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The Cheat Sheet

The Shelby County Commission is considering fining people who call 911 for non-emergency reasons since they are just tying up the dispatchers who could be handling far more important calls. So here’s fair warning, people: When you need to find the correct time, the number is JAM-JAM-1, not 911. It’s really not that hard to remember.

Congratulations to our neighbors to the south in Olive Branch for landing the new FedEx facility, a $57 million satellite package-processing operation. Okay, we admit we’re pretty jealous, but hey, at least we have the Forum.

A Memphis church gives away a $75,000 home to a couple claiming to be Katrina victims, only to find out that the recipients of the generous gift 1) were possibly not even a couple, 2) were probably not Katrina victims, and — here’s the kicker — 3) sold the house for a nice profit. When contacted by a TV reporter, one of the short-term home-owners said, “Take it up with God.” Or you could try an attorney first or the police.

Burglars break into a Lakeland Greg Cravens

store and steal more than $30,000 in handcrafted pool cues. They say beggars can’t be choosers, but thieves are getting pretty particular about what they take these days.

Muvico at Peabody Place darkens about half of its 22 screens, citing a decrease in demand. Some people will see this as the direct result of in-home competitors like Netflix, but we tend to blame Hollywood for cranking out such tripe as Santa Claus 3.