1. Developers have targeted the Highland Strip — that cluttery stretch of Highland from Southern to Midland — for conversion into a mixed-use “lifestyle center.” Man, we’re old enough to remember when the Strip was lined with dimly lit bars, a seedy pool hall, hippie clothing shops, and the fragrance of pot wafting over the neighborhood. Ah, good times! Why would anyone want to change that?
2. Vandals on four-wheelers did thousands of dollars in damage to the greens and fairways at Olive Branch’s Wedgewood Golfers Club. Then they drove straight home, and police simply followed their tracks across the snow. Which means: It’s only February, and we already have our nominees for the Dumbass of the Year award.
3. Memphis Light, Gas and Water officials are proud that a negotiation they made with TVA several years ago will save customers $2 a month on their utility bills. Yes, $2. We’re really not sure how we will spend that extra $24 a year. Buy a Corvette? Invest in Google stock?
4. Germantown officials announce they will build an underground water system instead of a new water tower, and residents breathe a sigh of relief that they won’t have to look at what The Commercial Appeal described as a “tower of terror.” It was just a big water tank, people. Nothing to be afraid of. Water is good for you.