Style Sessions We Recommend

The Layered Look

The other day, Justin and I were hanging out at South of Beale when we saw this very fashionable woman striding past.

We quickly signaled the bartender for our tab and struggled to get our stuff together — cameras, notepads, pens — before we lost her.

“It’s no use,” Justin said and sighed. “She’s walking at a pretty good clip.”

“But you just ran a marathon,” I reminded him. “And finished! You can probably catch her. Just leave me here. I’ll be okay.”

He looked back toward the street as if to assess the situation, but she was already gone.

[That’s basically what happened anyway.]

We had already gathered up all our stuff and paid our tab, so we wandered into the streets of downtown, and who should we see a little while later but the same woman, Meredy Carnahan? Only this time she was joined by her four-legged friend, Idgie.


Justin Fox Burks

Carnahan, an interior designer with Looney Ricks Kiss, was wearing an American Eagle vest, a Free People hoodie, a tank, a skirt from H&M, and Camper boots.

“I wanted to wear my boots,” she said of the outfit. “This is the first time I’ve worn them this season.”

I have to admit: With just a chill in the air, it was perfect weather for layering and boots with skirts. I especially loved the cute little beads hanging from the zipper of Carnahan’s hoodie. So fun!


Idgie is wearing a collar Carnahan bought off