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The L’il Picture: Alex Chilton Tribute

For the first installment in a new weekly blog feature, where we’ll highlight a Memphis-music-connected video clip (or, in this case, clips), here’s something of a preview of this weekend’s Alex Chilton tribute Big Star concert at the Levitt Shell.

The concert, which Chris Davis featured in this week’s Flyer, is a Memphis-set sequel to an impromptu Chilton tribute concert held in the wake of Chilton’s death, at Antone’s in Austin, Texas during March’s SXSW Music Festival. A couple of the performers who joined original Big Star drummer Jody Stephens and modern-era members Jon Auer and Ken Stringfellow at the Austin show are scheduled to reappear in Memphis.

The local Chilton-tribute Big Star concert is Saturday night at Levitt Shell. Here’s a glimpse from the SXSW show:

R.E.M.’s Mike Mills taking the lead on the Third/Sister Lovers‘ highlight “Jesus Christ”: