Welcome back to another “___ Rule(s), OK?” column. I took a break for a while, but I’m back with a new fist full of records to analyze for your reading pleasure. First up we have one of the most underrated local bands of the past 10 years: The Barbaras.
Now sure, any local jelly neck who knows where The Buccaneer or Murphy’s is knows who The Barbaras were, but on a national level, The Barbaras could have easily taken over the greater indie/garage/punk/ whatever scene, but that’s not the way it worked out for these glitter covered creeps.
Don Perry
One of the many wild shows put on by The Barbaras.
Instead, the band is remembered by the single “Summertime Road” and the post-humous LP Barbaras 2006-2008, both of which were released on Goner Records. There are also the countless live shows that pushed the limits between music and performance art, sort of like if Richard Simmons and Pee-Wee Herman listened to Lou Christie and R. Stevie Moore and then started a band.
The band reunited for the ‘final” Hi-Tone show at the old Hi-Tone on Poplar, but with members pursuing other bands and activities, don’t expect a reunion anytime soon. Listen to The Barbaras below, and recall a time when nudity, glitter, and balloons, were vital parts of the underground music scene.
The Barbaras Rule, OK?
The Barbaras Rule, OK? (2)
The Barbaras Rule, OK? (3)
The Barbaras Rule, OK? (4)
The Barbaras Rule, OK? (5)