Intermission Impossible Theater

The Future is Now at Rhodes’ McCoy Theatre

There’s a very cool thing going down this weekend at The McCoy Theatre at Rhodes College: an original


Neo-Futurist performance created by the students under the guidance of Too Much Light Makes the Baby Go Blind creator Greg Allen, who founded the Neo-Futurist movement in Chicago in 1988.

So what exactly is a Neo-Futurist performance? It’s a live theatrical event made up of several micro-plays and dedicated to the principle of absolute honesty. Neo-Futurists don’t want you to suspend your disbelief they want to showcase real people doing real things in real time. The 30-Plays in 60-minutes format used in Too Much Light insures that the audience will never see the same show twice and can result in weirdness, hilarity, and moments unexpected and absolute beauty. Kudos to Rhodes for exposing their students to this unique and exciting approach to theater.

Some might describe the Neo-Futurist’s work as non-commercial. And yet Too Much Light is the longest continuously-running late night show in Chicago. It offers audiences something they just can’t get anywhere else. Well, except for the McCoy Theatre this weekend.