Avon Fogymans plan for mEmphis scool isn t bad it good. Mini peoples have ben making complaining about Fogeyman s perposal to lower standids for mEmphise Cidy scools sysyims so the kids can pass the testes and gradulate. But it is rong and they is rong to do it to him, a good man, thusly.
So what if Memphis has it s trubles getting business reloketed here becaus scools are bad and there arent eny good skilled workers to employee anyway becaus scools is so bad. We always have Otto ZOne and Fed-X to leech of off anyhow.
The thing most peoples don t realizing is that problems that seam unsolvible requires ansers that are unsolvible to. Not onlee shood we lower standids for scools so that kids can pass the testes and gradulate, there are many other instinces where the standids is too hi already and lowering them could be good for the people who need them lowered. We will call this boweld movement the Fogyman Plan.
First, if we lower standids for studants that means we can lower standids for teachers sinse they don t have to be ass smart anymore ether then we can have more of them to teach and thereby helping to eliminate unemployment at the same exact tim. And that is not the onlee way that the Fogyman Plan can help out things while helping our unemployed teachers get on unemployeedmint
For instince, there was this wun time when I herd on that show 20 minits that this chemical and oil indistrys has trubles with toxis wase an it cost them zillions of dollers to deel wit h toxis waste ever yeer because of fedrel riskrictions.
Now if the fedrel govermint wood just lower there standids sum— or even git rid of them on the hole, then the indistrys could save hundreds of dollers. That money saved cood leed to more jobs for the homeless and poor peoples of meMphis. Teechers too. No dout.
And there was this one time, my uncel Donald. He applied as an airport security. And you no what? They didnt hire him. So what if he didnt gradulate, he can wach peoples go throo a medal detekter as good as anybody else. Maybe even better.
I think there standids are to high to.
And besides, uncle DonaLd don t even sell any crack anymore cause they said if they caught him again they wood put him in the penile farm. So even tho hes unemploeed becaus of unfair standids he wont sell nothing but regular cocaine and sometimes some grass.
In 2001, acording to all availlable sources to us, the advertizing indistry have taken it s biggest hit since the great big Depreshun was here. Naturally, that has impacted the revenue of publishing groups like eben th e Memphis Flyers. In order to mak buget for the yere we had embrassed the Fogyman plan to our bosoms. Lowerin our own standerds alowed us to ill iminate copy edits in sertin parts of the paper there bye lowerin labor costs without elemonaideing jobs. What does a litle errer hear and here matter so long as the writin is good and the reeder gits the pint.