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The Memphis Flyer Announces Its New Editor

I am pleased to announce that the next editor of the Memphis Flyer will be Jesse Davis. 

Outgoing editor Bruce VanWyngarden first announced plans to step back on January 30, 2020. Then Covid-19 changed so many plans, including his: Better to maintain continuity in a time when not much felt familiar. His ongoing leadership over the past year-plus has been invaluable. Now, it’s time to let him step off what he has called “the editor’s weekly treadmill.”

VanWyngarden has served as editor of the Memphis Flyer since 2001. Over the past two decades, his guidance has kept the paper relevant, progressive, and fiercely independent. His weekly editor’s column is a mainstay in the local conversation. He will transition into a new editorial role with Contemporary Media. In this role, he plans to continue writing a regular column for the Flyer, while also using newfound time to tackle larger feature stories. 

Davis is uniquely fit to step onto the editor’s treadmill. A native Memphian and 2009 graduate of the University of Memphis, he has worked for over five years at the Flyer, serving as chief copyeditor, calendar editor, and staff writer (all at the same time). He also is our resident book critic, penning book reviews for the Flyer as well as Memphis magazine and Memphis Parent. Jesse possesses a rare blend of abilities that position him well to occupy to this important role: attention to detail; passion for big, bold ideas; and a sense of how to nurture and inspire a team. 

There is much more to say about Bruce VanWyngarden and everything he has done for the Flyer, and by extension for Memphis. In his words, “It’s been a wonderful 20-year run as Flyer editor, and I’ve been blessed to work with so many marvelous and talented folks, now, and over the past two decades. But it’s time for me to change gears. The editor’s job is a weekly carousel that doesn’t stop. It’s been a great ride but I’m stepping off. I know Jesse will do great things with the paper. He is blessed to be able to work with an amazing team of writers, editors, and designers, sales execs, and management staff — as I have been.”

Davis comments, “In the time I’ve been with the Flyer, the publication has seen its share of shake-ups. That’s natural in any industry, and print journalism is no ordinary industry. It seems the world changes a little more and a little more quickly each day, and we’ll do what it takes to keep up. Part of that means challenging ourselves to grow, to meet the needs of all Memphians. To be snarkier. To cover something even weirder than the crystal skull found in The Pyramid (for more on that particular piece of Memphis trivia, check out our recent “?s Issue”). 
As editor of the Flyer, I plan to expand and deepen our coverage, to meet our readers wherever they find themselves, and to bring you news, reviews, and opinions that are relevant to you, that serve you in some way. There’s more to say, of course, but plenty of time in which to say it. In the meantime? See you next week.”

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