Politics Politics Feature

The Gadfly Takes On Big Oil

Sez Marty Aussenberg: “As if it’s not bad enough we’re being ripped at the pump, these thieves are now charging us to fill the air in our tires. Shouldn’t fifty (or a hundred) bucks entitle you to a bit of free air (especially since keeping tires properly inflated is a major way of increasing gas mileage)? What is going on here?”

Been to your local highway robber lately? I mean the place
where you pull up in your car and the device you operate to dispense the
commodity you’ve come for reaches out and turns you upside down to shake all the
money out of your pockets. Yes, I mean your friendly neighborhood gas station.

I was startled when, for the first time ever, I watched as
the price on the gas pump approached $50, and even more startled when the pump
stopped at that figure because my credit card company, unfamiliar with a fuel
purchase (at least by me) that high, had apparently instituted that amount as an
arbitrary limit as a way of preventing fraud. Who else would charge a $50 gas
purchase on a credit card unless they had stolen it and were using it to fill up
more than one tank? I guess I should consider myself lucky since, in some
places, the
era of the $100 fill-up has arrived
. And as if it’s not bad enough we’re
being ripped at the pump, these thieves are now charging us to fill the air in
our tires. Shouldn’t fifty (or a hundred) bucks entitle you to a bit of free air
(especially since keeping tires properly inflated is a major way of increasing
gas mileage)? What is going on here?

The price of gasoline is a little like the weather;
everyone talks about it, but no one seems to be able to do anything about it. Our
elected officials stage “show hearings” from time to time, whenever gas prices
result in congressional offices being flooded with complaints from constituents.
And at those hearings,

as happened last week
, our elected officials thump their fists on the table
at the fat cats who run the oil companies (many of whom make as much money in a
week as most of those incensed legislators make in a year) , and those fat cats
say “don’t blame us; it’s ‘the market’ that’s to blame.” They lie through their
teeth about how they’re doing everything to avoid price increases (even as they

vast hordes of cash
from their obscene profits, and restrict
refinery output
. And everyone, from the media to our own government, buys
into (and worse, mindlessly parrots) the facile excuses “Big Oil” offers for
skyrocketing prices, and its outlandish profits, without actually examining how
the oil market does (or should) work. We even have a government
that thinks its responsibility is to tell us how much gas is going to
go up in a given period, which the oil companies (surprise, surprise) treat as a
green light.

So, did you get as big a kick as I did out of

our president’s feeble attempt
recently to cajole the Saudis into
increasing oil production to help us in our time of need? Can you imagine the
most powerful country in the world having to go, hat in hand (or should I say

), to the terrorist-harboring sheikhs, to beg them for more oil?
Especially when our messenger (and his family) are

business partners with those sheikhs
? Well, if it’s any consolation, the
Saudis are (hopefully) about to get their comeuppance when (and if) Congress
passes the law known, colloquially, as “NOPEC”
Then, at least, we can sue the bastards for their anti-competitive behavior.
That is, provided the prez doesn’t

veto the measure
, as he’s (not surprisingly) promised. Then, of course,
there’s the move afoot in Congress to

cut off arms sales to the Saudis
. See, even though they’ve got us by the
scrotum, and aren’t reluctant to squeeze from time to time, we still sell them
sophisticated weapons systems. Well, two can play that game. No additional oil?
No additional weapons. Makes sense to me.

I’m no economist, but I do know that in a truly free
market, the price of commodities is based on supply and demand. What’s more,
Economics 101 teaches us that any business that depends on raw materials is
going to see its profits go down when the price of those raw materials goes up.
Well, welcome to the wild and woolly oil market. Even though demand for petroleum
products has actually been

going down recently
(and fairly dramatically), that hasn’t affected the
upward spiral in gas prices. What’s more, the higher the cost of the raw
material necessary to make gasoline (i.e., oil) has gone, the higher the oil
companies’ profits have as well. All of this is contrary to conventional
economic theory, and can be explained by what we all suspect: the price of oil
(and, therefore of its products) is being


Let’s also, while we’re talking about it, put to rest the
red herring being used by the oil industry and their handmaidens (mostly
Republicans) to divert attention from the real problem. Oil prices, they say,
are as volatile as they’ve been, and the oil companies powerless to do anything
about that (other, of course, than raking in the profits from those prices)
because (boo-hoo), our legislators are preventing those companies from exploring
(and exploiting) the “vast” oil reserves we have right here in our own country.
If we could only drill in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR), they say,
all our problems would be solved, and it’s the fault of crazy tree-huggers who
oppose such drilling that we’re as dependent on foreign oil as we are. Studies,
including a
recent one by the Department of Energy

an earlier one from the same source
), show that opening up areas that are
currently unavailable for exploration would have a negligible (pennies) effect
on the price of oil, and would provide, almost literally, a drop in the bucket
(4%) of our needs. So please, let’s can the phony “if only we could explore”

So, what are we Americans doing about the way the oil
companies are raping us? Why, bending over for more, of course (without benefit,
I might add, of any “petroleum” jelly). Oh sure, more people are taking public
transportation (good luck trying to do that in Memphis),

buying small cars
, or

, but for the most part, we’re still acting like sheep being
led to the slaughter. Why, I wonder, aren’t we storming the ramparts,

like they are in Europe
. Maybe it’s because gas prices in Europe are even
more outrageous than they are here (though primarily because of taxes), or
because Europeans have already made all the sacrifices they can (and that we
haven’t) to mitigate the high cost of fuel. Or maybe it’s just that we realize
how powerless we really are when it comes to getting our government to do
anything that actually benefits us. After all, it’s no accident that Big Oil

spends as much as it does on lobbyists
, or that it’s consistently among the

biggest donors to the campaigns of our legislators
, including

all three of the candidates
in the upcoming general election.

So, the next time you’re at your friendly neighborhood gas
station, just be glad that the oil companies let you put the nozzle in your gas
tank, even if it feels like they’re making you put it someplace else.