Developers want to spruce up the airport area, saying it gives visitors who fly into Memphis a bad first impression of our city. We agree, but let’s face it. There are no good first impressions of our city, unless you approach the city from the east and drive through Collierville and Germantown. Most of North Memphis looks pretty rough, too, and West Memphis … well, ’nuff said.
Several of the Tennessee Waltz defendants have gone on trial for bribery and other charges (with lots more scheduled soon), another trial is under way for a man accused of the stabbing death of Midtowner Emily Fisher, and two men are arrested for the murder of a Tennessee highway patrolman. Sometimes it seems everybody in town is behind bars or headed that way.
Mayor Willie Herenton continues to plead for a brand-new, multimillion-dollar football stadium but says we certainly don’t need a new $240 million jail. Oh, really? Mayor, please read the above item again. Maybe we could combine both facilities into one, and the inmates could play football, like in The Longest Yard, or any number of inmate-football-team movies.
A criminal court jury finds Greg Cravens
the so-called Hacks Cross Creeper guilty on all four counts of home invasion and robbery, with other charges pending. Willie Price had terrorized homeowners in the Hacks Cross area for months before police finally nabbed him. He now faces up to 40 years in prison. He was called the “creeper” because he snuck into homes so quietly, but he’ll always just be a “creep” to us.