In this week’s cover story for The Memphis Flyer I mentioned that activist Sunshine Snyder, one of the “old ladies in tennis shoes” celebrated in the children’s musical An Old Forest Fairy Tale, had been threatened by a man who was afraid he’d lose his house if I-40 wasn’t built through Overton Park. Today I received a scan of the orignal postcard and thought I’d share.
For those who might have trouble reading the handwritten text here’s what it says:
Aug. 19, 1971
You hard headed S.B. you have had your last chance to hold up the X-way. I went to Chicago and had to go to Miami, FLA to get my T.N.T man but he will be here soon to blast your ass out of Memphis. So give your heart to God you stubbern [sic] bitch. I’m sparing W.W. Deupree’s life.