Opinion The BruceV Blog

The AR 15 Semi-Automatic is Not an Assault Weapon. See?

In the wake of yet another brutal massacre by an assailant using an AR-15 semi-automatic rifle, many people (and a precious few legislators) are calling for a renewal of the Assault Weapons Ban that was allowed to lapse in 2005.

One of the primary arguments against this that is being used by gun lovers and the NRA is that the AR-15 semi-automatic is not an assault weapon, since the shooter has to pull the trigger for each shot. The implication being that it’s similar to your typical deer hunting rifle.

Here’s a video of an AR-15 semi-automatic being fired, just so all you tree-hugging, anti-American libtards can see the error of your ways. The weapon is obviously quite useful in case of an attack by a herd of deer or, barring that, the zombie apocalypse.