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The Cheat Sheet

A robbery suspect is finally nabbed by police after threatening convenience-store workers and grabbing armloads of cigarettes before making his getaway. He should have listened to the surgeon general’s warning — those things are bad for you.

When Robert Raiford closed his popular downtown club after 32 years, he took most of the funky fixtures with him. Some Cordova investors now plan to reopen the club and have even hired Raiford as a consultant. One of his jobs will be to make sure the place looks just as it did before. It’s pretty safe to say that only Raiford can do that. The fellow has a style all his own.

A new statewide campaign to keep kids from drinking (the rather humdrum slogan: “We Don’t Serve Teens”) was unveiled last week — at a local liquor store.

University of Memphis officials now say they will study the feasibility of an on-campus stadium. Just days previously, school president Shirley Raines had announced there were no plans to build a facility at the U of M. Seems like the administration and the athletic department need to start looking at the same playbook.

Greg Cravens

Mayor Willie Herenton expresses concerns about the Diebold touch-screen voting machines. Although these are basically the same machines voters have used since 1996, it’s the first time he has brought it up. This all sounds vaguely familiar. Wasn’t there an election somewhere else — maybe Florida or Ohio — where there was some kind of glitch with the voting?