home for professional Shakespeare performance, education, and training in the state of Tennessee.
TSC purchased the 18,484 square foot facility outright from Ballet Memphis for $1,900,000. There is no mortgage.
TSC, now beginning its tenth anniversary season, expects to begin interior renovation this Fall and to be completed in Spring 2018.”
With this acquisition, Tennessee Shakespeare Company is preparing to create the first and only permanent, year-round home for professional Shakespeare performance, education, and training in the state of Tennessee.
TSC plans to open its new facility next Spring.
“[TSC founder] Dan McCleary launched the silent phase of TSC’s New Home Capital Campaign in June, and within seven weeks the full sale price for the property was raised from the company’s first Legacy Donors. These donors, many of whom remain anonymous until the facility is officially opened in 2018, reserve naming rights in the new home. “
Dan McCleary
“We now get to create a Southern center for creative collaboration, inquiry, inclusiveness, arts education, compassion, exalting language, for stories of healing, and for tremendous entertainment founded on Shakespeare’s and other classical works,” McCleary stated in the sale announcement. “Memphis will soon have a permanent, professional theatre that produces the world’s greatest plays with America’s finest classical actors.”