News The Fly-By


This e-mail came to us last week (misspellings intact):

I was searching the internet for Marriage and found your site and think that our search engine woud be the perfect solution for you site. We woud therefore like to invite you to sign up at romance search engine

We will add a $100 U.S. deposit to your account as a welcome and ready to start gift. To sign up for you free account today visit www.marriage-clicks. When you have signed up you will be abel to log in and make your listings as soon as your listing is approved you site will be online and you will recive quality traffic to your site. Marriageclicks is a love and romance portal so you will recive tageted traffic!!

Again you recive the first 100 usd free of charge 75 on sign up and additional 25 at listings is approved.

Wellll, send us $100 first, and we’ll think about it.